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Everything posted by mfd101

  1. And quite a few decideds may change their decision ...
  2. Yes. So far so good. Still plenty of room for stuffups, but that applies to Trump as well ... and as others have noted his clever choice of Vance at the beginning has turned (probably) into a disaster in different circumstances just after the beginning. Still much entertainment to be had over the next few weeks, and many cringe moments no doubt.
  3. It may - probably will - take another 2 decades, by which time today's disillusioned youth will have become cautious parents & greedy careerists ...
  4. It was the ALLIANCE of MFP & PT that had a majority of votes and (more important) of seats in the Lower House. It was not (unfortunately) MFP on its own.
  5. For the umpteenth time (and sadly), they didn't 'win the election'. They won more votes (just) than any other party but did not win a majority of votes or of seats in the Lower House. To 'win an election' when there are multiple parties competing, you need 50% +1 of the votes and of the seats in the Lower House.
  6. Bold move. Certain to fail.
  7. I find it hard to believe that a grown man, standing at the back and HANGING ON, would be unable to withstand the centrifugal forces as the vehicle 'sped away'.
  8. I'm looking forward to it. Will be a real test for both of them - Trump not good with a woman, Harris having to get down 'n dirty with real policy questions. Either of them could bomb real bad.
  9. The EU's problem is that (as far as I can tell) all voting has to be unanimous or nothing moves. Which is hopeless. Surely you can invent a system where some types of issue (eg constitutional) need unanimous approval, others (eg defence & security) need 75% approval, others (eg major economic) need 66% and others (eg minor economic) need 51% .... etc etc.
  10. Either one can make a big mistake. Would Trump ditching Vance help? Mmmm, maybe but not a good look all round. Makes Trump look vulnerable. And Trump not good with women ... will struggle to get the tone right in a debate. Can La Harris get thru the next few weeks without a big boo-boo? (A cackle in the wrong place, crumbling before a policy onslaught from a hostile interviewer, doesn't perform well in the grand debate if there is one ... ). So far she's looking really good and ticking all the boxes - younger, energetic, coloured, female etc. She now needs a state governor (younger white male) to balance out the platform and I think she's looking good for a win in November.
  11. Yes, good stuff. Worth a read.
  12. Fascinating. The effect of good science is that our ignorance increases at about the same rate as our knowledge.
  13. In the Thailand context what I notice is - both here in south Surin and in Bangers - the skilled people you deal with (whether technical matters around the house, or medical or legal or other) - are disproportionately Thai Chinese and speaking good - often very good - English. And - particularly those around the house - they do a good job and don't cheat you. My b/f says: Always get Thai Chinese if you can. (He also says I remind him of Thai Chinese - always worrying about money. 🤓 )
  14. Age 28? I don't think he needs Daddy looking after him on a daily basis. Perhaps Daddy just wanted an excuse to join in the fun. Needed a story for Mummy back home.
  15. Well, what a surprise! As societies get 'richer', their citizens get lazier and fatter and eat worse and worse foods. Who would have thought?
  16. I went to the Prasat Revenue Office here in Surin province this morning. All as you might predict (if you're an optimist). Girls behind the desk very helpful. Took a little bit of back'n forth between them & my b/f for them to fully understand the matter in hand). Possible implication (though I didn't ask): May not be too familiar with dealing with non-Thais, but it wasn't a problem & they were very courteous to this ol' man. Then copies of p/p, house book, & Immigration record of our address (as I'm not actually IN the house book), then my signature on the multiple copies. Print out of the result in Thai, with the TIN very clear. Unsigned by the Big Boss till tomorrow. Pick up Thursday morning. Meantime I have sent off to the NAB the requisite (unsigned) doco but clearly showing the TIN. Tried not to sound too triumphant. As pointed out above, none of this means I HAVE to lodge a return early next year. My current thought is that, unless further information, rules 'n regs are forthcoming, I won't do anything because I think I'm 100% covered by the Oz/Thai DTA s.19(2). (However the entry immediately above this suggests I will have to. In which case so be it.)
  17. Funnily enough, if they plant all the trees they say they're going to do (and good on them), the effect might be to delay the flooding of Bangers by perhaps 1 year ...
  18. The on-stage 'debate' between the 2 contenders - assuming there is one - will go a long way to deciding the outcome, just as it did with Biden. We have a fair idea how Trump will do. Harris is (at least to me) more of an unknown in that context. Her reputation is that she's not much good at coherent argument (surprising in a lawyer, I should have thought). If she can rise to the occasion, she might just lock in a win.
  19. It's going to be a surprise either way - a nasty one or a nice one.
  20. 'Prominence' translates (partly) in to 'popularity', as every politician knows. Just look at Trump ...
  21. My bank is NAB and their form doesn't give that option. Don't know what the 2nd bit means. or how to fix.
  22. As far as I can (now) judge, my bank doesn't like me saying in effect 'There's no point in me doing anything till early next year', meaning 'I won't even try' ... Anyway, I've moved on in my understanding & I will try this coming week ...
  23. Well, they weren't accepting of my response along those lines for the last few weeks. Though my answer was more along the lines 'The Thais won't give me one till next year when I have to lodge my first tax return here'. On your second point, I'm assuming that - having received a TIN - I can either do nothing on the basis that my income can be taxed ONLY in Oz, or - I think more likely because of the amount of money I bring in to Thailand each year to support me, my b/f & his family - I will have to lodge a return but with no tax to pay.
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