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Everything posted by Freddy42OZ

  1. Utter nonsense. When will humans stop believing this rubbish.
  2. Maybe also Ukrainian, Belarussian, Kazakhstani, etc. Or maybe not. I know a 100% English guy called Sascha.
  3. Looking at his mum's Facebook page it appears she's Thai. Hope he turns up and is ok.
  4. It seems they purchased a house in a 'retirement' community. The Thai court system, follows the rule of law. They don't automatically side with Thais, the court will look at all aspects and I'd be very surprised if the Thais don't end up paying. The Thais filing a counter claim is a delaying tactic and the Judges will see that. From the article “We rented at first then spent around £200,000 on a villa in a new retirement complex. We were so happy.” But their dream life turned sour after returning from a shopping trip to find developers undergoing building work on their property. And their neighbours said they now owned the access road to it. A row broke out and the Byrnes managed to stop the development on their land for three months after hiring a lawyer and discovering the local residents had no legal right to muscle in on their home.
  5. Yeah bunch of conspiracy theorists. Why people don't believe Epstein and now this guy killed themselves is beyond me. In their positions the only thing I'd be doing is figuring out how to end my life as quickly as possible.
  6. Would depend who my parents were. If it was the same ones (ie rich parents), then I'd have liked to have been born in the UK rather than outside it, to give me more of a connection to the land of my nationality. If I was born to a working class family then wherever the government provides free everything. But to be honest I'd rather not be born into a poor family.
  7. Why would someone who wants to live in Thailand care that they can get residency in other countries?
  8. Earlier reports said they thought she was 50. Good on her if at 80 she still looked like she was 50. Makes a change from the fat blokes who look like they are over 50 but are actually only in their 40's
  9. I work for a German company that monitors international postal services. I get sent dozens of letters a week from all over the world and have to record the date and time of arrival, the code of the item, postmark date, condition of the envelope, etc It seems to be very rare for mail to not arrive, although mail from China often takes a while to get to me.
  10. I agree with teaching them how to think for themselves, but make sure they know the facts first. Opinions are not facts, nor are beliefs. Teach people facts. But it's not just in Thailand that people can't think for themselves. How many times has a stupid 'security' guard said you can't sit somewhere or can't take a photo in a public place? I can't stand people who are too stupid to use their own initiative to judge a situation and make a decision, instead they stick rigidly to the rules as if their life depended on it. An intelligent person analyses the situation and even if they've not been given the authority to make a decision, they do anyway to show they can use their own initiative. I worked in an office and the Thai staff were utterly incapable of making a decision on their own. They wouldn't question the boss at all and wouldn't dare suggest he was wrong. Utterly moronic. I used to have screaming fights with the boss when he wanted me to do something and I knew he was being an idiot.
  11. I suspect that the vast majority of these people simply can't afford to pay the fines or lose access to their vehicle. *if* the police really clamped down on things like multiple people on a scooter, loads of people in the back of a pickup and even just bad driving, then so may low income Thais would be hit with even more economic hardships. That is why I think the Police and Government don't really do much. They are walking a tightrope between keeping the poor people happy and doing something about road accidents etc Also don't forget that you can't have different rules for different classes of people. You can't let a poor Thai off just because he's poor and would be in deep financial s**t if you took his vehicle even for a few days. So instead they let just about everyone off, unless there is an actual serious accident.
  12. My main desktop has a 14 year old intel CPU and a 14 years old nvidia display card, running Linux Mint Cinnamon. I use it for all my work, video editing, watching movies etc The only thing I can't use it for is any gaming. If you are only doing light tasks and web browsing, plus some media consumption, then you don't need much.
  13. And don't cheap out on the glasses. Spend as much as is required.
  14. Just let adults have fun. He's not hurting anyone.
  15. Why are you using an ATM card at all when you can just use your phone to set the amount you want to withdraw. I haven't carried an ATM card in Bangkok for years.
  16. I have a good friend who lives there, she recently opened a Wellness Sanctuary called 'Mystic Village' in Pai. Quite a lot of slim, attractive, young Western (or Westernised) women in Pai. Pity it's not a big modern city. It would be nice to visit for a short holiday, but I could never live somewhere so undeveloped.
  17. That fact was disproved more than 2000 years ago. The idea that the Earth is round was first documented in the 5th century BC by Greek philosophers. The Greek mathematician Eratosthenes calculated the Earth's circumference around 240 BC. Yet, there are still people who think it's a fact that the world is flat. There are a lot of people who ignore facts because the facts don't fit their stupid agendas.
  18. Harsh? They are low class scum who've proven they don't deserve to be part of decent, polite society. If I had my way, they and people like them would just be executed. I don't believe in re-education. They knew what they were doing was wrong, they are just morons who thought they'd get away with it, or that the punishment won't be that bad. Prisons are a waste of money. In the UK the reoffending rate is/was around 25% and in a recent report they said a failure by the justice system to rehabilitate criminals has led to a £23.6 billion-a-year bill to the economy. Why do we bother putting people into prisons? A lot of these probably didn't offer much of value to society anyway, even before they were banged up. I'd rather live in a world where we don't have to lock anything, don't need passwords, can leave our possession anywhere knowing that the social contract will guarantee no-one will touch them, where the cost of crime is so close to zero that prices of things doesn't need to factor in losses from theft etc; and if the price of that near perfect world is the execution of millions of people before reality sinks in and people stop committing crime, then so be it.
  19. THAT is the scam! 800 baht for a taxi is nonsense.
  20. I was sending from Thailand via WISE to a UK Bank account, the recipient doesn't have a WISE account. I enter their bank details and swift address, then pay using my virtual visa issued by Kbank. Now I'm stuck because I can no longer make these small regular payments.
  21. It's more likely an attempt to stop scammers from repatriating the millions of baht they are taking off Thais every day.
  22. How the hell are you supposed to track what you spent in Thailand using your foreign debit/credit cards? I'm not going to keep all the receipts and then count up what I've spent in THB to then be taxed on that total.
  23. Been doing it for the past few years. Kbank virtual debit card to UK bank account, the recipient doesn't even have a WISE account she only has a Nat West Bank account. Never been a problem until now.
  24. I've been using my KBank virtual visa card to send cash to someone in the UK using WISE many times over the past few years. However since last week my cards are no longer being accepted. WISE said the cards are blocked. I called KBank today and they told me that WISE is now blocked because the bank can't determine where the money you are sending came from and why you are sending it.
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