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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. to see a murderer who then chopped up his victim and tossed her away in a suitcase only get 8 years in prison while another guy along with 8 other car bombers who was tried "in absentia" got 46 years in prison. If they can try this guy and 8 others in absentia, why can't they try the Red Bull heir in absentia...oh yeah Thaksin was tried and convicted in absentia too. Thaksin of course we know why but I really fail to see why the Red Bull heir continues to await the dropping of charges due to his non appearance - seems money is not the sole reason, politics plays a bit in the games played too. I am glad that they continue to track some bad guys but wish they tracked all of them and were successful in bringing them to justice. My opinion anyway.
  2. The US has been friendly with Thai governments for decades although military ruled countries cannot be provided any aid. The US sees Thailand being wooed by the Chinese who are doing this throughout the world. We at least allow foreigners to purchase land, businesses etc in the US but try that in Russia or N.Korea or China. The wars we have been involved in are almost totally brought about by the UN and we provide military assistance including our soldiers. We do this to prevent any of those people from starting a war in the US to protect our citizen as forethought. I do not always agree with their support of poor leaders but then I am not in a position to do so. Much of the people of the world today have more freedom than they would have if the US never assisted them. Even the bad ones we provide some kind of assistance, many times having to borrow the money to aid them. My analysis anyway.
  3. Australia is one of 54 (I think that is right) countries are began a process 3-4 years ago where they want certain banking information from their citizens. As the banks have to share that information on citizens of other countries, some banks/countries are refusing to do so unless the individual client provides id documentation in order that he bank can send the local banking info of that client to his/her home country. Therefore, some banks seeing problems with that are now insisting that their local account holders must have a residence in their tax country (I am an American and yes, my bank of 54 years dropped me as my official address in in Thailand) I could have used a relative's home address in the states but that too would actually be illegal. Americans are required to file tax returns no matter where we reside or make that money. Since they began this new process, very few US banks will provide accts for overseas residents. We are required to file an additional government form every year for any accts we control in the local banks too if it reaches an aggregate of 10K USD during the calendar year. I have sent in one report listing for almost a 100k but they never asked any further questions on the source of any of the funds though all was legal. Some people have ways of providing their home country with a local telephone number although to the bank that looks like it is in a home country area. Again, something actually illegal at least in the US as one is trying to circumvent the legal process. Since I do nothing wrong I see not problem in adhering to the legal processes of my government whether I am particularly happy with those processes or not. Such is life.
  4. do you ever wear a mask when the AQI is unhealthy which is quite a few times during the year in South Asia including Bangkok and Chiang Mai? Or since you don't see a need for masks do you think the medical people giving you statistics on lung problems here in this region? Just asking...a friend many years ago was an avid runner - female type world class type and a dip. when she returned from a tour in Bangkok, during the regular physical checkup, the doctor told her that he saw that she was in terrific physical conditioning but advised her to stop smoking. She told the dr that she never had smoked in her life - they concluded that it was running so often in the foul air of Bangkok. Just saying.
  5. well, my cost was 1900 baht, I feel that with the number of questions and answers on this forum, one should not need anyone to hold their hand. As for the TM 30 need, I keep that in my passport also so since this was the first time I needed it, it was available just like the TM47 receipt. Now they seem to be needing less and less...maybe soon it will all go away.
  6. at first, I didn't include a copy of my TM30 nor my 90-day report but both of course were stapled in my passport. The people checking documents prior to getting a queue ticket instructed my to go around to the back of the building and make copies of the TM-30 and the 90-day report. Who am I to argue with them. This was the first time for both for me.
  7. Today, went to the bank got my letters (3) and updated my bankbook, had the bank photocopy every page in the bank book and then off to immigration near the Airport. Previously they had everyone take a Form-7 if they were doing the yearly renewal, even though I always had pre-filled 2 copies of said form, one of the 1 page two sides and the other 2 pages. As one enters the parking lot, they are directed through the COVID check, then directed to the left tent where they have forms and many seats. They give everyone the 2 (I understand forms) for dating and signature, and then this year, they said "oh you already filled in the form. two pages" then I was directed to a "farang" lady who checked my forms and arranged them for the folks inside, including copies of the TM 6, TM7, latest 90-day report, and TM30. Then one is given a queue card and lines up inside to let a Thai junior officer check the documents. Yearly (the last 3) I have included copies of my stateside documents (proof of pension, monthly payments to US bank, bank advisory message each month of funds forwarded to Bangkok Bank, the Bangkok Bank advisory of deposit, 12 monthly deposits of at least 65K baht, proof of active bank account in my name only, and updated bankbook plus copies of all the pages in the bank book. The IO used to laugh at all the documents but this year, things have changed, guess they want to save some trees as they did not want any US documents, nor the Bangkok Bank advisory documents, only the 2 letters plus the bank book pages. The rest of my copies of documents were returned to me and I was given a queue card, 25 numbers higher than the current number being processed. At first things were slow and I thought that I wouldn't make it as quick as normal. I was right but, still spent less than an hour at immigration. Now just having so few necessary documents instead of of over whelming them with too many, it seems they are moving much quicker and they seem to be much younger and happier. Now just the 90-day report online in a couple of weeks and clear for much of the next year. It seems to be getting easier and easier as far as I am concerned - after all I have been doing these reports for 17 years!
  8. I have read via this forum that some people do an appointment while others say it is not necessary. I did my last two extensions, going to my bank first for copies of bank letters (I do 3 - sole ownership of acct, 12 monthly deposits, and the bank's credit advisory (of my deposits 12), updating my bank account book, plus all pages from my bank account book; then off to immigration getting there around 10 AM and those past 2 years I was in the bank less than 40 minutes and didn't have an appointment. I notice on the CM Immigration page, an appointment calendar which seems to have originated in January. I am wondering if it is necessary for me to get an appointment or just show up at immigration. Has anyone not having an appointment had any problems getting service lately? Appreciate any response.
  9. Presnock

    Roof Gutters

    we had gutters installed 6+ years ago. The only problem we have had is that too many installers do not have the proper joints made for joining with ends, long gutters about 3 meters per section. After a short period they begin to leak at all joints. Went to local stores and got black tar to paint those joints but that only lasts a short time too probably because the gutters get so warm. I finally found a better sealer through Lazada - "FLEX & SEAL", not overly expensive and lasts several years - they have both spray to get to difficult areas and canned to be spread with a paint brush.
  10. I live in CM thus use Thai Immigration here - last year and this year, my 90-day report received prior to my long stay allowed was approved by immigration but only until my long stay renewal - last year was about a month, this year (currently) means my 90 days will be up within 60 days. Since I have successfully used the new online 90-day report, that is not a real issue as far as I am concerned. I do my 1-year extension (40-45 days early) about 3 weeks before I need to do my next 90-day report. I am not sure what other immigration offices do and these past 2 years were different than before as I always got the 90-day report back with a next-do date 90 days into the future.
  11. Very true! My US/Thai daughter studied at Chiang Mai International School and yes, I consider it to be superior in most aspects than going to free (tax $) school in the US. She speaks 4 languages, each with a different script/alphabet writing, to include teaching in several of those languages while still in school. She also has had the opportunity to play sports and learn about other nationalities. My first daughter, American 100%, went to international schools in many different countries, then college in the US and is a computer software guru (troubleshooting software problems for several major banks even after leaving the software repair position). She is an assistant CEO currently making more than the double salary of women in that state. In some ways she was naive upon going back to the US for college but adapted quickly due to the moving from international school in one country to another. Is now in her 50's and happy and successful in life. International schools are not cheap but well worth the cost in my opinion.
  12. Thought I have read several times that the FIRST 90-day report has to be done at immigration and then subsequent reports can usually be done successfully online.
  13. Don't understand how you can say that Russia was pushed into war by Ukraine - that is what Putin is telling his captive audience, that Ukraine attacked Russia. Ukraine only wants into NATO so that they will have support when the Russians try to steal more land. Those other countries in NATO from east Europe joined NATO for that same reason - they realized that Russia wants to go back to having the "buffer zone" they had with the Soviet Union. Russia encouraged their soldiers in those countries that they controlled in order that they can use the excuse that they are just protecting the Russian citizens in those buffer countries. War will be inevitable as long as Russia can find some people to control. My opinion based on life experiences!
  14. A strange article here as the older generation provided the third largest number of troops into South Vietnam, following behind the US and S.Korea. Unless someone has forgotten, North Vietnam was supported by the Soviet (Russian) Union, China, and N. Korea. As Vietnam faded away among most folks, many of the farang visitors to Vietnam were reportedly surprised that the Vietnamese people, most young ones like western visitors more than they did the communists countries. They at least recognize the Russians for what they really are and it is not "friends". But, then I remember where I am living right now so no surprise at all. TIT for sure.
  15. When I kept trying, I finally got into the system but then after filling out the form again (last time it was already filled for me when I login'd - so when I submitted, I got a note that mine report wasn't due yet and that I was current. Guess I'll try again tomorrow. ThanksI h I have noticed that when I had to re-do the form, I could not write in most of the required info as they have it set up so that if you put in the initial letter, it gives you choices (i.e. location, address, city, district, etc. for dates, usually has a choice for you too. at first I couldn't get my address straight - their system had changed that which I put into Thai - I read Thai easily and saw that it was correct, but finally after deleting that address and re-writing it in English, it allowed me to submit successfully. Weird. I note that on the form that the imm sent back to me did not include the arrival card # nor several other blanks but I just ignored those and got my next 90-day (actually 75 days since my long stay is due 75 days away) report to print. This is much easier than it used to be!
  16. I have been doing 90-day reports for many years and they always gave me 90-days from the time that I did the report. I have been doing the report by mail 2 weeks prior to deadline and recently since they began this new online report, I also did it 15 days prior to deadline and I always "lost" 15 days in the process. But, since it is online it is so easy that 90 or 75 days makes no difference as it only takes ten minutes or so unless one makes a mistake - which I did this past week, thinking my report was due 15 Mar. My wrong as I couldn't get my report accepted. Then on Saturday I got an email from immigration saying that my 90-day report was due 17 Mar. Did the report Sunday, and got the acceptance, then got an email with attached form giving the next due date. But starting last year, for the 90-day reports that would be past my 1-year anniversary extension of longstay, instead of a full 90 days I only got 45 last year and 75 this year with the deadline for renewal of the 90-day report being on the last day of my previous extension. No real problem though. Things are a lot easier than it use to be.
  17. these land deals seem to get senior folks in a lot of trouble, ie Thaksin for approving his wife's land purchase if I am not mistaken.
  18. Yeah understand entirely! I have been doing my reports for almost 20 years. Since 2015 I(or the year when embassy letter was stopped) I have gone to the monthly deposit method and after the first year when they kept asking for additional documentation, I began providing them with a book each year, including yearly letter from my retirement office stating what I get each month, etc, a copy of the deposit from that office into my stateside bank acct, a monthly report of deposit of said funds into my stateside acct, my wire transfer request for each month, my Thai bank monthly report of transfer of funds from overseas, the two yearly reports fm my Thai bank showing the 12 monthly reports as well as the acct being mine only, plus a copy of every page of my local bank book updated on the day I go to immigration. When I gave that "book" to the IO, he laughed and said "wow very many documents!" I laughed too and requested he advise me if he needed more. He just laughed and 20 minutes later I was out the door waiting for the next year. I print all these on my printer so cost is minimal especially since there is no hassle from the IO.
  19. I go to the website but all it wants to do is apply again for a new password. When I did get in once, all it wanted to do was say that my previous report had been approved. Nothing like the first time, when the tm47 appeared filled in, then I accepted that it was correct and submitted and within a very short time, there was an approval which I printed and kept in my PP. Now it is 15 days until the next one is due so I am trying to get it done. I decided to play the game, was refilling the information and it refuses to accept that my address is correct. No matter how I try to change it, it always comes back up the same but the system continues to circle that in read as incomplete info. Any suggestions?
  20. yesterday and today when I go to "//https://tm47.immigration.go.th/TM47/#/login" all I get is that the system is down for 3-6 hours for maintenance. If I try the immigration online for 90-day report, all I get is the apply website, not the login. Is anyone else having this problem (today of course is April 1 so no jokes) thanks in advance for any info
  21. If you want to see double pricing of colleges, go to USA private/or state colleges - for in state are fairly payable but when you do 10 times that amount for someone from another state or from international even though you or your child may be a US citizen, they pay the higher prices. All the colleges usually put a clause that they will work with anyone to get a lowering of the tuition but room and board is an extra 10-20 thousand, books, labs, etc. Costs are unbelievable and can see now why so many stupid people listened to Obama and Co. going for those liberal arts degrees and now no jobs other than Mickey D's available to pay back those hundreds of thousand dollar loans! last report I saw when the Democrats wanted to forgive $50K of those loans was this debt itself is over a trillion USD! and most likely will never be paid back!
  22. The US Embassy or Consulates can notarize any documents needed for US approval. I realize that they charge approx $50.00 for the notarization but it is valid!
  23. This is horrible. Yes BKK no problem but outside the city, especially in any mountain areas. I now live in CM and have changed several times the routes I normally would take to where I am going because some of the corners are blind but that makes no difference. Every day pickups going way too fast, large SUV's, etc can 't stand to wait behind a slower vehicle, especially a motor cycle and even if there is no slow vehicle, on every corner, that pickup or suv will cut the corner. The only explanation I think is that most of those drivers learned to "drive" on a motorcycle and they always cut corners and ignore every other vehicle on the road. Until the government recognizes that motor vehicles by definition should include motorcycles and those people should have proper drivers' training prior to getting a license. They are excuse from almost all accidents involved with everything bigger than they are so they ignore common sense in driving. Until the govt fixes this, 70-80% of those killed on the roads will be riding on motorcycles. Hard to understand why the government refuses to accept this as they often talk about the road carnage and fixing the problems.
  24. I am elderly, lived around the world, went through several of those "yellow" shot records during my career days and continue to get yearly vac for flu and pneumococcal shots when sked, and got 2 Pfizer shots and waiting for 6 months for (paid already) Moderna booster (have to wait 6 months or the insurance won't cover if any side effects) and recommend these shots for everyone eligible. If not only for oneself, seeing as how many that actually get infected still have many symptoms long afterwards, sometime lifetime and the illness itself could be serious or fatal though I recognize the % is fairly low especially depending on one's overall health. But, consider the health care people, the nurses, doctors, and others in hospitals that subject themselves and their families to YOUR infections. The majority of those in the US (largest numbers in the world) that are still being hospitalized and deaths are by far unvaxx'd individuals. Those care givers are worn out after fighting this for a couple of years and for the past year, the US has had ample vaccines for everyone! Here I also recognize that some vaccines may not be acceptable to all - such as me, I sure don't want any Chinese vaccine while others will wait in line for it. I do hope everyone can practice all the safe measures to lower the possibility of being infected and that they don't in turn infect their elders or young kids.
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