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Posts posted by soc

  1. Oils ain't oils.

    I used to work in a Caltex oil refinery in Australia for 23 years. Every country has a set of guidelines for specifications of the diesel. Australia was becoming very strict on fuels produced in Australia.

    I assume from what you say is that Malasia has a stricter specification than Thailand. Also different refineries use different processes to make fuels. Although diesel is what they call straight run and is usually cut from the main distillation column processing the crude oil often other components are added. I worked in the fluid catalytic cracking unit which processed the "waste" from the main distillation column. Part of this process a product called light cycle oil was produced. This was combined with hydrogen then blended with diesel.

    Also the Shell Oil you buy may not be Shell. In Australia the different branded refineries were spread across the country. For example the closest Shell refinery was 2000 kilometers away from Queensland. So for economics Shell and Caltex would do a deal that the Caltex refinery in Brisbane would supply Shell servos in Queensland and Shell would reciprocate in Victoria where their refinery was located. Having said that I think the premium fuels produced by each refinery was shipped to their own refineries.

    Hope this may help explain.


    l worked in Port Hedland WA in the 1970s.

    l think that it was once a month, the BP tanker would arrive from Newcastle, NSW & discharge diesel into a bulk tank.

    All the different oil companies in town would then draw fuel from that tank.

    Someone did remark that the different oil companies then added their own additives later.

    Maybe this is so.

  2. never heard of any country that allows homemade plates???

    When l was a kid in Victoria, Australia(early 1960s), you had to make your own number plate for your trailer.

    And the number was the same as your car.

    l don't think that it cost you anything either.

    Still remember Dad's Vanguard station wagon, HJH-819, white letters & numbers on a black background.

    Us kids helped(hindered?) Dad to make his trailer plate & it was a flash one.

    Cut out letters & numbers from steel, painted white bolted onto a black painted wooden board.

    Don't think thats the case now though(no revenue for the transport department!).

  3. He's been named already on BBC

    Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

    Let me guess..."Swen Karlsson"...was I right?


    And looked like this.

    I wondered at first if this was the Scandinavian guy who massacred more than 80 youngsters in a youth holiday camp!

    But no, a quick google search revealed that the Scandinavian 'holiday camp' killer was Anders Breivik.

    Edit - For some reason there have been a number of lone, deranged people about over the last few decades that are happy to kill innocent people indiscriminately - even though they know that they will die at the end of the killing spree.

    Anders Breivik killed people who were members of the political party in Norway that had initiated the immigration of muslims into Norway.

    A previously very peaceful, happy community(l visited Norway in 1975)& now one of the rape capitals of Europe.

    Rapes carried out, mainly by muslims.

    l don't condone all that he did but l can understand it.

  4. I don't know the details of this relationship like other well-informed TVF members, so all I can say is that I hope the two children will be taken care of in the best way and that the murderer will be brought to justice.

    However, I am a bit puzzled by this

    the deceased's white Mazda license plate กบ 1800 (Udon Thani)

    why would she keep her licence plate in the bedroom, and why would the killer want to steal it?

    The sentence makes sense if there is a comer after the word "Mazda".

  5. Nothing to do with skin colour or race.

    Hmmmmmmmm, how many white Muslims do I know? .......... errrr NONE.

    But that might be my fault, so how many white Muslims have I seen on the TV? ............ NONE.

    Open your eyes, there are plenty of white muslims.

    Mainly converts, but muslim never-the-less.

    And l have no problem accepting non white Christians, there are plenty of those also.

    l'm with Laughing Gravy, its not a question of race, but of mentality.

  6. Tried sniffing coke once, but the ice cubebs froze my nose....

    In Tokyo, so I have heard, they have vending machines that dispense young girls undies.....

    True, & the customers line up with the other people buying coffee or rice meals to buy them.

    Then proceed to sniff the undies openly in front of everyone.

    A woman in Australia has a gym, where she teaches Women Aerobics & issues fresh knickers to the girls & collects them after the session, to be packaged up & sent to Japan.

    There was an article about it on a TV Show, some years ago.

  7. Seriously? Blokes get old. Yes they could be lonely. Wife could be gone, kids have moved on, plenty of mates dead. That's life but we would you rather be? In some pub or RSL in Sydney on your pat? Or halfway up some bird in Pattaya? Gee let me think....

    What about doing a meditations retreat or taking your grand kids to the park?

    Sex tourists are social misfits, don't try to justify they are normal.

    Thats just your opinion.

    lf a "sex tourist"(yes l am one!) doesn't hurt anyone, doesn't have sex with minors,doesn't get obnoxiously drunk & behaves himself, who cares or has the right to judge him.?

    l love the young women & treat them like Ladies. Which they appreciate.l'm happy & they are happy, or they are extremely good actors(actresses?). But that pleases me too.


    Social Misfit & proud of it!

    Next judgement or accusation. lol

  8. Police said that the suspect had served a two-year jail term for rape and was released last year."

    So now a murderer while raping his victim. How can we punish him this time? Suggestions please.

    B500 fine &1 week good behaviour bond.


    1) cut out his testicles, no anesthetic.

    2) 50 lashes, yearly on the anniversary of his crime, with a Cat-o-9tails.

    3) Brand the soles of his feet with a red-hot branding iron.

    4) 20 years in the monkey house.

    5) Hard labour, & l mean smashing up stone, in the heat of the day.

    6) When he has completed his sentence, a heavy caliber slug through the back of his head.

    He has forfeited his right to live in any civilization.

  9. Belgium which is the central headquarters of the EU has the world's largest and deepest snout trough?

    What has it ever created except smoked salmon sandwiches by the thousands every day of the week to feed said snouts. Plus it has ordered all member countries to open their doors and admit millions of economic refugees searching for free welfare (money, accommodation and health services).

    Britain is well rid of the EU and has saved themselves millions of pounds that would otherwise go toward the lavish lifestyles of it's members.

    What Belgium has ever created?

    Well, in 1944 they prevented that all Brits would have spoken German today.

    Are you drunk!

    In 1944 Britain liberated Belgium from German occupation.

    Think that he may have meant that in 1914 the Belgian Army delayed the Germans enough to give the BEF time to form some type defences.

    The Germans were held up in following our forces on the retreat after Mons.

    The British Empire lost over 1 million men because of our treaty with Belgium.

    Ungrateful Belgique!

  10. I think a small detail called the Royals is holding the Brits back from a true mature democracy. Give them a few more thousand years and check back.

    What has the monarchy got to do with it? They have no aspirations on politics. That the Queen still meets with the PM is merely a formality, she doesn't (and can't) lay down any rules. What is undemocratic? UK democracy is as mature as it gets. Brits were given a voice (what other EU has), no votes were bought and the decision will stand. All this petition lark is just bluster by naturally disappointed people. But it will be accepted without violent mobs taking to the streets etc. Nice troll attempt, btw.

    i distinctly recall a democratically elected government in australia having been ousted by the governor general in the 70's, the representative of the british queen. not implying this has anything to do the the brexit outcome but it clearly shows that your royalty's influence goes way past democracy.

    All true, but the following election was a landslide victory for the party that were against the ousted government.

    So obviously the people agreed with the "British Queen".

    lf they had disagreed with the decision, then they would have voted the "ousted govt" back into power.

    lt was in our constitution for a Governor-General to sack a government if it was necessary.

    The country was beginning to descend to chaos.

    A hostile Senate ensured that the govt had no money to function.

    Difficult to see what the alternative would be.

    So the govt was trying to borrow money from shady gun-dealing Saudi "businessmen".

    A lot of the blame can be laid at the Senate's door.

    l was in Canberra at that time, 1975 & l know what uncertainty was there.

    l personally met Gough & Margaret & found them to be caring people & worried for the average Aussie battler.

    ln my opinion, although a nice bloke, Gough was out of his depth dealing with big business.

    l still think that its a necessary check that the G-G has the power to dismiss a govt, but he/she must use that power wisely.

  11. More than a million Poms needs to be repatriated back to Blighty....Poms will need visas, work permits, import duties to be imposed, banks to be penalized so that banks in the City of London financial center move to Continental Europe. Yeah !

    Where from?

    Don't think they're called Poms in Europe me ol' cobber...........................thumbsup.gif

    Rosbifs(roast beef) in France.

    lslandmonkeys in Germany.(you can thank the football hooligans for that!)

    Don't know about the rest of Europe.

  12. Morch,

    l wouldn't get to worried about RuamRudi.

    He/she comes across as an avowed muslim apologist.

    Why would I apologise for Muslims, and what should I apologise, on their behalf, for?

    Why indeed?

    You tell us.

    You're always quick to jump to their defence.

    Ah, that is clearer - allow me to explain...

    It is simply that I hate victimisation of any kind. I despise oppression regardless of who is being oppressed and who is doing the oppressing. I make no special efforts to stand up for any particular religion - to me, all religions are lies, but the demonisation of all Muslims because of the actions of a very small number who claim to follow that faith is something I cannot sit idly by and not comment upon. But this particular tragedy is not about Islam versus Judaism. This is about a powerful oppressor stealing from, and abusing a people already on their knees.

    If such is the case & you are not lying to me or trolling then l have mis-judged you.

    You initially seemed to me to be in the "muslims can do no wrong" brigade.

    A particular type of Political Correctness that makes me want to vomit.

    Or perhaps even a recent convert. l have had unpleasant dealings with those creatures & their lies also.

    l have seen what some(a lot)of muslims can do & l realise that lslam is incompatible with our way of life.

    l lost my future lndonesian sister-in-law, when she was burnt to death in a church fire started by muslims.

    She was a lovely woman, kind & compassionate & it left my brother absolutely devastated.

    You can imagine how he feels now about the "religion of peace".

    And the both of us were neutral about it before.

    You cannot deny that muslims cause a lot of trouble in the world.

    l also despise oppression.

  13. l tend to agree with the OP.

    I worked for many years in lndonesia & have observed the children of my white(& black) workmates with lndonesian women.

    The children were without exception, good looking & intelligent.

    Many came top of the class.

    Another white man l know married a Sri Lankan woman & their 2 children are absolute geniuses.

    My ex-wife was/is a mixture of Filipino, Chinese, Spanish & American, while my ancestry is British & Russian.

    l have one 30 year old daughter who is a Model, another who is a very skilled Cabinetmaker, a son who is a Computer Engineer & another son who is a Captain in Supply, in the Australian Army.

    l put their intelligence & looks down to their mixed-race(mongrel, if you like)heritage.

    btw-my ex-wife, a mix-race herself is a Chemical Engineer.

    So yes, l agree with the OP.

    Barstool/armchair geneticist bullshit based on personal anecdotal evidence

    I spent my entire life around mixed race (black/white) people. Not more or less intelligent than "pure breed" people. Some were morons, some were smart - just like those with monoracial parents

    There's no optimal blend of races that produces "superior" human beings and, sorry but much as many believe otherwise, farang/Thai kids aren't all Chompoo

    An ugly, fat, bald and intellectually-challenged farang isn't going to miraculously purge those characteristics from his progeny by reproducing with a Thai or any other woman so let's take the sentiment towards our own children out of the equation and stop putting store in idiotic articles like this one, shall we?

    You are entitled to your opinion & l am entitled to mine.

    l have merely reported what l have observed.

    lf you don't like it then tough sh!t for you.

    lt works the same with animals.

    A cross breed dog is generally much healthier & robust than a pure breed, who are often inbred.

    The same with cattle.

    l had a farm & we crossed Holsteins with Jerseys.

    Pure Holsteins produce a lot of milk but of a lower quality than Jersey cows.

    Cross the two breeds & you get a cow that produces a high volume, quality milk.

    You are insulting & really don't know much, do you?

    Open your eyes, will you?

    Evidently, I know more than you.

    The fact that human beings aren't cows for one and the fact that most of us are already mixed breeds to varying degrees.

    You're basing your idiotic, toilet-seat eugenics theories on what is perceived only with your naked and apparently wide-open eyes and the assumption that farangs are "pure" Caucasians while Thais/Indonesians are "pure" Asian

    Evidently you do not.

    You want insults? l can give you insults.

    You don't know what l have assumed. you assume far too much & most of it is pure rubbish.

    lt seems that you are bright enough to distinguish between cows & humans, how perceptive of you.

    Unfortunately TV will not let me tell you what l really think of you, but, you get my drift.

    While we're in the "assuming" mood, which you started, l'm assuming that you have a couple of under achieving "pure" breed children & are stung by the fact that someone else has more intelligent children than you.

    How do you like that for "toilet-seat eugenics", my jealous little friend?

    Of course we are already mixed, you are not stating anything new.

    Don't go away, this is getting interesting♥

  14. Breeding? The brilliant but certainly not good looking playwright George Bernard Shaw was once approached by a famous beautiful actress of the day who proposed that they mate, as a child with her beauty and his brains would be incomparable. To which Shaw responded "but what if the child has my beauty and your brains?"

    l read that George Bernard Shaw asked a gold-digger if she would sleep with him for £1000.

    She replied "of course".

    So then he asked her if she would sleep with him for 1 shilling(10 cents).

    She said "just what do you think l am?"

    He replied, "Madam, we have already established what you are, now we're just haggling about the price".

  15. l tend to agree with the OP.

    I worked for many years in lndonesia & have observed the children of my white(& black) workmates with lndonesian women.

    The children were without exception, good looking & intelligent.

    Many came top of the class.

    Another white man l know married a Sri Lankan woman & their 2 children are absolute geniuses.

    My ex-wife was/is a mixture of Filipino, Chinese, Spanish & American, while my ancestry is British & Russian.

    l have one 30 year old daughter who is a Model, another who is a very skilled Cabinetmaker, a son who is a Computer Engineer & another son who is a Captain in Supply, in the Australian Army.

    l put their intelligence & looks down to their mixed-race(mongrel, if you like)heritage.

    btw-my ex-wife, a mix-race herself is a Chemical Engineer.

    So yes, l agree with the OP.

    Barstool/armchair geneticist bullshit based on personal anecdotal evidence

    I spent my entire life around mixed race (black/white) people. Not more or less intelligent than "pure breed" people. Some were morons, some were smart - just like those with monoracial parents

    There's no optimal blend of races that produces "superior" human beings and, sorry but much as many believe otherwise, farang/Thai kids aren't all Chompoo

    An ugly, fat, bald and intellectually-challenged farang isn't going to miraculously purge those characteristics from his progeny by reproducing with a Thai or any other woman so let's take the sentiment towards our own children out of the equation and stop putting store in idiotic articles like this one, shall we?

    You are entitled to your opinion & l am entitled to mine.

    l have merely reported what l have observed.

    lf you don't like it then tough sh!t for you.

    lt works the same with animals.

    A cross breed dog is generally much healthier & robust than a pure breed, who are often inbred.

    The same with cattle.

    l had a farm & we crossed Holsteins with Jerseys.

    Pure Holsteins produce a lot of milk but of a lower quality than Jersey cows.

    Cross the two breeds & you get a cow that produces a high volume, quality milk.

    You are insulting & really don't know much, do you?

    Open your eyes, will you?

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