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Everything posted by ningnong

  1. Kicking a woman in the back and the verbal abuse demonstrated what kind of an animal he is. If one could document all his aggression toward others in the span of his life the list would be very long indeed. Had that been two Thai guys sitting on the stairs the coward would not have dared attack the way he did those women. Huge fine, jail, deport and blacklist.
  2. Did your wife's parents wai you first or at all? It's the relative age compared to your wife's age that matters. You should Wai the parents first even if younger than yourself and Wai any older siblings of your wife first even if younger than you. Anyway that's the proper way in Esahn.
  3. Where do bird mites come from? Bird mites are found throughout the United States and in different countries. They prefer warm climates, so they’re typically active during the spring and early summer. These mites originate in birds like chickens, pigeons, sparrows, and starlings — but also live near bird nests. Even though bird mites need the blood of birds to complete their life cycle and survive, they can bite humans. Human blood, though, isn’t enough for survival. Symptoms of a bird mite bite are similar to bites of other insects and mites. You may develop small red bumps or a crawling sensation on your skin. Bird mite bites also cause itching, which can be severe at times. https://www.healthline.com/health/bird-mites
  4. We were recently checking out scooters mainly for the wife with me being an occasional rider. The Giorno 125 looked good and ticked a lot of boxes but I think they were only recently introduced here so reliability, parts and service could be a problem for early adopters. The Scoopy is on the small side for me and a butt ugly paint job on the Club12 models clearly targeting teens. The older Scoopys look all loose and rattly to me. The Click looked like something from Star Wars and the older ones around mostly look like crap. The Honda Lead was appealing but talking to a salesperson she said they are manufactured in Vietnam and will no longer be imported here because of a low profit margin. I have no idea if that's true so don't shoot the messenger. She also said replacement parts are slow to arrive because they come from Vietnam, that I can believe. The Grand Filano Hybrid with ABS like the one you got was the best of the lot. At first I was put off by the term hybrid thinking too much high tech but reading up on it eased my concerns and sounds like a good thing not overly complicated. They are great looking with nice smooth lines, quiet and the older ones around still look good. Hope it works out well for you.
  5. Thanks for your explanations. The video of his jump clearly shows the misrouted bridle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyYe8LJwFKw This slow motion video shows how a static line bridle should look https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQ3mlMduFDw
  6. The way it was written by eboy "over 800k Baht in a Thai bank for a couple of years" implies an extension of stay of based on a Non O-A.
  7. It's understandable that some Immigration offices would want recent proof of your current residence. It would require a level of trust to accept an old TM30. What would prevent someone from moving to a new residence and not notify Immigration with a new TM30? I'm guessing foreigners in the the Pattaya, Jomtiem, Phuket, Chiang Mai, Samui areas move around a lot with all the available housing options. I can see why an Immigration office in those areas might request TM 30 updates. Regarding this part of the unofficial English translation "..the same alien has left the premise and returned for another stay within the valid period.." Valid period is not referring to the valid period of the visa or extension of stay it is referring to the valid period of stay at that premise. Google Translate does a pretty decent job of translation: "2.2 When the home owner, owner, or possessor of the dwelling or hotel manager The notification according to 2.1 has been processed. Later, the foreigner travels to stay at another place from time to time and returns to stay at the same place under the time frame of accepting residence that has not yet ended. The host, owner or person Possession of residence or the hotel manager does not have to notify again." No mention of valid period of visa etc in that paragraph.
  8. I got my first 90 day online rejection last month. I always take screenshots of the info I input and nothing was different from previous reports. I applied again the same day of the rejection email but this time filled in all the fields even if not required. The second submission was accepted. Try again tonight if you can and maybe you'll get lucky too.
  9. Forgive me if I misunderstand the situation but you never clarified exactly which visa you had to begin with when returning. I'm assuming you had an extension of stay and probably a re-entry permit based on one type of non-immigrant visa as well as holding a separate Thai Elite visa?? If you did have a valid unexpired re-entry permit and the immigration officer saw that in the computer as well as the stamps in your passport the Junior officer processed you correctly there was no need to dig any deeper. And no, the IO could not stamp you in with a 30 day visa exempt entry under those circumstances.
  10. Immigration Officers were being difficult? I think you got that backwards. That junior officer was doing his job correctly. I'm surprised you expected anything different than getting stamped in until the expiry date of your extension of stay. Couldn't you have deferred your return until after the extension of stay expired or had a plan in place to deal with it at immigration the next day? Since the extension of stay was based on work maybe there are more details as to why you entered and expected different treatment. I feel sorry for that junior officer and I doubt your statement the officer's superior agreed that it was ridiculous to stamp you in for one day. How long did they end up stamping you in for?
  11. Do you know how many days in advance you can apply for an extension of stay at Hua Hin? I know some offices allow 30 days in advance and some 45.
  12. I will dance the night away Living only for today Both ends burning while you're counting sheep Hell, who can sleep in this heat this night?
  13. I appreciate the points you made and taking the time to clearly state your point of view. I wonder if those foreign laborers don't just get sent home if they require extensive medical treatment. Most are just a few hours from the border by road. But I don't want to stray to far off topic here. I was on the O-A visa when the change was made requiring health insurance. I remember all to well the ongoing discussions here at ThaiVisa regarding whether or not it would apply to renewing extensions of stay for those of us already on O-A visas for a number of years. By far the majority argued it would not apply to us already on O-A which in fact it ultimately did. I let my O-A expire and went through the process of getting a Non-O even though I have health insurance here however I'm not sure it will be available or affordable to me in the future and I would be compelled to leave Thailand if insurance becomes a requirement. I felt with a Non-O that maybe there's a chance of a grandfather clause if there ever is an insurance requirement. But the O-A change was an eye opener and when I have weighed pros and cons of selling my home in the West this was one of the main reasons not to sell, a future here is uncertain. The house is paid for, in a unique location and easily rented so it wasn't a hard decision to come to keeping the house. You stated "There is no evidence that I've ever come across to even remotely suggest that older expats who reside here are a drain on the economy or leave unpaid hospital bills." I don't disagree with that but the fact remains that an insurance requirement has been made for at least a couple of non-immigrant visa classes, O-A and O-X, maybe others I don't know. The government clearly decided a need just how far they will go remains to be seen. Additionally Thailand might be in for a lot more economic refugees from the West who are on fixed incomes that can no longer afford to live back home. Many of these will have no insurance. This post will likely get ridiculed but I think the ones that ridicule it are the ones that have burned their bridges and are second guessing their decisions.
  14. The government won't be concerned with the many old retirees that are insured or self insured their concern will be with the many without insurance and the drain on the economy. We would be naive to believe that mandatory insurance for all ex-pats with non-immigrant visas isn't already on the table for consideration. In your particular case what happens if you need to draw down that self insurance of 3m baht over the course of one or more health events? You will no longer be self insured or insurable. Then what?
  15. I agree that many here wouldn't have a chance to get health insurance because of their age. Do you expect the Thais to pick up the bill for a bunch of very old uninsured foreigners in their final years of usually very high medical expenses? You call it fear mongering I call it being realistic and only posted so folks might think twice about burning their bridges back home.
  16. According to the audio there was one guy and a girl that got out of the truck first and went across the street and then the second guy got out apparently because he couldn't wait any longer to take care of his business.
  17. I posted a link to a Thai Rath Youtube video in an earlier comment here. It clearly appears he took a dump too. The link again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0yVNVJPo6g
  18. Thai Rath video. Disgusting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0yVNVJPo6g
  19. A few years ago the change to the O-A visa happened requiring proof of health insurance for new O-A visas and O-A extensions of stay. Can you say with absolute certainty the it will never be made a requirement for standard Non-O visas too? I'd give it 50-50 odds of happening some day as health care costs continue to rise rapidly.
  20. A more accurate translation เงินโอนต่างประเทศ = Foreign money transfer
  21. My erections are more impressive when I eat a lot of chilies.
  22. ใน วันที่ 20 มกราคม 3015 Mr Spoon กำลังนั่งที่โต๊ะอาหารเช้า
  23. To protect stuff, tools, toys etc from the elements and casual theft. I came across a Thai government site where you can submit a query and they then apparently reach out to the appropriate government agency or database and reply back (we hope). I gave it a shot not really expecting anything back but within 24 hours they emailed a reply. The site is in Thai and queries need to be in Thai I suppose which I did. I could tell an actual human read my message because they slightly rephrased my question to clarify what I was asking. The reply was very complete with details of how to proceed, necessary documents and fees. Here is the translated portion answering my main question. >Subject: Application for permission to install a fiberglass canopy for pickup trucks Installing a fiberglass roof, a 4x4 (4wd) 2-door pickup truck, will the Department of Land Transport accept it or not? The Transport Office staff will consider granting permission. A vehicle with a fiberglass roof must be brought in for inspection and assessment in terms of strength and safety.< Not a definite yes but more importantly not a definite no either.
  24. There's a lot of examples of Carryboy caps on plain 2 door trucks, extra cab and 4 door trucks. But I've yet to see an image of one on a 2 door 4x4. You can search for images of Carryboy using Thai so it will just show trucks in Thailand: หลังคาไฟเบอร์ แครี่บอย
  25. I would like to trust you but that's hard to do since another member once posted that it is illegal to put a cap on a 2 door 4x4. Who to believe? I was hoping for someone who has firsthand experience with putting a cap on their 2 door 4x4 and getting it noted in the blue book.
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