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Everything posted by mfd101

  1. The main fault line in Thailand passes through the Office for Enforcing Building Codes.
  2. So on Day 1 they all gather in one big room. And by Day 15 they are to have elected a Speaker?
  3. Yes but it'll take a lot of time to achieve that - digging, considering, answering dinosaur wails, deciding ...
  4. But that would mean that thousands upon thousands of bureaucrats would be out of a job. And those that remained would be terribly overworked ...
  5. Let's look on the dark side (so we can only be pleasantly surprised): (1) MF will disappoint its supporters because it won't be able to implement even 10% of what it wants to do (2) MF's opponents will still be unhappy because they hate the thought of MF being in power for even 1 day.
  6. The particular example mentioned above is understandable but - in general - political leaders should be able to shape and move the expectations & understandings of their followers. It's called leadership, not well-known - except in a negative way - in this country.
  7. All good as to intentions. The doing of it will be long-term and hard, requiring plenty of tech-savvy officials. We can only cheer them on.
  8. (1) So where does lactose intolerance (supposed to be high in Asia) fit in to the good doctor's propaganda? (My Thai Khmer family watch me in astonishment as I drink milk & apply butter to my toast & yoghurt to a meal.) (2) I read somewhere long ago that height is mostly dictated by the quality & quantity of food in the first 2 or 3 years of life. Examples: Melbourne friends of mine where the 2 boys were breast-fed by their mother for as long as they wanted, which turned out to be age 4. Of course they were then eating other foodstuffs as well but they were happy to come for a suckle from time to time. They are now in their 30s, the older one some 6'3", the younger one 6'6". Second example: a girl in my peasant family here whose slightly dotty mother has been stuffing her with milk and all foods practically from the day she was born. Now at age 8 she towers over her peers, has a very large head & has started her periods ...
  9. In unity there is strength. And in disunity ...
  10. The trouble is that practically noone amongst all those wunnerful Thais will raise a finger to change anything. Except maybe MFP, if they get the chance ...
  11. If you're in favour of Thailand moving forward from the 1990s (and in some parts from the 1960s), the numbers above on which MPs-elect are under review are fairly reassuring.
  12. His return will be high-risk on all sides I should think. Not just for Thaksin but also - in the current political context - for the dinosaur bully boys.
  13. But they couldn't even reseal the boxes properly and get the readjusted numbers to more or less coincide with the number of voters! Incompetence is the norm here, even amongst criminals.
  14. Maths not their strong point either, if the first sentence of the OP is anything to go by.
  15. Will the fusion process allow Thailand to keep the power on during a storm?
  16. Always fascinating to see the huge difference between the 'Western' concept of Buddhism (spiritual, contemplative) and the superstitious animist forms of Buddhism actually practised in Buddhist countries.
  17. 1. Concentrate on your strengths. 2. Concentrate on your weaknesses. 3. Being a decent (honest & intelligent) human being.
  18. Wow! The bureaucratic dinosaurs will hate that. Probably a few hundred thousand bureaucrats in to the wastepaper basket along the way ... But a huge leap forward for Thailand if MFP can achieve it (over several years no doubt).
  19. Thai culture is based on complexity and the lack of clarity and accountability that accompanies it. Pita is bold and a bit callow. But someone has to make a start on the changes at every level of Thai society needed to drag the country in to the 1990s. We should all be cheering him on, not sitting back making the usual old-man-I-know-better smartarse comments.
  20. If you're on OA permit then 65K+ a month is the way to go (I think).
  21. if the military are still in charge when he lands, he'll be arrested & behind bars immediately. And immediately he will become a martyr of authoritarian nincompoopery , with incalculable political consequences. If, on the other hand, The Future is in charge by then - or more likely getting a slightly firmer grip on the steering wheel - there'll be much dithering and dillydallying and, after much time, perhaps a new court case. Meantime ...
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