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Posts posted by dcnx

  1. Speaking to the owner, she said that Subways just dont appeal to Thais . Uncooked food, salad, is something that Thais dont like .

    They should revise their menu to cater to Asians. That's what KFC, McDonalds and Pizza Hut did. Worked out well for them.

  2. Spent some time in Venezuela, it's amazing but dangerous. Muggings in the day time right in the middle of a crowded market, lots of guns, taxi driver robbers, kidnapping, and so on. It's sketchy, but worth it if you can blend in and like a little adventure.

    Unspoiled beaches, stunning mountains, cozy towns, incredible women, and overall full of adventure, some amazing times to be had. Just be careful, do carry a mugging wallet, and get out of Caracas, that is the most dangerous city. Elsewhere isn't so bad.

  3. the condo building i live in has increasingly been on the tear about the building being used as a hotel, signs posted in lobby warning about making the units hotel rooms and stay must be at least 1 month with a lease. but i still notice people coming in with luggage all the time like they were checking into a hotel.. how to stop airbnb? i also noticed some of the rooms have switched to sophisticated looking electronic locks.. crossed my mind-i'll bet they have locks now where you can issue a 'temporary' card key, and when the guests days are up, the key can be invalidated via internet..

    You can get digital locks that have a number key that expires on the date you set. Perfect for airbnb. You just give the guest the code and the owner doesn't have to be there to give them a key. It's less person but great for late arrivals and checking out.

  4. Do they filter the news? I spoke to a long time Dutch resident living on Koh Chang. He said on average two motocyclists are killed each week on Koh Chang. How many are reported???

    Most accidents don't make the news. Thailand is #2 in the world for road casualties, yet only a handful anyone hears about. The media can't possibly cover everything that happens, not to mention, they are Thai and are only going to work so much.

  5. ...am behind the moto taxi dudes on this one. They provide a valuable service. Too much invested to be undercut by a

    snazzy web app designed to marginalize their livelihood.

    Am all for Uber, etc. to go tits up and perish. Their idea works---until it doesn't--usually involving an accident and the finger pointing begins in earnest. How about an app for Tai legal system and justice?


    There should always be a free market. If the old guys can't keep up, that's life. That's how it works in every industry. Adapt or die.

  6. I think it is going to take the loss of a major wat like Doi Suthep before anything constructive is do to stop the annual burning.


    100 bucks says they could burn down every wat on and near the mountain and they still wouldn't have the follow through to make it stop. Enforcement here is pitiful at best.
  7. 1:25am

    Students by the 100 in cars and bikes are delivering packaged food and water to the park ranger building at the entrance of the mountain (just past the tourist police). It was quite a positive sight to see. Smoke is thick in that area. I feel sorry for the guys fighting this thing.

  8. The fire is raging and moving down the mountain fast. The army is behind the Convention Center now with water trucks spraying the wat there as the fire is now dangerously close. Just got back from there (10:30pm). No idea how they are going to stop this one, it's moving fast across dry bush with no rain in sight. Water trucks will only do so much.

    The farmers who do this ever year should hunted, arrested, and forced to learn new ways of clearing. Unacceptable behavior.

  9. The better part of 15 years here. What I see is a lot of development, more malls, more shops, more cars, faster internet, everyone has a smart phone, more condos, easier banking, more ATMs, more housing, and more markets.

    I also see tighter visa rules, more road accidents, over development, more litter, encroaching, higher prices, more pollution, less family value, more violence, more drugs, an education system that is stuck in the mud, a very divided country politically, and a heavy handed government that is down right scary at times.

    What I don't see is progress as a society. Thais are simply not evolving. I see new stuff everywhere I look, much of it impressive, but the people have no desire to evolve into a modern society. I believe that is a direct relation to their lack of education, which unfortunately, has no light at the end of the tunnle, and such a thing plays out perfectly for the ruling class.

    Look to Thailand's neighbors, Myanmar, Cambodia, and Vietnam, they are making progress and will eventually surpass Thailand, especially Vietnam and Myanmar. When they have an air hub as popular and convienent as Bangkok, it's curtains for Thailand tourism.

    I am starting to eyeball by next move as I don't see a stable future for Thailand. Hopless is the word that comes to mind. Vietnam is looking very attractive with land ownership and new visa options (1 year no hassle) for Americans.

    All of that said, Thailand has served me well. Now, I accept that it's almost time to move on. And I'm OK with that, as life is a journey and I look forward to the next adventure.

  10. The Junta isn't going to let go of power and when THE big event happens, that will seal the fate of the nation, and it won't be pretty. A power struggle of epic proportions will take place, and you all know what I'm talking about.

    It doesn't matter to me who sits where, but with the army in power for many years to come, the surging drug crisis, more Thais living in poverty and going into debt, it's going to get a LOT worse before it gets better.

    I personally believe Thailand will either become a failed state or be ruled as hard as Burma used to be. Either way, no one in their right mind will want to be here in the future.

    That said, I hope I'm totally wrong.

    Regardless of whatever happens, I'm going nowhere. Some things are inevitable, that's life !

    Depending on what nut job ends up running the place, you may not have a choice. Visa rules are changed with a stroke of a pen.

  11. Thank you for taking time to report your problem.

    DELETED. Two inhalers for me (to cure slight asthma problems) are already over 3.400 Baht.

    I don't think organised thieves would target your medicine, don't see the market for it myself...

    If it was cash or a smartphone sure, but this happened twice?? And they only took your medication?? Both times

    Ask to see the cctv if you at suspicious of employees involvement... But hard to believe this so far

    Which makes it the perfect heist. Nobody's expecting it.

    Team up with a pharmacy employee that can give them a "refund" for medicine they didn't even buy, and they just made 10 days' salary at Thai minimum wage.

    I'm not saying that's what happened, but thieves could write volumes about all the ways to fleece us that we wouldn't expect. And certainly not specific to Thailand.

    a smartphone is worth 20-30k thesedays...

    Easier than resell medication but if you're convinced medicine thieves are following you around then do something about it and report them to the supermarket :)

    Very common to steal medicine, especially in places like China. The thieves work in teams.

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