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Posts posted by Kiwiken

  1. 3 hours ago, Nicholas1986 said:

    I am already early 30 and hope this was my last time of being so naive....

    Never give up on looking for the good in people. And never give up believing in a good heart. It is easy to become cynical and bitter in the search for love in your life. Sadly many lessons will be bitter but when you stop looking so hard for someone you will find them. Thai women are alluring and intriguing . However as in most places it is hard for good people to meet a good person. Most of them are not what they seem. But never give up

  2. On 10/30/2016 at 3:44 AM, ilostmypassword said:

    Really? It used to be said that increasing the money supply will increase interest rates because it will lead to inflation. Now it's just the opposite? Actually, what is keeping interest rates low is lack of demand. Almost a century ago, Keynes figured how to solve this problem but it's a lesson well forgotten.

    Yes Keynes always advocated the Invisible hand to stimulate and reduce demand as required. Sadly all the Worlds Governments have become side tracked by the slash and burn Policies of Milton Friedman. This makes them deludedly rely on the market to even things out. A Market driven by greed and manipulated by the Top 5%. I have only believed the trickle down theory works when a drunken wealthy person P........ses on the poor in the Gutter

  3. 23 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    OK, but I didn't say AI will take over tomorrow. It is here, but in a small way so far ( carparks and petrol stations etc ). It is coming though, and a country with such a small population will have great difficulty dealing with large numbers of unemployed. I think NZ should become part of Australia to help the transition.

    NZ can't industrialise, IMO. They just don't have the people willing to do those sort of jobs. All the kids want to be in media and other stupidities.

    Regulation is killing NZ businesses now, as the bureaucracy attempts to justify it's existence. Fining farmers thousands of $ for not wearing a helmet while riding a farm bike is an abomination, but no one is standing up against the stupidity. I think people are just trying to get by in a bad environment best they can.

    This is true about regulation but please bear in mind most of that is us following on from Australian regulations. It is the same in the workplace. Australian practices are adopted in line with C.E.R

  4. 9 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    IMO worse. Cheap credit is keeping things going and the government refuses to talk about it, but it's happening.

    I was talking to a lady in a petrol station shop, and she was scared her job will be eliminated by a machine. Human devoid self service petrol stations are already in existence. Car parks no longer have humans taking the money. Supermarkets have self service checkout counters. Bank tellers are a threatened species. Even social welfare staff could be replaced by machines as their lives become threatened by people outraged at the way they are being treated. They have to have security guards outside every social welfare office now.

    AI can replace all the manual jobs, but what will people do, and if they are all unemployed, who is going to have enough money to make businesses viable?

    The only industries doing really well, that I could tell, were camper van companies and the illegal weed industry.

    Not really true. There is a growing Service Industry. And those in the Food Sector never enough workers. It is true technology moving in some Industries but in my rural town the local Service station expanding and taking on more staff. Following the Sept 2010 and Feb 2011 earthquakes most Businesses rebuild and expanded. World wide it is an issue no matter how cheap you can import something for if people have no income how do you sell it? The west will re Industrialise because the east is already beginning to price itself out of the market.. 

  5. In the days of the British Raj in India the British went 3 times into Afghanistan. 3 times they got a hiding. Never been a safe place but did come into the 20th century for a short time. Govt at the time asked for Soviet assistance. USA trained the Mujahadeen. Many who later joined the Taliban (Teachers). The rest is history. The Country is a failed state and nothing we do will change that. It is infected by the Fundamentalist disease.

  6. 1 hour ago, Caps said:

    Yes as a Brexiter there was no plan for it, because the muppets in No10 didn't think it was ever going to happen, great planning.  

    As for the planning now...just because they are not telling everyone about it all the time does not mean to say that they are not working on one.  Of course there will be one in the making, for better or worse and yes it won't suit everyone but hey...nothing ever does,  anyone who thinks that the Government are not working out a plan are talking crap..no one in their right minds would just sit there and the country get worse and worse.

    As for Corbyn he's a fresh air thief and instead of trying to slag off everything that others do maybe he should be trying to be constructive and help try and get the country back on its feet.   

    Easy plan. turn the Royal Navy into Privateers as in the past. Start by raiding along the Spanish coast. Form an alliance with the Netherlands. Ignore France and pillage Belgium and Germany. East Brexit can be renamed Rexit and shove that up the European tail pipes. Rule Brittania

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