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Everything posted by Dionigi

  1. One of the biggest problems is knowing where to go to find those not bought everyday items. Lazarda made it easier to find such things.
  2. where were the facts about electric cars sparking trouble
  3. any discussion requires knowledge of the changes, not mentioned
  4. Please petition the German Government, the Swedish Government, the Danish Government, The Norwegian Government and the French government for my reparations foe invading, enslaving and causing suffering to my ancestors.
  5. Academic answers!
  6. It is nobodies business but mine whether I choose or do not choose to use cannabis!
  7. Or know how to spell site!
  8. Psalms 82:1 God presides in the great assembly; he renders judgment among the “gods”: So ther must be more than one
  9. I think bible lessons are a good idea, they should be conducted by an atheist who will point out all the good bits of the bible. As Richard Dawkins said “The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.” It is all written down for all to see in the good book. I especially like the story of Lot, gods favourite for saving, gave his wife and daughters up for gang rape by a mob, wife was turned to a pillar of salt for disobeying god and turning around for a look. Lots daughter then get him drunk and have sex with him, great stuff you couldn't make it up oh yes it is made up.
  10. the white tee shirts and red hot pants were better
  11. The legal lottery loses players to the illegal lottery because the payout is better. Making casinos legal will only stop illegal casinos if the payout is better. make it hard to gamble and the illegal will win out.
  12. Car parks, car parks, car parks stop street parking and double parking.
  13. Pigs are better. Quicker recycling into something useful for humanity.
  14. Respect is earned not a right. Police forces have been reduced in number, police stations closed, times for responding have gone up and in some cases response does not happen. As for the law the rich get away and the poor suffer. Streamline the laws and get rid of all the out of date rules and at the same time put money into the NHS as respect for medical help is also decreasing.
  15. that's not cloudy that is sludgy, are you sure there is no milk in it?
  16. Biological definition of sex is based upon the size of the gametes produced. Eggs are large in comparison to sperm. If you have the facility to produce eggs you are female, if you have the apparatus to produce sperm you are male.
  17. It appears this individual was born with gender dysphoria, and was identified as a female from the genitalia. Whether this was because of a lack of penis is unknown. An ultrasound will show if there are internal testicles or a womb that will show if the individual is male or female. The fact that they have gone through male puberty changes suggests there are testes, also the fact that testosterone is high and having XY chromosomes indicates male.
  18. State pension is paid from national insurance contributions. According to Wikipedia the amount taken in is 18% of government revenue. Perhaps some is siphoned off?
  19. Papa has nothing to do with father in Thailand it means a well off older person of respect
  20. Rushdie's books may not be that good, but I hardly think they are any reason to try to kill him without the religious angle being brought in.
  21. sorry been here 40 years, I can also tell the difference between your and you're
  22. So what did they do about it. A slap on the wrist and oh what a bad boy you are don't do it again, toothless tigers. Leave the useless organisation
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