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Everything posted by Dionigi

  1. Perhaps the poster has seen the hindu festival of thaipusan and mistaken this for a vegetarian festival?
  2. according to https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/gun-deaths-by-country Philippines has 7.9/100,000 , Thailand has 3.1/100 000 and Australia 0.91/100,000 So I guess the gun control laws do seem to have an effect on the number of gun deaths.
  3. It has already been quoted they are lane markers to show straight on, left turn and right turn same as most other places in the world.
  4. sincerely hope you do not own a driving license
  5. We all know that major companies get away with paying no income tax what ever country they operate in. The tax rules are made with loopholes that these companies use to ensure that there are no liabilities for their tax. Invest in these companies that operate in one country but are registered in a tax haven and you have no taxation. It is this money which can then be brought back to Thailand which, at present, has no taxation. I'm talking major money not Joe Averages small investments.
  6. I think that the expat angle is being exploited by the media writing for the English speaking market. This will not affect most expats as they come under the agreement not to double tax income. This is aimed at Thais who have investments abroad and pay no tax in the country where the income is generated and have got away with not paying tax here due to the tax rules that allow such income to be tax free.
  7. did mine on the 11th got it back 12th. using website not app, which I have never got to work.
  8. Low mass transit fares are one way of reducing the number of cars on the streets of the city. Should be paid for by tolls on the roads, as in Singapore.
  9. They store the venomous nematacysts of the Portuguese man of war and other venomous jellyfish that they eat. Their sting can be more powerful than the Portuguese man of war. Wouldn't want to try eating one raw or cooked.
  10. https://wisevoter.com/country-rankings/median-age-by-country/#thailand ranks Thailand as 167th down and gives it a median age rating of 18 with 1.54 fertility rate. Monaco has a median age of 42 and the Isle of man is next with 38. Asa the pbs article said over a century ago Thai women gave birth to an average of 5 children. I suspect same as the Uk over a century ago most did not reach the age of 5.
  11. This article doesn't make sense, if they are going to check newborns how is this going to find fetal abnormalities. Checks before they are born makes more sense and is probably what is being offered.
  12. So what, you are dead, I don't suppose you care at that point.
  13. Hooray, only been there for 10 years at least, maybe this time it will last for at least a week. Take all the motorcycles off the pavement next, riding and parking
  14. it is usually a different window that it has opened. just go back to the earlier window next to it and carry on. It is not stopping you it is just advertising.
  15. Seeing as the roller was rear ended perhaps the other cars insurance is the one not wishing to pay
  16. Have they published their findings? if the watches were from a friend and borrowed then the witnesses are not in trouble, if the watches were not borrowed then tell us and hide the witnesses.
  17. Perhaps when informing the police at the police station they will levy the official fine of 2000B also.
  18. I find it quite amazing that people with nothing to do can make up rubbish about things and tout them as being true. Why do they have to mean anything, can't they just be nonsense rhymes like Edward Lear's rhymes. Perhaps in a few years time stories will be made up about Eskimo Nell.
  19. If someone is prepared to pay for it, and someone else is prepared to pay more money to but it off you, it is real. Same with paintings, sculptures, baseball cards, cigarette cards, antiques and cryptocurrencies, if someone will keep buying it, it is worth money.
  20. As wikipedia states - The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Criminal Intelligence Service Canada have designated four MCs as "outlaw motorcycle gangs": the Hells Angels, the Pagans, the Outlaws, and the Bandidos,[67][68] known as the "Big Four".[69] These four have a large enough national impact to be prosecuted under the U.S. Federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) statute.[70] The California Attorney General also lists the Mongols and the Vagos as outlaw motorcycle gangs.[71][72] Thailand is in a position where these people are here on visas and they do not have to prove they have committed a crime to decide to revoke their visas. They only need to prove criminal activity to arrest and jail them.
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