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Everything posted by mfd101

  1. Don't think so. In any case it doesn't count as a 'former PM'.
  2. Um, only 2 former PMs there actually, but Dutton is going to give Albo a pretty good run for his money next time round.
  3. Sensible comments from the PM whom lots of people here like to sneer at.
  4. I do it all myself because (1) I'm a well-organized type and can assemble the papers without difficulty (2) I HATE the thought of paying them bribes (3) I'm not rich enough that I like throwing money away. They have tried it on a few times but I just smile blandly through my facemask and carry on as though nothing had happened. Once they made me wait 3 hours as a result but it was worth it when the female I was dealing with came out to deliver my stamped p/p (having said earlier that it would take 2 weeks unless I paid an extra fee). She obviously thought she was about to receive her extras but I just took the p/p, smiled & wai'd and turned & walked to the car ...
  5. You pretend that what is grey and complex is black'nwhite & simple. When Western governments make mistakes - as they all do - does the PM/Pres get charged with criminal actions? Perhaps in Usofa but not in real democracies.
  6. So the facts (whatever they were) haven't changed in the intervening 12 years, just their interpretation in changing political circumstances.
  7. I'm unclear what exactly happens with the Senate in May24. So the old Senate composed of military-appointed dinosaurs miraculously disappears. What happens next? and how does it happen? What are the steps? and what will the dinosaurs do next?
  8. Just about all the time, I think. Even authoritarian regimes come to power and stay in power because the culture of The People as a whole enables them. Lenin, Hitler, Mao - all came to power by popular acclaim. Perhaps not Stalin (the backroom bureaucrat).
  9. PM-in-waiting. The experience will be good for him as he prepares for the next round. Probably better than he would have been if he had become PM last May. More mature. As for Sretta, he strikes me as a decent guy trying his best against decades of accumulated misgovernment and non-government. Easy to sneer at him but perhaps unfair. Better him than the Thaksin girl.
  10. The record everywhere in the world is that poor people produce the most children because that's the only social security system they have, quite apart from not having access (materially or culturally) to reasonable contraceptive methods. As economies modernize, those who move up with the economy reduce the number of children they produce. My Thai Khmer family here in south Surin are an example of this process. My PIL (3 years older than me) has had around 8 children by 2 marriages. My MIL (6 years older than me) has had at least 12 by 3 marriages. The last was my b/f who popped out unexpectedly one day as she was cutting sugar cane when she was 45. The 6 children of the last marriage have produced between them 9 children. Of those, 2 females are now of 'marriageable age' (18 & 21) but have produced no babies as yet ...
  11. Thai workmanship on display yet again. Slapdash, no checks, no double checks, no safety rules, no quality control.
  12. A rational person might think that a sensible US policy on its oil reserves would be to preserve them for its own longterm use ...
  13. So, all of the above. In sum, it ain't gonna happen.
  14. Even if you go for the land bridge as opposed to the canal option, the unloading and reloading facilities at BOTH ends would have to be super efficient & economical to justify the shippers' participation. Which might be a challenge ...
  15. Anything can happen, and some of it will.
  16. There's a parliamentary process to be gone through, not much different from many other parliamentary processes in Western countries - 1st, 2nd & 3rd readings, then committee work to reduce 4 drafts to one, then off to the Senate for its rounds. It's the latter that will be difficult, but of course the current Senate has a quite short life expectancy ...
  17. The real colonization that's well underway both in Thailand and just about everywhere else is not genetic. It's cultural - via modern technology (computing/internet, international travel, tourism, cinema, food, fashion ... ). The genetic contribution is minor compared to the technological tidal wave.
  18. The author of this piece is either a comedian or a fruitcake.
  19. 2030 is a long way away and the today's promisers will be history by then.
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