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Posts posted by dcnx

  1. Anyone see the Thai guy cutting the foreigners with the broken beer bottle last night in front of 7-11, down the street from Zoe? Only took the police 45 minutes to get there.

    Never seen a guy so filled with hate and rage. His English was excellent as he screamed for all the white people to go back to their country, this is Thailand, I will kill all of you white mother <deleted!>, and so on. Total rage. He even muay Thai kicked a tourist woman and knocked her into broken glass on the ground, cutting her up, adding her to the list of cut tourists. I doubt the police found him, as he was long gone by the time the police arrived.

    It was quite the scene.

    what time? i drove down the road about midnight but did not see any commotion.

    'Never seen a guy so filled with hate and rage. His English was excellent as he screamed for all the white people to go back to their country, this is Thailand, I will kill all of you white mother <deleted!>, and so on.'

    there is a seething undercurrent of racism, jealousy and bitterness towards foreigners all hidden behind a fake smile that a lot of people either refuse to see or acknowledge

    Was a little after 1 I think. Everyone was leaving Zoe. They were closing a little later during Songkran and the masses were moving up the street.

    zoe closed at midnight on Saturday,Place was empty by 12-30.

    It's a good thing you noticed I posted this before Saturday, when Zoe was open at least until 1am during Songkran, with the street riff raff hanging about for another 30 - 45 minutes outside.

    Anyone who was there during Songkran and stayed until closing can confirm this.

  2. Yet, my Thai (particularly when it comes to insults) is pretty good and despite this "they're all slagging us off all the time" nonsense I hear about.... I don't actually hear it in real life. I occasionally overhear someone comment on my weight (for I am indeed a fat bar steward) but never on my race.

    According to the 'avoid Zoe in Yellow' thread, not only was a Thai insulting foreign tourists in English but cutting them with broken glass.

    Then in the thread I started about 'Chinese Tourists', I was definitely called a 'f&^%$£g ar£$"%*e' by a Thai tour guide as he almost walked under my car not looking in the road.

    Two incidents in CM in the last month, so it can't be that uncommon.

    I've been coming here for years, never seen this type of behaviour from Thais before this year, things are changing for the worse at an alarming rate.

    Anti-white feelings seem to be encouraged by the general, and the government, and it's having an effect on the Thai citizens.

    According to the "Zoe in Yellow Thread" eyewitnesses say no such incident took place. It's one of the things you'd remember I reckon - a guy going bezerk and attacking people in public; even here in Thailand... that stuff makes the news - the fact that it didn't suggests it's fantasy.


    Because everything that happens makes the news. How long have you been here? Do you have any idea how much stuff happens that never makes the news, especially late night bar shenanigans, fights, accidents, and so on.

    Before calling me a liar because 1 guy at an Irish pub didn't see anything during the 2 hours (9 - 11) he was there, march your lazy *** down to the police station and ask them about it. I'm sure the late night 7-11 staff could tell you about it too. There was an entire street of people who witnessed this, including several injured foreigners.

    I'll be here waiting for your apology when you finally get around to asking the police about it.

  3. Anyone see the Thai guy cutting the foreigners with the broken beer bottle last night in front of 7-11, down the street from Zoe? Only took the police 45 minutes to get there.

    Never seen a guy so filled with hate and rage. His English was excellent as he screamed for all the white people to go back to their country, this is Thailand, I will kill all of you white mother <deleted!>, and so on. Total rage. He even muay Thai kicked a tourist woman and knocked her into broken glass on the ground, cutting her up, adding her to the list of cut tourists. I doubt the police found him, as he was long gone by the time the police arrived.

    It was quite the scene.

    I was sat at the door in the irish bar,opposite 7-11 from 9oclock till gone11,and though 7-11 was busy never saw any trouble.me thinks, There is lots of trolls with vivid imagination,posting on tv lately.

    Since it didn't happen between 9 - 11 when you were at the pub, it must not have happened.

    Solid logic.

    Where do they find you people?

    You do know Zoe's closes later than 11, don't you?

  4. Anyone see the Thai guy cutting the foreigners with the broken beer bottle last night in front of 7-11, down the street from Zoe? Only took the police 45 minutes to get there.

    Never seen a guy so filled with hate and rage. His English was excellent as he screamed for all the white people to go back to their country, this is Thailand, I will kill all of you white mother <deleted!>, and so on. Total rage. He even muay Thai kicked a tourist woman and knocked her into broken glass on the ground, cutting her up, adding her to the list of cut tourists. I doubt the police found him, as he was long gone by the time the police arrived.

    It was quite the scene.

    what time? i drove down the road about midnight but did not see any commotion.

    'Never seen a guy so filled with hate and rage. His English was excellent as he screamed for all the white people to go back to their country, this is Thailand, I will kill all of you white mother <deleted!>, and so on.'

    there is a seething undercurrent of racism, jealousy and bitterness towards foreigners all hidden behind a fake smile that a lot of people either refuse to see or acknowledge

    Was a little after 1 I think. Everyone was leaving Zoe. They were closing a little later during Songkran and the masses were moving up the street.

  5. This thread just proves to me that Thai Visa is mainly about old people complaining. Look at the length of his hair, I bet he hasn't had a wash in weeks etc.

    Long hair has nothing to do with it. Bath for **** sake! Clean your clothes!

    Being disgusted by filthy human beings has nothing to do with being old. Add filth with being a rude, sloppy drunk, and again, it's filthy.

    If you want to support these bottom feeders, you should invite them to your home for an all you can drink party. Let me know how it works out. ;-)

  6. Glad I'm not a backpacker......sooooo un-nice to be one of life's losers.

    I've backpacked across Europe and Asia both, but didn't look like a vagrant. I don't understand why they have to dress and look like they are homeless. Bath and shower, wash your clothes every now and then. There is simply no reason to be so filthy.

  7. Anyone see the Thai guy cutting the foreigners with the broken beer bottle last night in front of 7-11, down the street from Zoe? Only took the police 45 minutes to get there.

    Never seen a guy so filled with hate and rage. His English was excellent as he screamed for all the white people to go back to their country, this is Thailand, I will kill all of you white mother <deleted!>, and so on. Total rage. He even muay Thai kicked a tourist woman and knocked her into broken glass on the ground, cutting her up, adding her to the list of cut tourists. I doubt the police found him, as he was long gone by the time the police arrived.

    It was quite the scene.

  8. Backpacker hate is incredibly retro.. was all the rage in expat circles 10, 15 years ago.

    Well done ladies.

    Any love for digital nomads, then? :P

    Backpackers generally don't bother me, but this year seems to have attracted a new, dirtier breed of them. Worst I've ever seen. Not the usual suspects.

  9. What a bunch of grumpy old farts!bah.gif

    Some.of us just have higher standards than others.

    Maya was a blast tonight FULL of people. Had a really good time. However, Zoe was again a filth pit full of scummy tourists falling over themselves on the street.

  10. I'm with you. Seems this year it has attracted the absolute lowest form of tourist possible. Most of them look like filthy vagrants, staggering about in the road and acting like idiots.

    I was driving through last night and a few were standing right in the middle of the road as you turn in from the corner. I paused to wait, and waited, but couldn't go around due to walkers and baht bus, so I did a quick beep. Instantly, one of them wanted to fight me, tossed his beer bottle at the ground and started mouthing off. I'm not trying to end up in jail over one of these low class losers so I just u-turned and drove off. The lot of them look like they had been living on the streets for a few years.

    Went around the other way and saw the rest of the bar goers in the area and didn't bother stopping. It was a scum show.

    what a miserable bunch of old farts you are.

    perhaps you are just past it.

    Perhaps. I haven't vomited in the middle of the street while wearing a bucket on my head for at least 5 or 6 months. Those were the days.

    Now I'm just a grumpy old fart who prefers venues where people actually shower and wear somewhat clean clothes.

  11. Don't start the conspiracy theories when it is clear you know nothing about this incident. The person "who did it" was the victim, he arrived alone, went to the 12th floor alone and jumped, alone

    Have you seen the CCTV footage of him jumping?

    Don't need to, I can read what the witnesses reported, you want to try it some time.

    So you just believe everything the Thai media tells you, as well as witnesses who may or may not be bought?

    I prefer real facts, like video footage, in a country full of mob hits, crooked police, shotty reporters, and people who will say and do anything for a few baht.

    How did witnesses see him jump from the 12th floor exactly? They didn't. At best, some saw him arrive and some saw him go in a elevator. Video footage inside the hotel will show the rest, but don't hold your breath to see it.

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