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Everything posted by Harveyboy

  1. Yep I'm sure ..it would certainly have swayed mine
  2. Or smother them to death with white flags ....Macron is a joke ...little Napoleon perhaps after reading this Putin may like little Macaroooon more than the French do eh
  3. Let's see...they will need to do a better job against the Thais than they are doing against the Ukrainian s ..just sayin
  4. Doing the test this week depth ..it wasn't to easy to find someone as most have now retired or died amongst the old guys that did most of thee around this area ..but what the mother in law doesn't know ain't worth knowing lol..I'll let you know more the weekend mate
  5. Having a bore sink this week on our land here in Phetchabun..I'll let you know how it goes
  6. Yep just like me over the last 10 years ..but must admit some of it actually worked..
  7. Where to find !!!..you you buy works out the same
  8. Anyone on here know the prices of meter or rip off price taxi from mo chit to swampy tks H
  9. Well said .1 home wife 2 kids + + everything else if I go out of Thailand for any reason I must pay to get back ..I live here permanent not a tourists just a farang putting money into the coffers of the Thais ..Grab Grab can't help themselves can they .. just sayin H
  10. Can't see the problem here if he can get back to Poland he can have a job as a plumber in the UK within a week ...
  11. I have my pension paid directly into my wise account where it stays till the rate is ok for Changing which we know ain't been for a long time so my wise account is just growing every month got 8 months of pension in there
  12. Well said !!! once bitten as The saying goes ..but definitely tetanus jab ..and as the OP said get rid of the dog ..
  13. They've got loads of tourists coming in now ..they don't care ..a year ago they were crying in thier noodles no money ..no tourists ..no food..No Brains ..what a difference a year makes eh
  14. Excuse me but aren't the Yorkshire police the ones who couldn't or wouldn't do anything about the grooming happening under their noses ..sorry might be wrong ..just sayin
  15. No honour with mercenaries...scum hired guns..kill for a price not for a cause ..the loss of all of these would mean nothing
  16. your on a Roll there Ivan keep It up
  17. These Ivan's still got cash 800 dollars ..yep !!!!
  18. Had to wait a bloody lot longer in Paris CDG each time I go back.. Thailand good in comparison
  19. He shouldn't be extradited to UK cushy prison .got a few Bob can get you easy life in there ..let him do his time in the Hilton...jail Thai style..cought here let him stay ..just sayin
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