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AgMech Cowboy

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Everything posted by AgMech Cowboy

  1. I had meant to test the pp copy requirement when I went in August, but I was so happy to get in the gate before they closed that morning that I forgot. I hope you will test it and let us know. Good Luck. It's a great time to go. There are no crowds on most days. (The clerk told me Mondays have been crowded) I went in on a Tuesday and picked up on Wednesday.
  2. I'm pulling and hoping for you that you don't get anymore.
  3. As recommended by Tesla. Just following the manufactures suggestions, no?
  4. That was my point, which is why the initial post was to the THAILAND forum. This was meant to stir the conversation regarding the push by Thailand to get Thai's to buy EVs.
  5. I just saw an article about the EV problems in Florida. I think the push to EV's is the wrong direction for Thailand. This is just one of the reasons.
  6. I can't suggest a company for your area. Yesterday I had 4 trees in my yard here in East Pathum Thani surveyed by an Arborist. They will provide an estimate today or tomorrow. You might contact them for a more local recommendation to your area. Urban Tree Care Services <[email protected]> Chutharat Prasertsin (Off), Customers service, Tel & ID line :ย 093-9833050 Laeiad Panpat, Customers service, Tel & ID line : 083-0244053 LINE: Rukkakorn TreesCare
  7. ????????????????????
  8. Big C have a couple of different styles.
  9. It's just the climate fanatics ginning up the populace. Next year the sky will be falling and they can blame climate change on that too (but they'll ask for even more of your wallet to fix it).
  10. Yes, the USD will get stronger as the Fed increases the interest rates, unless of course Thailand starts doing the same. However, if Joe continues to give money away then it might go down. ????
  11. My guess is they're trying to keep from going to court and being sued for all the damages they did to that family. (The money to the contractor... Has he even been paid? The contract is liable to the bank for going to the wrong house and breaking in.)
  12. Stress by debt and wife. It happens and some people do dumb things. I hope he recovers and can straighten out his life.
  13. RIP to this woman. May she find piece that she did not have in this life.
  14. Only you and the sheep. Most of humans are omnivores. Omnivores generally occupy the third trophic level alongside meat-eating carnivores. Examples of omnivores include bears, birds, dogs, raccoons, foxes, certain insects, and even humans. There are also a bunch of Carnivores within the human race. Other carnivores include wolves, mountain lions (African, too), hawks and even snakes. There is nothing disgusting about killing and eating animals (unless your human eating a dead human). (WOW!! Way off topic. Apologies...)
  15. Some of us 'rarely' go directly to the AseanNow website, but read only the Subject highlighted by the twice daily emails from the forum administrator. So forgive him for not knowing the original post was in the "Pattaya section". It was probably an honest mistake.
  16. This is a stupid requirement.
  17. The SUVs that you listed are nothing more than a station wagon with 4 or all wheel drive. You want to think about high water... They are sold in Thailand, but I don't know where to look. Sorry. ???? Good Luck!! ????
  18. Ahh... The Economic wizards of AseanNow have spoken. Cake Monster did pretty darn good. Add one more; at the moment a stronger Baht is not to their advantage. Thailand wants to attract tourist to the Kingdom and to boast their exports, which will improve by letting the Baht exchange ease. I wouldn't even hazard a guess on the GBP (to much wasted Green energy spending?)
  19. Lazada and Shopee.
  20. It would have been at least double those prices in the US.
  21. In Bangkok, I recommend Thaniya Dental, Dr. Somchai. It's located in Thaniya Plaza Building, where you can shop for your golf needs, too. (If you should need a root canal, his associate there is the best one I've ever encountered).
  22. Yep, I sure hope they don't use them. ???? I don't think a stronger Baht will help their export businesses, which they need to fire up the economy.
  23. I couldn't agree more to getting rid of the 'foul' diesel vehicles. But... The true cost of electric vehicles: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/XV9ijKAubfU
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