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Posts posted by dcnx

  1. They don't have a sauna or steam room but Go Gym has all the equipment you need and it's very affordable. Not too far from Nimm. A lot of Thai body builders work out here. They have machines, free weights, ropes, street bars for calisthenics, cross fit, boxing area, and so on. It's huge.

    There is also the smaller Harris Gym behind KSK mall. Tiny but decent.

  2. All I can say is that if things keep going in the direction we are seeing it will be unwise to even make any negative comment regarding the current government.

    It's already unwise. However, they would have to track down IP addresses, then the person writing the post here (could post from anywhere or with a VPN), and comprehend English well enough to know they are being slagged. So, while it is unwise, due to their absolute incompetence, it is fairly safe.

    However, posting on Facebook under your real name with photos,linked to everyone you know, you're a sitting duck.

    Low hanging fruit always gets picked first.

  3. These sort of accidents happen so often that they are not even news worthy anymore. They are so common that I feel nothing when I read about another "van accident" or "bus crash."

    I've personally seen so many accidents here over the years that I don't even flinch when brains are scattered on the road. I totally understand why the first responders take photos with the dead, because they are completely desensitized.


  4. Unbelievable.

    When the news was posted that the parents of the victims asked for manslaughter charges, all posts on Thaivisa declared that it was not possible to proof that he had the intend to kill the victims.

    Now when police announce there can be no manslaughter charges for that exact reason, so far all posts blame the police for not pressing the charges.

    A bunch of very sick people on this forum bah.gifbah.gif

    Actually, the parents of the victims sought "premeditated murder" charges, not manslaughter charges - which is what some of the posters, quite rightly, declared impossible to prove.

    You can revisit that post here: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/911466-victims-families-seek-premeditated-murder-charge-for-mercedes-driver-over-fatal-crash/

    I won't even address your last statement...

    The "police " also filed eight other charges that the family didn't ask for. So what's your point?

    All charges he will easily walk away from.

    He killed people due to drinking and driving, therefore should go to jail. However, he won't. His family will cash everyone out and this will all go away.

  5. Enjoy the rest of your lives in a Thai prison ladies.

    While the bill tribes continue to sell drugs to tourists every day.

    Drive to the waterfall on a bike and notice how many locals try to sell you drugs along the way. Been that way for years.

    They do that in Pai?

    Do those heroin growers also get busted sometimes or are they allowed to grow it?

    Pai is drug central for anything they can make or grow in Thailand or Myanmar.

    The locals are VERY bold if you drive your scooter around outside the town and on the back roads, with the biggest concentration of them being on the way to the waterfall. It's a gauntlet of drug dealers, mostly female. They try to get your attention as you drive by.

    Drugs are everywhere in Thailand. EVERYWHERE! You can get weed, opium, hash, yaabaa, and sometimes herion with very little effort.

    Now i understand why my european neece went to Pai and rent a motobike there without license.

    I thought all them backpackers go to Pai because it's in the lonely planet and a nice place in the mountains. Never heard of it being a drughole.

    Pai is very nice without drugs. There are lots of drugs there but many of the people there are having legit holidays. Your neice very well could have had a normal, drug free holiday.

    It's not that everyone there is high, it's just that it is so available if you want it. I've been there a few times and have been offered more times than I can count.

  6. I totally agree with you. They do things they know they could never get away with back home and then complain when they get a fine. Thailand doesnt need people like that. Many complain that they were fined for not wearing a crash helmet but back home they would be fined a lot more for not wearing one. They tend to forget that

    When the Thais all follow the rules, I will follow the rules. In the meantime, I do what they do while doing ANYTHING I have to in order to avoid an accident, avoid the police, or avoid traffic.

    When in Rome...

    This is their country, we must follow their rules...

    Blah, blah, there are no rules other than STAY ALIVE and DONT GET CAUGHT. Nothing else matters here. Nothing.

  7. Enjoy the rest of your lives in a Thai prison ladies.

    While the bill tribes continue to sell drugs to tourists every day.

    Drive to the waterfall on a bike and notice how many locals try to sell you drugs along the way. Been that way for years.

    They do that in Pai?

    Do those heroin growers also get busted sometimes or are they allowed to grow it?

    Pai is drug central for anything they can make or grow in Thailand or Myanmar.

    The locals are VERY bold if you drive your scooter around outside the town and on the back roads, with the biggest concentration of them being on the way to the waterfall. It's a gauntlet of drug dealers, mostly female. They try to get your attention as you drive by.

    Drugs are everywhere in Thailand. EVERYWHERE! You can get weed, opium, hash, yaabaa, and sometimes herion with very little effort.

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