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Everything posted by Dionigi

  1. In your honest opinion is based on what? At least the food pyramid is proven to provide all the vitamins and minerals that the body needs. Lack of some vitamins and minerals sometimes do not show up for a long time. There is a maxim that says don't believe everything you think.
  2. food pyramid still shows 3-5 servings of wholemeal, cereals and bread, pasta, potatoes and rice. Fad diets are unhealthy.
  3. perhaps the huge increase is calculated incorrectly. In South Australia the increase is 0.1% in males and -0.75% in females. maybe 830% is a tad unbelievable?
  4. cats should be kept on leads, like they have to be in some countries, not allowed to roam at random, defecating and urinating in my garden.
  5. Just throw yourself at the ground and miss. Think pleasant thoughts.
  6. making rules about one thing does not mean they have anything to do with free speech. you may as well clain leviticus started the process towards free speech
  7. perhaps you could point me to the section of the magna carta which relates in any way to freedom of speech as I am unable to locate it
  8. I found a lot of thai teas were very fine, and I don't like bits in my tea so I use coffee filters to ensure nice clean tea right to the bottom of the mug
  9. stopped using maxim as their mapping system is rubbish. They could never locate where I was I had to walk a kilometer one afternoon just to find somewhere that appeared on their map.
  10. Perhaps they should be looking into who is running the pension scheme, it is named as national insurance, why can a private pension only paid in for 5 years be half what the national pension is for 35 years? Perhaps the running is at fault.
  11. If I remember correctly, these were not caricatures but drawings and paintings depicting Mohamed, some of which were drawn by Muslims. The class was warned beforehand that they would be shown, as the class was about Islamic depictions in art, any one who might be offended was given the chance to leave.
  12. porridge oats with almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, raisins, sultanas, cranberries, ginger and apricots
  13. back scratch = back scratch. weed = casinos
  14. I remember seeing a chinese man punch a panda at shanghai zoo because it was not entertaining him enough.
  15. Sinks and showers run off to the main drains and not the septic tank.
  16. You actually believe that politicians are worth 250,000 pounds for a six minute talk or is it just another method of payment for services rendered in the past when they had the influence to help out and they are ensuring that they are not caught for taking bribes. As I said more advance counties have just learned how to handle their dirty deals with what is appears legal.
  17. Please make this worldwide. More advance countries are just better at hiding it. Hint, ex prime ministers and their wives who are paid 1million for an after dinner speech.
  18. Here we go again, The average IQ of an American is 100. It can only be 100 as it is set that the average is 100. Even if all Americans were mentally subnormal the average IQ would be 100. If they were all genious level the average American would have an IQ of 100. You can claim that Americans have lower IQ's than another country and if you took the average IQ of two countries you could show that Americans were lower in IQ but the average between the two countries would stil be an IQ of 100.
  19. I seem to remember that, watching my house being built, the plastic pipes laid in the concrete floors, for the toilets were less than 6" may have been 4"
  20. I read that, but it makes little difference if you suffer from debilitating pain whether it is going to be for six or twelve months of pain. Assisted dying should not be because you are dying anyway it should be for people who do not have a quality of life that they would like to put up with for years to come. If you are told that you have six months to live and you live a relatively pain free existence and can still move around and do things living 12 months is a bonus. I can see that governments may want to talk people into assisted dying if they have only months to live as it means that the health service would save money.
  21. Water runoff having nowhere to go does not stop the toilet flushing only blocked pipes do that. Thailand tends to use small piping to run to septic tanks.
  22. I thought assisted dying was supposed to be for patients who had debilitating illnesses that could not be cured or for people with constant pain and the patient themselves made the decision that they did not want to live longer, not about whether a doctor decides when they will die.
  23. does a fund to compensate negative impacts include giving the money back to those who lose it all.
  24. Septic tanks are designed to run full with liquid, it overflows to a ground drain. If it fills with solids then it must be emptied but that rarely happens.
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