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AgMech Cowboy

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Everything posted by AgMech Cowboy

  1. Who have no history, nor real study of history. Bring in the the young and let them make the same promises that Banharn Silpa-archa and Chavalit Yongchaiyudh made. Maybe they'll even be able to let their corrupt benefactors run wild like Thaksin and Yingluck did. I'm not saying the 'Generals' are ideal. I'm saying people should not be so naïve to think the "youth" should get their way. I also think us foreigners should butt-out of Thai politics.
  2. @bolt @couchpotato @Sparktrader So typical of most posters on AN. Uninformed and not cute. Former PM Thaksin and former PM Yingluck are brother and sister.
  3. There are many Russians who support Putin in his cruel, stupid war, BUT there are as many or more who do not. I don't understand the attitude to not let them escape the <deleted> that is going down in Russia. Let them come, help Thailand's economy and catch some sun. (No, they probably will not spend as much as an American, but it'll be more than a Dutchman or Scotsman will spend. Squeak, squeak, ????)
  4. I grew up going on fishing trip in the late 50's, 60's and early 70's with my Dad to the Rio Grande river West of Big Bend National Park. We never saw worms or parasites of any kind. Of course we always skinned our catfish. Man, I miss those days.
  5. Only, if she can get legal bids thrown out so she can become the bid winner, then she'll have interest.
  6. It seems my post didn't rate being put out in the emails, which is fine. I've decide to try to communicate with this group. Hopefully they can help me. Tree maintenance and trimming services training service Email : [email protected] Call 093-983-3050, 083-024-4053
  7. Actually, that's a helpful message. I'll need an electrician, soon. ????
  8. It's really sad to read the cynical responses of the 'know it all' above. A major source of the teachers debts comes from cosigning for their former student's loans. Plus, their salaries are pretty meager.
  9. Not everybody can do the butterfly. Plus, for those of us with too much belly fat, it's almost impossible unless you've been doing it for a long time. (That's my experience).
  10. Hello Fellow Forum Members, I live in a subdivision (aka village/Mooban) whose idea of practicing the art an arborist is to push a scaffold as close as possible or a ladder to the tree, then start whacking away until they clear most of the branches from the top of the trunk 10-15' above the ground. (I cannot believe my tree between my yard and the road actually survived last year. And no it's not in the walkway. It's a designated shrub and tree area). My tree has recovered and looking good, but needs a good trim, plus I've a couple of trees inside the yard that need to be trimmed. (I call it my tree because the original tree planted by the Mooban died during the 2011 flood. They never replaced it, so I did with a better quality tree in 2015). Does anyone here know of an Arbor service or individual who I could contact about the work? Thank You.
  11. CNN reported this and it comes from a pseudo democracy organization. This reads like a propaganda article. It especially reeks when you read the dissenting statement by the easily slandered "right-wing" MEP's (just people who aren't on the globalist, new world order, train) report, saying it was "based on subjective opinions and politically biased statements, and reflects vague concerns, value judgments and double standards." "This is yet another attempt by the federalist European political parties to attack Hungary and its Christian-democratic, conservative government for ideological reasons". Fake News. Throw out the slander and lies enough and soon enough they'll get people to believe it. You'll own nothing, rent everything and be happy, right? (paraphrase)
  12. I used to keep that much money with me all the time until about 7 years ago (when my wife drained all the excess cash). ????
  13. Was the car electric, hybrid or NGV converted...
  14. A completely misleading statement. You can read about him here: https://www.state.gov/biographies/robert-f-godec/ He was an Assistant Office Director for Thailand and Burma in the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, and Director for Southeast Asian Affairs at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, which is not 'in' Thailand. I'm sure he enjoyed trips here in his capacity.
  15. I'm fearful, a little, of more water than can be handled (2011). But, I am so happy not to hear the whining about a/the drought.
  16. Nailed it!! Thanks, Old Croc! (mostly, IMHO)
  17. I think this can be applied to most of the above post. Thais go to the hospital because it's the only place they can use their government medical policy and in the case of my wife and son, who have private insurance, inpatient care is covered, out patient care and prescriptions are not.
  18. Dear Thai Embassy, Please issue to my husband a Non-Immigrant Visa. We have been together since the beginning of 2542 (1999) and have been Married since 22 July 2547 (2004). We also have one Thai-American son who was born 09 September 2545 (2002) He is a good man and we are financially in good shape. We own a home in xxxx. Thank you for your assistance. Kind Regards, KISS just an example
  19. Not sure who might still read this post, but a man who worked with him contacted me with the following: https://www.pdrh3.com/index.html
  20. @scubascuba3 @CatoniI have no idea, but he lived in Thailand and contributed his time to bettering it. As you can see from some comments above he was a good person. Until today, I didn't know he was 64. Here and LinkedIn were the only two ways I knew to get the word out and let his friends know. (I found out from his brother who had contacted me in LinkedIn).
  21. That's a pretty callous viewpoint. I've no idea about Mark's social life. He had not, yet, retired. Sadly, I do not know his cause of death. I made the post here, because he has lived in Thailand 10+ years and worked in Asia and the ME. Since I don't know his friends, this was one of the few way's I've had to let them know
  22. I have a sad announcement to make regarding Mark Gorda: Mark Gorda passed away yesterday, 04 September 2022 in the Banglamung Hospital Chonburi, Thailand. Mark's body will arrive at 4pm on 6 Sept at the temple on Jomtien beach road for bathing rites and placed in the coffin. He be 3 nights at temple and then cremated, I'm guessing, on 9 Sept? Please pass this news on to all who knew him.
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