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Everything posted by Freddy42OZ

  1. Pity they didn't report where we can buy some.
  2. The default code on new bags is 000 the idiot didn't change the code.
  3. The OP said "As anybody had an E-mail from Kbank asking to fill out 3 forms and return to them" I also received this email asking me to fill out the three forms they attached. The email has this line in it "The CRS aims to combat tax evasion by individuals residing outside Thailand and to ensure compliance with international taxation standards. In light of these requirements, we kindly request your cooperation in completing the following steps:" I replied to Kbank and pointed out that I am resident in Thailand and asked them why they want me to fill out forms for people who are not resident here. Still waiting for a response. I'm not from the US and I received it. It appears that all the forms are for Americans.
  4. The OP said "As anybody had an E-mail from Kbank asking to fill out 3 forms and return to them" I also received this email asking me to fill out the three forms they attached. The email has this line in it "The CRS aims to combat tax evasion by individuals residing outside Thailand and to ensure compliance with international taxation standards. In light of these requirements, we kindly request your cooperation in completing the following steps:" I replied to Kbank and pointed out that I am resident in Thailand and asked them why they want me to fill out forms for people who are not resident here. Still waiting for a response.
  5. If someone had left a pile of pallets in the road, we would have very quickly built a ramp and been jumping our tricycles over a line of of our friends laid on the ground.
  6. Except that isn't "losing control" That is "being a blind old coot who wasn't looking where he was going".
  7. How does one "lose control" of one of those? As soon as you take your foot off the pedal or the handlebar throttle it should stop, or slow down to a stop.
  8. Recently discovered this service, which might be useful to some of the US members. I'd love to use this but I contacted them and at the moment they can only connect to US bank accounts. https://moretapay.com/
  9. That sort of mirrors my experience. 3 vaccines, caught Covid twice. Both time I had a week of feeling like I had flu. The annoying part was the fatigue that kept hitting me for several months after. I would wake up really refreshed but some days within a few hours I would feel absolutely shattered. I'm not old and definitely not overweight.
  10. Based on the topic title I was hoping this was going to be a discussion of when the fat orange clown is going to have a heart attack or stroke and drop dead. The sooner the better imho.
  11. They can eat all the pugs they want. Horrible little dogs that should all be euthanised.
  12. Swallowing them is hard, especially the first one.
  13. If you told them not to use Fedex and they ignored you, I would ask for a full refund. Companies that can't follow basic instructions shouldn't be in business.
  14. I agree. I'm not dining at the Y if the girl has slept with someone else earlier in the day.
  15. That's a difficult one, not? She could be from Bulgaria, where Ekaterina is a popular name, she could also be from Ukraine or Belarus where Ekaterina is also common. But you just wanted to be subtly racist and imply she must be Russian.
  16. Despite what the video portrays, he's probably doing ok. I think it's all an act. His YouTube channel should be monetized given he has more than the required number of subscribers and is most likely getting enough watch hours to qualify. I doubt you or anyone else bothered to do any digging. Check out his website - https://scottrasher.com/
  17. Where are these "computer markets" I've been in Bangkok for 16 years and never heard of one.
  18. It wasn't cash in a bank account. Crypto transactions can be any size.
  19. I have provided Mac tech support for many years, but I have no idea what you actually want to have done. What issues are you having that you need resolving?
  20. It took a while to find details, but here is some more info Alexander Rogers, 20, found himself frozen out by his friends after he had sex with a female friend who then told other male students at Corpus Christi College that she felt 'discomfort' about the encounter, the coroner heard. Although the girl had no intention of reporting the incident formally, 'her disclosures led to a growing sense of animosity toward Alexander in his social circle,' the Coroner observed.
  21. Gay marriage is now legal in Thailand.
  22. Big tent, run by a complete clown.
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