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Everything posted by mfd101

  1. speaking from experience? Well, in late 2011 I visited The Tropics and specifically Thailand for the first time in my life, places that before then I had flown over on the way to Europe. And I encountered a hansum young Thai Khmer man, many years younger than me. And here we are over 12 years later happily married and living in Surin. Clearly the rush to the head was both overwhelming and enduring.
  2. So you've really answered your own question.
  3. I transfer money from Oz every month. I figure Oz is less likely to be 'disrupted' than most countries but anything's possible. No point in worrying too much about what could happen but probably won't, particularly if there's not much you could do about it anyway.
  4. It's what happens when people from a cold climate & regimented culture come to a hot climate & shambolic society: Off with their clothes and everything rushes to their head.
  5. Yes, indeed. More of another hub-dream than anything real at this stage.
  6. Yes, the whole point of nuclear weapons is to HAVE them, not to USE them.
  7. Not in Prasat sth Surin. We're always awaiting the promised thunderstorms but so far there's only been a mild one - about 1 hour at most - about a week ago.
  8. I look forward to the day - in about 10 years? (if I'm still on my feet by then) - when the walk from my hotel in Asoke to Terminal 21 becomes a pleasure rather than an obstacle course.
  9. Just a younger man performing appropriate New Year greetings to an older man. 🤓
  10. Policemen - like politicians - have to deal with the real world as it is - dirty, grey, impure. Dealing with it on a daily basis involves compromise, not purity. In politics the unrealistic longing for purity produces fascism. Trump is a product of this longing in a naive electorate. In law enforcement, every day a policeman has to decide what is worth pursuing (because bad enough and provable enough) and what isn't. Adults understand that.
  11. So even before the event there was an expectation that violence was likely ...
  12. I am what is ridiculously called 'white', meaning a person of European origin (born as it happens in NZ of parents of English & Irish descent). I have the impression that the use of the term 'Caucasian' to mean 'white person' is mostly a Usofan euphemism. It derives from C19th theories about the historical origins of Europeans (not that the Caucasus is very far from where modern prehistory and archaeology would place our Indo-European ancestors of over 4000 years ago).
  13. Nope, here I am at your service. The proper word in common language is farang. I was satirizing the use of the word 'Caucasian' to mean 'white man'. If he were really from the Caucasus, his likely first language would be hard to find here in Thailand or indeed anywhere outside the Caucasus, and his second language would likely be Russian.
  14. Imagine his military predecessors doing anything like that ... I think the contrast is to Srettha's credit. The common touch is an indication of egalitarianism which, in this country, is a welcome step forward. In public life even little gestures count.
  15. Caucasian? Gosh, it'll be hard to find anyone here with a common language.
  16. Unfortunately, Pistorius's boss Scholz is a pussy.
  17. The Chinese government is expert in crowd control & use of AI ...
  18. Yes, a certain irony in that: It takes an effective Communist government to build a successful capitalist economy. I guess the essence of the matter lies in the phrase 'effective government' ...
  19. Thanks. I've made a note & will try it out. (I'm trying teaching myself Spanish - reading only - by having both the Eng & the Sp versions of Spanish novels to read together eg Pérez-Reverte)
  20. Yes, I have noticed that over the last 2 or 3 years.
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