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Posts posted by soc

  1. l tend to agree with the OP.

    I worked for many years in lndonesia & have observed the children of my white(& black) workmates with lndonesian women.

    The children were without exception, good looking & intelligent.

    Many came top of the class.

    Another white man l know married a Sri Lankan woman & their 2 children are absolute geniuses.

    My ex-wife was/is a mixture of Filipino, Chinese, Spanish & American, while my ancestry is British & Russian.

    l have one 30 year old daughter who is a Model, another who is a very skilled Cabinetmaker, a son who is a Computer Engineer & another son who is a Captain in Supply, in the Australian Army.

    l put their intelligence & looks down to their mixed-race(mongrel, if you like)heritage.

    btw-my ex-wife, a mix-race herself is a Chemical Engineer.

    So yes, l agree with the OP.

  2. Execution on the basis of 'likely' and 'possible' circumstances sounds a lot like summary execution based upon ethnic prejudice. Maybe the lady's foot slipped on the accelerator or some other innocent explanation? As the article states, the couple in the other car received only light injuries, hardly the work of a determined terrorist.

    No one but yourself claimed she was, or described her, as a "determined terrorist". Guess some would be more content if she was more successful.

    As for the "maybe....", and maybe she was exactly trying to ram her car into people. But that does not bear mentioning as a possibility as it undermines the usual narrative.


    l wouldn't get to worried about RuamRudi.

    He/she comes across as an avowed muslim apologist.

    Why would I apologise for Muslims, and what should I apologise, on their behalf, for?

    Why indeed?

    You tell us.

    You're always quick to jump to their defence.

  3. Execution on the basis of 'likely' and 'possible' circumstances sounds a lot like summary execution based upon ethnic prejudice. Maybe the lady's foot slipped on the accelerator or some other innocent explanation? As the article states, the couple in the other car received only light injuries, hardly the work of a determined terrorist.

    No one but yourself claimed she was, or described her, as a "determined terrorist". Guess some would be more content if she was more successful.

    As for the "maybe....", and maybe she was exactly trying to ram her car into people. But that does not bear mentioning as a possibility as it undermines the usual narrative.


    l wouldn't get to worried about RuamRudi.

    He/she comes across as an avowed muslim apologist.

    Why would I apologise for Muslims, and what should I apologise, on their behalf, for?

    Why indeed?

    You tell us.

    You're always quick to jump to their defence.

  4. More details and a video clip available here:

    2 injured in likely car-ramming attack in West Bank; suspect killed


    Execution on the basis of 'likely' and 'possible' circumstances sounds a lot like summary execution based upon ethnic prejudice. Maybe the lady's foot slipped on the accelerator or some other innocent explanation? As the article states, the couple in the other car received only light injuries, hardly the work of a determined terrorist.

    No one but yourself claimed she was, or described her, as a "determined terrorist". Guess some would be more content if she was more successful.

    As for the "maybe....", and maybe she was exactly trying to ram her car into people. But that does not bear mentioning as a possibility as it undermines the usual narrative.


    l wouldn't get to worried about RuamRudi.

    He/she comes across as an avowed muslim apologist.

  5. To keep the flies away: Get a clear plastic bag (the kind they use for noodle soup and stuff), stick a one-baht coin in it and fill it with water, tie the top with a rubber band and then hang it near wherever you hang out. Apparently the flies' compound eyes don't like looking at that bag of water and stay away from it. Gotta say I was skeptical but tried it for the first time a couple of weeks ago and it frickin' works...

    To trap 'em and kill 'em: Get an empty 1.5L water bottle remove the cap and cut the bottle into 2 pieces around 1/3 of the way down. Turn the top part upside down and reassemble the bottle as shown in the pic.


    Then you just need to experiment with bait to place in the bottom of the trap - different bait works for different flies, but you need something that is rotting. Potato peelings work for some people, rotting shrimp works for others. Use tape to stick the 2 pieces of the bottle together if you plan to hang the trap.

    And if you get the bait right, you should end up with something like this...

    attachicon.gifFly Trap 2.jpg

    It works because the flies enter the trap through the opening and when it's time to leave they expect that the exit will be via the highest point inside the bottle, only it's not... (So don't tell 'em...)

    Beer works just as well.

    When the flies die, (drown?), their rotting bodies attract more flies.

    Warning, they really do stink!

  6. I'll raise a glass or two tonight.

    Time to put the great back into Great Britain.

    When was the last time Britain was great? The Empire? Faintly remember Rhodesia being handed over. The past is long gone for "Great" Britain.

    And now it's time for Australia to get Britain out of its flag and Britain's monarch off its coins.

    But the majority of us want to keep the Queen & the Union Jack on our flag as past referenda have shown.

    Do you want force the majority to your will?

    Wouldn't you call that undemocratic?

  7. I'll raise a glass or two tonight.

    Time to put the great back into Great Britain.

    So what's the plan this time? Subjugate Africans and Asians at gunpoint and steal their resources? It's the only thing Britan has ever been "great" at. Well it worked last time. May as well give it a go again. There is bugger all else the UK has at its disposal to be "great".

    "Great" as in Great Britain, is a geographical term & refers to the main island.

    The word has been hijacked to mean great as in greatness.

    You should read a bit more.

    Hope this helps.

  8. They should run a 6 inch rusty nail through the head of his penis nailing it to a timber post....where he could hang whilst his victims and their families could pour acid on his face and stab him with hot pokers heated red hot in a fire, then feed him live wasps and tear at his Anus with a 6 foot dildo made from electrically charged razor blades...as he screams feed him the feaces pumped straight from the sewer works.....then turn him over to Isis with a tattoo with the words '#uc% Mohammed' on his forehead.

    That should do him & let it be the punishment for all convicted rock spiders.

    Filthy grub.

    Why go soft on him?

    He needs a harsher punishment than that. lol.

  9. The term "Chinaman" is an extremely derogatory word. I am part Chinese. It is almost the equivalent to the "N" word. I do not appreciate your using it in a headline. It shows possible racism, but more likely ignorance. Either one not a good quality for conveying the news.

    Whats the difference between Chinaman or Chinese man?

    Doesn't seem racist or derogatory to me.

    But if Chinese people don't like it, l won't use it.

    l didn't know that they didn't like the term.

    The "N" word is not in my vocabulary, although l have heard black people using it.

  10. I fit and tough looking guy like that, it is VERY hard to believe that he died from just falling over, no matter how drunk he might be.

    I hope they send this poor guy back home for a proper autopsy.

    My money is on there being much more to this story than we know at this point.

    You don't tell people that if anything happens to you it will be your ex, then soon after turn up dead without there being a good chance of fowl play.

    Will be interesting to see how this story develops. I for one will be watching for it.

    cluck, cluck, cluck

  11. l believe that ghosts do exist.

    l have seen many things that l could not explain.

    No one can prove that they don't exist, but as to what form they take & what they themselves can or cannot do, l do not know.

    Kirlian photography proves that there is a "life force" around all living things.

    What happens to that "life force" when the material body dies?

    ls that what we interpret as a "ghost"?

    Of course people embellish & lie about spiritual(not religious)matters which causes others to disbelieve.

    All cultures believe in the afterlife & of ghosts.

    Comment away, l repeat, l have seen & experienced far too many strange instances that l cannot explain.

  12. There were only 3 commies (they were in reality nothing but dictators) in your picture, no socialist, one fascist and an oppressive English king, at least the part on non-ownership. Obama, which was the purpose of the right wing propaganda, has never opposed gun ownership nor tried to confiscate. I don't like him for real reasons, something the right wing has never understood exists. I would venture a guess that criminals did not respond to the poll you site. I owned many guns, from .22's to long range elk or other use (put a name on it) rifles and many semi-automatic military type weapons, never enough. I enjoyed reloading and shooting all of them. I'm no right wingnut Republican. I'm far left, radical militant. The US has a mental health problem dating back to the Regan regime. In fact I think the US has lost its collective brain. The fumbling bureau of idiots spends all its time entrapping people to make it look like there is a terrorist behind every bush and they are doing their job. They miss the ones that they should have caught, time and time again. Americans have the right, yes right, to legally own weapons and it doesn't matter whether it is for hunting or protection or just because one likes to own them. One can even legally own a fully automatic "real" assault rifle (not the ones the misinformed call assault rifles), even a machine gun. You better have a damn clean record and a lot of money both to purchase and for license. Wish I had that kind of money. That license and hunting license (supports wildlife) I fully support.

    The "oppressive" English king was insane.

    Literally, however he didn't give the orders.

    He was just a figurehead.

    Too many hotheads on both sides.

  13. The only way to get a better rate would be to get a Thai bank account and do an electronic transfer.

    There will be hefty charges from the Aus banks, but main thing is you MUST get it sent here in $AUD and have it exchanged by the Thai bank.

    Kasikorn bank is offering 25.45 at the moment.

    It can be a challenge to find a bank that will let you open an account without a work permit but it is doable.

    l recommend Kasikorn Bank. Fast & efficient.

    However l opened(& still have)an account with them & l do not have a work permit.

    l opened my account in 2012, maybe the laws have changed?

    For small amounts, l found that you get the best exchange rates from the cash change booths in the street.

    Don't know what their upper limit is though.

    Australian banks will rip you off.

    Thats why they are fighting tooth & nail against plans to allow more foreign banks into Australia.


  14. you need to see the dogs which are dumped on the beach here in Rayong, people make the long journey from Bangkok or Chonburi just to dump their dogs. It's heart breaking to see these poor dogs wandering up and down the beach looking for their long departed ex owners and then getting attacked by the existing feral dogs who protect their territory. Thai's don't give a siht about dogs so why don't they put them down, if they can slaughter pigs & cattle for food surely they can sort out the dog problem.

    We inherited a problem dog when we moved here. He was already on the property as a "guard dog" but has never been handled or disciplined, just fed 1x or 2x a day. He has started killing chickens in the neighbourhood and leading the other dogs on mischief trips. He stays away all night many nights, particularly if a bitch is in season anywhere nearby. We have discussed having him put down but everyone says that the law is harder on people killing dogs that killing people. No one wants to do it and get into trouble and vets are apparently hard enough to get to put down an elderly dog with kidney or liver failure or cancer, let alone just an unruly problem dog. We have 7 dogs on the farm and all the rest are controllable and good at their job. He is a useless lazy slug who is only here at dinner time. Tying him up for several days makes him howl constantly and then when eventually let off, he stays around for 2-3 days, then he returns to habit.

    Take him far away, then shoot him.

    Pitiless, but necessary.

  15. I rarely buy my beer in the 7/11. It's asking for trouble. The neighbourhood gossip is bound to be in there too. I opt for the local mom and pop shop like everyone else. There you are guaranteed discretion, no questions asked.

    Go to the 7/11 and que up with a 4 pack of beers, it better be the weekend cause on a working day you don't half attract attention.

    Who cares who knows?

    • Like 2
  16. Where can buy a good beer in Thailand good ol VB from Australia now thats a real mans beer

    VB is good but l always preferred Fosters.

    Also liked Swan Draught & in latter years Fourex Gold.

    Tasmania also produces some good beers.

    We do/did have some horrors though!

    Who ever remembers KB Lager or Resch's Bitter.

    l would rather had NOT drunk/drank than drink those two revolting brews.!

    Back in the 70s l remember the joy of finding a pub in London that sold Swan Lager.

    From then on, l was one of their best customers until l left the UK.

  17. "-he knew what was going on but did nothing to stop it" or words to that effect.

    l'm not defending the system at that time, but what exactly was he supposed to do(to stop it)?

    lf he had actively assisted the prisoners, he would have soon joined them or been shot.

    lf he felt guilty or sympathy for the prisoners at at all, he could have tried to assist them to escape, if that was possible.

    He would have soon been found out & then shot. l suppose he could have committed suicide.

    Whatever, l would hate to find myself in his situation.

    Of course, he may well have enjoyed every bit of his duties.


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