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Posts posted by dcnx

  1. I'm with you. Seems this year it has attracted the absolute lowest form of tourist possible. Most of them look like filthy vagrants, staggering about in the road and acting like idiots.

    I was driving through last night and a few were standing right in the middle of the road as you turn in from the corner. I paused to wait, and waited, but couldn't go around due to walkers and baht bus, so I did a quick beep. Instantly, one of them wanted to fight me, tossed his beer bottle at the ground and started mouthing off. I'm not trying to end up in jail over one of these low class losers so I just u-turned and drove off. The lot of them look like they had been living on the streets for a few years.

    Went around the other way and saw the rest of the bar goers in the area and didn't bother stopping. It was a scum show.

  2. Fair enough. You are not allowed to just show up uninvited in any western country and start working. Try doing this in Australia, you will end up in a detention center and be deported immediately.

    Why should Thailand be any different? Fine them and deport them.

    Fair enough. Thais should put more effort into learning different languages (as above), but at least they go to classes & learn. No need to try & jump the border in Australia as they just give out Visas & automatic residency to unskilled & semi - skilled workers throwing their own on the scrap heap (from personal exp ).

    Just look at the list of jobs Falangs cannot do that protect their own

    It ain't easy learning another language. By reading your post I am sure you can not. The recent Chinese wave just replaced the Russian one. You think you can learn Chinese in a year or two, not even living there? No way. Do you live in Thailand. Could you speak fluently after two years? No bloody way.

    I did.

    Now my business is reaping the rewards of my effort. If you want something, do the work and go get it or makes excuses for why you can't.

    Any Thai could buckle down and learn any language. Problem is, you can't cheat your way through learning a language. You gotta dig in and be dedicated.

  3. I don't really understand your problems. An old friend was in town, so we agreed to meet in a bar/restaurant downtown. I knew the place would be packed with Songkran revelers, so I placed my wallet in a plastic bag--my phone is waterproof. I cranked up the old Harley and the lights didn't work, I knew I could find no place to park with the Toyota, so I called a tuk-tuk buddy to come get me. He dropped me off at the edge of the road blocks downtown and the bar was right there on the corner.

    I drank with five buddies, two Thai and three farang. We shared rounds of drinks and snacks and watched the revelry. When our ice buckets melted, we stepped out to the street and shared the cold wet fun. Hours and numerous drinks past, a few sprinkles got to us, but primarily the crowd respected the premises and did not squirt water inside. My best Thai buddy picked up my tab and his--we always alternate bills, and it was his turn. Just after midnight my tuk-tuk guy stopped in, had a drink, then took me home. I was the least bit damp from the ice bucket excursions, but otherwise okay. I am now home checking the internet satiated by the good time I had.

    You just have to be smarter than the problem.

    Fascinating. You should be a travel blogger.

  4. It's almost 2:30am, just home in Chiang Mai. Between 11pm and 2am, I personally drove past 3 car accidents (no bikes). Police were on the scene, but not a single police stop checking for drunk drivers anywhere in the old city and all the way out near the 700 year old stadium where I live. I did see a small tent with a couple tourist police (maybe volunteers) not too far from Thapea Gate, but they were just hanging out, not doing anything.

    I'm curious what the accident count will be in CM tomorrow. My gut tells me it will be fabricated.

    The carnage continues.

  5. Dont you have to proof your marriage with photos, interviews, witnesses and even home visits to get a year extension?

    Yes, if they went by the book. However, a lot of corruption and laziness on the officials are to blame for their inaction in following all of the rules. So they will just take it out on the foreigners. When I applied for my visa they came to the house and talked with neighbors and spoke to the family and looked around. It's not hard to see if a foreigner lives there. We accumulate much more valuable things than a Thai would and have many conveniences that Thais don't care about.
    Really? My neighbour owns 4 Porsches, 2 Ferraris and a Lamborghini. How many do you own? :rolleyes:

    So you live next to a Thai criminal or someone deeply involved in corruption.

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