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Posts posted by dcnx

  1. Carrying knives without permission? News flash! Those are swords! Who do I see to carry a sword or knife with permission? What is his name? Cowards come in all age groups, the punk who is 18 is no different than the punk who is 22'

    I doubt this is the first time they have killed. Only the first time to be captured on CCTV.

  2. This one works very well with most root veggies. We use it often.

    Cook the veggies, then mash them and add a tablespoon or two of the mixture.

    Store the rest for use later.


    1/4 cup sweet paprika,

    3 tablespoons freshly ground black pepper,

    2 tablespoons onion powder,

    2 tablespoons dried oregano (preferably Mexican),

    2 tablespoons ground cumin,

    1 tablespoon chipotle chile powder,

    1 tablespoon garlic powder.

    Sounds good!

  3. Thailand is a great place to live. I have been married here 7 years and have two children. I have a fantastic wife. I live in the countryside in the south a few hours north of the Malay border. The Thai family treat me well. I don't go to the tourist trap areas. I don't drink in those places especially not late at night. You risk meeting bad people who are looking for trouble.

    I also have a home in the UK. It is a great place too. I don't drink in places where you get people looking for trouble. Also not late a night. My home is in the countryside.

    I must say that I feel much much safer in Thailand. Especially away from the big cities. In the UK there is more aggression. People looking for trouble. More confrontation. Mostly bravado. Mostly bullshit.

    In Thailand if you stay away from the tourist areas, if you are not drunk in public, if you treat people with respect; then you will be OK and have a good time.

    In Thailand when Thais fight then they fight to kill. They carry guns. They carry a knife.

    Never fight in Thailand unless your life absolutely depends on it.

    If a Thai is looking for trouble (usually they are drunk or have mental health problems) then walk away. They rarely pursue you.

    Get out of the cities in Thailand and see the real Thailand. Its beautiful !

    Real Thailand? What is it? A market with blue plastic chairs? A village where according to many posters who live there all kind of demented sexual stuff happens?Are you saying I live in fake Thailand because I live in Bangkok? I am confused about this statement.

    Yes, I would say that you live in fake Thailand. Once you get away from all the Westernisation, the fake advertising, the western malls, the hordes of people, the tourist ghettos and find yourself as a part of the local community where people, read strangers, welcome you with a smile and a Sawasdee and want nothing in return, you will find yourself in a different world altogether. Try it someday, you might like it.

    No such thing as a fake Thailand. It's all real, the good and the bad. You just choose to live in a rural area.

    I personally enjoy a medium sized city like Chiang Mai, where violence does happen but it isn't as common as it is around Costal cities and BKK.

    In addition to most violence happening around booze, it also seems to happen more in Costal cities which attract a lower class of Thai. Take Pattaya, for example. I've never seen such scumbaggery in my life, both Thai and foreigner alike. It is not by chance that where there are more scumbags, there is more violence.

  4. Honestly, don't know why anyone who knows better would ride in one.

    I'm sure there is a gent or two who have been here for 80 years and never saw a speeder or a bad driver, but for the rest of us, we know better.

    I don't know about you, but my life is too important to be put in the hands of a guy who watches gost movies with cartoon sound effects and believes his amulet/tattoo has made him immoratal. No thanks.

  5. Can't say I've encountered them in Nong Hoi. Plenty of Chinese at the Holiday Inn, but they all come in on the humungous tour buses.

    Don't understand why people are getting their knickers in a twist. It's just population control and Darwinism at work.

    Personally, I'd rather be involved in an accident with a Chinese. Firstly because I would only speak Thai to them. Secondly, because it's more likely the BiB would be more even-handed in apportioning blame.

    However, I am somewhat baffled how the OP and other posters can distinguish a Chinese motorist from a Thai motorist. Somebody let me in on the secret, please.

    They have blue plates on their cars. Not that difficult coffee1.gif

    And the driver sits on the wrong side.

    Well come to Chiang Mai after May 23rd. You won't be seeing any more blue plates then as they are about to be restricted, including being banned from driving outside of the border province entered.

    1. Getting extra paperwork and paying a fee is NOTHING to them. There will be a service to do it for them. There is a service for everything in China, mostly because the Chinese work a lot and don't have time to deal with things themselves, so they pay others to do it.

    2. If it's even enforced. Nothing else is.

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