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Posts posted by dcnx

  1. The Junta isn't going to let go of power and when THE big event happens, that will seal the fate of the nation, and it won't be pretty. A power struggle of epic proportions will take place, and you all know what I'm talking about.

    It doesn't matter to me who sits where, but with the army in power for many years to come, the surging drug crisis, more Thais living in poverty and going into debt, it's going to get a LOT worse before it gets better.

    I personally believe Thailand will either become a failed state or be ruled as hard as Burma used to be. Either way, no one in their right mind will want to be here in the future.

    That said, I hope I'm totally wrong.

  2. Turkey was a daily part of my diet until the ban. Yet, I can still buy turkey anywhere else in the world I travel to, so it must be a trade issue regardless of whatever excuse they give. Tops, Rimping, all the same excuse. Probably the same distribution who lost a deal due to nefarious behaviour.

  3. I thought the Chinese had been bringing their SUVs into Thailand for some time.

    They have been, but as of June 27th or so, they will be restricted.

    The new law has been published in the Royal Gazette as of April 28 and 60 days after elapsing means June 27th will be the first date of the new rule being in effect.

    I am not sure but i think they are already restricting them as the border in the north...

    Agencies that specialized in Karavan from China have been completely out of a job since march.

    I think the new law will allow them back but under certain conditions as opposed to near to total ban right now

    The bulk of their caravan tours are seasonal and during certain holidays.

    Car owners in China are wealthy. A new fee means nothing to them.

  4. The hoops you gentlemen have to jump through for the privilege of living here. It's unbelievable.

    No one 'has' to live here!

    Anyone not able to negotiate the 'hoops' is welcome leave.

    I have lived here for a long time and have never experienced the problems described by the moaners !

    Please be kind and enlighten them, as it truly can be complicated to deal with most visas. IMHO, a marriage visa should be cut and dry, no hassles. If you can prove you're married, that's it. The rest is nonsense.

  5. Just tax sugar, that's the problem.

    Or, you could spend some money and get the good general, I mean PM, to spend a few minutes per week to educate the people on health and diet. At least that would be productive instead of his endless drivel.

    Fruit has a lot of sugar in it

    Fruit is fiberous which slows down the absorbtion of sugar. Natural sugar vs processed table sugar. Fructose vs sucrose. Natural sugar is healthy in moderation.

    Processed table sugar, the crap used in sweets, candy, drinks, and so on, should be taxed heavily. That is the root of the obesity issue that is plaguing the world.

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