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Everything posted by patman30

  1. i used to think the same when i moved to BKK many years ago standing on BTS seeing a good few people wearing masks but fact is we just pay attention to those that stand out just as others have done when you have not worn a mask and the majority are but in reality these pre CBS mask wearers were very few we just dont pay as much attention to those not standing out but a handful passing by would spark your attention and curiosity i just find it hilarious when people use these arguments and it's always other countries
  2. Says the guy that done what everyone else done just because everyone else was doing it. That view of conformity? ????????????
  3. you gotta love the "other country" arguments when they spout them. LOL The whole "Asian people always wore masks prior to CBS" very few would wear for pollution, very few and motobike taxi's i was in Japan in 2019, and do not recall seeing a single person in a mask, not even in Tokyo
  4. Where did i state this? you do understand how quotes work ? *that is where i stopped reading.????
  5. Apart from very old laptops or very new modular laptops the vast majority of laptops the CPU cannot be removed whilst you may remove any heatsink or fan to clean the CPU itself cannot usually be removed *FYI, i work with computers, building, stripping them etc.????
  6. quote was taken from their site when it was on there i got it from an old tweet of mine, which at the time took it from their site *websites do update you know my original point still stands, if you read it a few times maybe you will understand it
  7. woodwork bought a load of milwaukee tools so i then had to find a use for them
  8. Crypto is just (the public loses trading) stocks 2.0 it is a joke, nothing but trading on hot air, and completely manipulated not one coin has lived up to its promises in terms of tech development crypto will look a complete joke next year with what is being released
  9. again, you are out of your depth here, and i am not trying to offend a hot wallet is not a custodial wallet a hot wallet is a wallet that is online, so funds can be used Cold Storage or a cold wallet, is OFFLINE storage, so funds are 100% as completely offline, obviously not ready to spend as offline you then compare a bank to a hot wallet, due to your misunderstanding a hot wallet would be akin to the wallet in your back pocket cold storage is like having a safety deposit box in a vault somewhere cold storage is how you safely hold coins i will repeat again you do not need a custodial service or an exchange to use bitcoin.
  10. "raise money" i did not state "get listed on a stock exchange" or "publicly traded" my point stands, plenty of ways for startups to raise funds these days
  11. There is always one please read what i wrote "or newer designed batteries based on NiFe" "Xilectric is developing a totally new class of low-cost rechargeable batteries with a chemistry analogous to the original nickel-iron Edison battery." Source: https://xilectric.com/ it is also not that they cannot be used they have been used already the issue is they will not provide today's desired performance
  12. 1500 baht to remove the back and blow the dust out LOL
  13. So 80% happen prior to closing time implying closing time is not the cause and 3 hours is a long period how many of these happen before 1am ?
  14. if you choose to have an opinion on something without actually looking into it and understanding it on a basic level that is ignorance as you ignore all the information available to have a clear understanding and instead rely on ignorant opinions of others to form an opinion sadly this is extremely common these days regardless of topic "crypto trading" yes your comment makes sense lots of people like to gamble whether they know the horse or not and many "people who own crypto" are simply ignorant gamblers having said that most crypto coins are built on false promises but in reality that is not much different to startups these days raise money first, build later, but they never build Bitcoin can scale to become the global cash system but i dont think anyone here is ready for that conversation LOL Next Year crypto will look like a joke, and i am not talking about fiat price action, i mean crypto.
  15. i was more refering to those who would want to steal it, but agreed https://thethaiger.com/hot-news/crime/foreign-gang-allegedly-extorts-russian-couple-of-crypto-worth-us50k-in-thailand i find the experts on here comical
  16. i am pretty sure we can strongly disagree on what bitcoin is LOL
  17. would only happen if trading with leverage Bitcoin is not responsible for people gambling if i buy 1 bitcoin and i do not use it i always have 1 bitcoin.
  18. Already answered above Your last sentance is naive plenty of reports of people being robbed once it is know they have BitCoin same for having anything of value in the home known and as you can see from comments above people assume "billions" and many wrongly think bitcoin is anonymous
  19. you think i do not know what multisig is LOL and why on earth would i want 2 of 3 sigs for my own money? plz stop, you are another one that is clearly out of your depth on this topic.
  20. When EV use NiFe batteries or newer designed batteries based on NiFe then i will consider buying one and i already have Solar
  21. i store most of mine on spreadsheets every exchange under the sun can go bust my bitcoins are safe. others i do have in hot wallets ready to be used When you say wallet, are you referring to a custodial service? or a wallet, or a private key (which can be referred to as a wallet) i have to ask as you have now changed from an exchange to "exchange or wallet" if i use a wallet i dont need an exchange either.
  22. did i say "each and every time" or "all" "many times" and i was referring to the sticks where many times the road block is just setup outside the small station some are so small you do not even realise they are there
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