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Everything posted by Dionigi

  1. The Principles the Thai government follow now will probably be taken into account if, in the future, a large belligerent near neighbour decides to take this country over in its expansion plans.
  2. My understanding of the medicinal use of MJ is that is not a cure it is something to be taken as needed to overcome symptoms. In which case coming here is not going to help most people. And don't even think of travelling through the middle east when going back the horror stories of people being stopped and incarcerated for petty amounts or poppy seeds from their bagels on their clothes worries me.
  3. Saudi had some of the best hospitals in the world, when I was there. Money no object. Western doctors and Filipina and Irish nurses.
  4. As a farang who worked here and paid social security, I do not get a pension. I was not told, when my employment finished, that I could have claimed it all back. Too late when I found out, still the wife gets her 600B.
  5. According to the OED it is short for pomegranate. POME was never written on the prison uniforms.
  6. Remember Pattaya, the bus station was in soi 2, welcome inn in soi 3 and not much from there until Pattaya Klang. There was Tahitian Queen running, Daves GB bar on the front. Soi 6 not even dreamed of, walking street not thought of. Spinney's supermarket in soi Post Office, Friendship supermarkey between beach road and second road where it turns up before walking street. Tropical storm taking all the tarmac off that road and leaving it on the beach with all the broken boats from the bay and all the fallen trees. 5 tee shirts for 100 baht. Simon bar and Katoey show in south Pattaya and Soi BJ RIP.
  7. If it really meant prisoner of her majesty it would have to refer to aussies as non of the brits there are prisoners these days unless they have escaped
  8. Are these recognised road markings or just something thought up to try to appease the public? Pattaya and Jomtien have started using red markings for pedestrian crossings, likewise are these part of the Thailand rules or another nightmare dreamed up by some bureaucrat.
  9. Solution is simple, out on the streets stop all without helmets, more than 2 on a bike, no seatbelts, talking on phone, no insurance, no license, parking car or bike where they shouldn't, riding bike on pavement etc. Fines go into a big pot, 50% to police officers, 50% to police force for fine. Everyone would get an increase in wages and as people stop breaking the law the wages could be increased from the government.
  10. What counts is not if you can catch it but how dangerous is it. corona virus is responsible for a percentage of the common cold and we do not panic over that. We don't panic over yearly influenza, which by the way is not a big problem in tropical countries only in temperate ones. so tell us is this variant more deadly, less deadly and which group does it target?
  11. "A grenade was discovered packed in an iron can and according to police could have exploded at any time." But obligatory standing and pointing carried out.
  12. Easy, male thinks he is female therefore is more than one person therefore use the plural, either that or it is bad use of English by the journalist.
  13. Rang BKK sent a rep down to Pattaya with the paperwork, new car to be picked up after paperwork completed. Must be Pattaya car dealers never had this kind of service from them.
  14. went to buy a new toyota last week and was told 3 to 4 months wait. JIT doesn't seem to be working.
  15. Many Thais and foreigners playing but only three machines?
  16. In 2020, the convicted prison population for drug offences in Singapore stood at over 4.6 thousand, the lowest it has been in the period measured. This was in part due to the focus on rehabilitation instead of punishment, especially for drug offenses. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1132849/singapore-convicted-penal-population-for-drug-offences/ draconian measures also do not work
  17. just this week arranged, by phone, for the telephone to be a Thailand number. They have already confirmed my telephone number and sent sms messages. Only problem is giving them a billing address they still want a UK billing address, but I can use the account with my debit card.
  18. unfortunately they are not yet informing the buyer what kind of potatoes they are selling. I have found that there are a long oval potato with a yellow flesh colour which makes great crispy chips when cooked correctly (5 minutes at 120C and finish at 200C). not all potatoes this shape work but for at least 6 months they seen to. The lumpy white fleshed potatoes just go dark brown without crisping.
  19. No problems what soever with HSBC. My debit card was very late arriving and so I cancelled and got a new one sent that took 6 weeks and of course the cancelled one arrived in between, but that was not the banks fault. Setup my wifes telephone banking by telephone and had security questions asked about how long had the account been opened, had we other accounts and what was the last transaction obviously gave good enough answers as all accounts unlocked and everything set up in no time. The call centre had long waiting lists but was put through straight away when pressed the button that said I had money problems. New card arrived, telephone app opened in minutes.
  20. Make sure you have had a vasectomy. Do not want to die before your children.
  21. Bars are relatively cheap to own and run and are used daily. Other attractions such as zoos, water parks, gardens, miniature villages, aquariums etc are costly to own and run and are maybe visited only once on a holiday. Unless there are constantly varying attractions tourists are not going to keep returning. Nightlife and bars are what keeps tourists returning. The beaches could be nice but let themselves down with pollution, vendors and drinking rules.
  22. Musk after the scent gland of the Musk Deer supposed to attract females. Don't know why you are not followed by deer, Baht usually works better.
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