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Everything posted by Dionigi

  1. A higher birth rate in the past has led to a large elderly population now. Increasing the birth rate will only help in the short term as the increase will lead to the increase population eventually becoming elderly. Unless the government intends to constantly increase the population. This pyramid scheme will end up like all pyramid schemes, they go bust because they are unsustainable. Investment in technology and education with a decrease in rampant consumerism is the only way out.
  2. it is in the words - per cent- parts of 100. 603% doesn't exist
  3. The pattaya news article shows changes only to alcohol produced in thailand and does not show beer.
  4. and the reason for lying to you is?
  5. I think, if you make a contract with a company to convey you by air to a certain destination, on a particular type of aircraft, at a particular time, at a particular price, and arrive at another time, then any deviation from that schedule is a broken contract. I think Thai Airlines should be thankful that the only have complaints and not class action lawsuits.
  6. I go through my youtube offers daily and tell them not to offer from certain channels. Two days later exactly the same video is once again in my feed. I sometimes wonder if their algorithm takes any notice what soever. If I am tempted to watch a youtube video shown on another site I am immediately inundated with similar videos. If I save a video to watch later, which I do if I would like to watch it more than once, they repeatedly put it back in my feed even when they know I have bookmarked it for future reference and do not need to be shown it again.
  7. Oh I yearn for the days when Bangkok airport had a sign saying people in flip flops, with long hair or hippies would not be permitted to enter the country.
  8. Sustainability means using renewable sources, where does this come into jewellery making? Jewellery making is probably on of the most recyclable industries as the precious metals can be melted down and reused and the jewels, even if out of fashion, can be recut and reset. But sustainability not unless wood becomes rarer and more expensive.
  9. Tesco Lotus started off in fine style, with lots of own brand products, but this soon went downhill and the products disappeared from the shelves. That's when I stopped using the shop except for occasional items.
  10. Nice cheap advertising
  11. for Turmeric and indian gooseberry look at pubmed, although they do not seem to do anything for airborne pollutants. The other two show no results.
  12. Jut down from the trafficlights at 3rd and south pattaya road going towards TukCom there is a hat shop lots of choice and reasonably cheap
  13. look on facebook for secondhand sneakers
  14. the only important point is which way. hopefully opposite to second road
  15. How do you sex a chromosome? You take its genes off.
  16. You mean you ate your chicken live?
  17. no body wants them price rises, everybody wants them price rises
  18. How does the bar determine if the customer is driving?
  19. It's like chickens for KFC
  20. The temple probably sells the gold leaf at the door.
  21. It was not so long ago that we were being told that overpopulation was a problem. We were also told that micro revolution would lead to mass unemployment the same goes for AI. The world keeps on chugging along, luddites or no luddites.
  22. I remember, 30 years ago, police arresting chairs and tables on Pattaya pavements, they were all back within a week. Unless a concerted and prolonged effort is used nothing will ever change. Maybe huge taxes for businesses using the pavements will help the situation.
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