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Posts posted by AlexRich

  1. I think Pattaya is much better than its "reputation" suggests, with great shopping and food venues. If you want to avoid the seedier side of Pattaya you can easily do so. However, I would never take children to any of the beaches ... if that is an essential part of the vacation then I think you'd be better off in Hua Hin.

  2. Some women who have survived breast cancer have had their nipples tattooed, after they lost the originals due to the breast removal operation. A good artist can give it a 3D effect.


    But if he goes to the wrong one he might end up with two smiley faces.


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  3. 1 hour ago, berybert said:

    Mate of mine left a bar in soi 11 not long ago. Got approached by an African, told him he wasn't interested. 

    At the end of the road he was stopped by the cops and told they had seen him doing a deal with the African. 

    Long story short, it cost him 40,000 baht.

    Don't even think about stopping and talking to people you don't know.

    I was in Kuta, Bali a few years back. At night if you are walking around you are constantly approached by people trying to sell you drugs. I keep walking. I was reading the book “Snowing in Bali” about drug smuggling ... apparently some of these guys are paid by the police to set up tourists. Once you do the deal you get arrested at the next corner and then you’re paying to get released, and if you fight it and higher up people get involved so does the amount you have to pay. 


    Let’s hope Thailand is not going the same way.

  4. 20 hours ago, LiamB80 said:

    I’ve seen the ladyboy on the left before on a baht bus ride from Jomntien in Pattaya. I remember him distinctly, it was just a few weeks ago. He appeared to be tweeking when I saw him and visibly high on drugs unable to sit still. He threw his half filled water bottle right out the back of the baht bus on Thappraya and nearly hit a mototaxi. He then drew his attention to me, asking if I wanted to go with him and it would be free, even touching me a few times. I politely declined and I could tell if I hadn’t been nice, it would have led to an incident. This was a real nasty ladyboy and clearly high on drugs.

    How “nice” were you Liam? 

  5. On 11/16/2019 at 3:40 AM, Chelseafan said:

    I have the utmost respect for those who protect our values and our freedom, what these people go through must be hell.

    Perhaps we should put the American Civil Liberties Union on the front line for a few months rather than letting them rant from behind their desks safe and sound.




    Do you know anything about these men, and their crimes? It takes a psychopath President to release psychopath's in uniform to boost his votes among ill informed morons.


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  6. 3 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    I agree wholeheartedly with assisting a fellow foreigner and especially a friend but I can't see where you can determine it's "Probably something you would not understand."  Anyway, regardless of your misconception, maybe you are unfamiliar with the concept of 'when push comes to shove' in my earlier post so I will try and explain.


    After all the good work and honest intentions of you and your friends over time to help the hypothetical friend who has mismanaged and continues to abuse his Thai immigration status, the hypothetical friend spurns all good advice, chooses to 'go dark', fly under the immigration radar and overstay.


    With your earlier stated conviction that such abusers of the system imperils your good standing here in Thailand, would you call the 1178 'snitch-line'?


    A simple Yes or No answer will suffice, unembellished by incorrect assumptions or further obfuscation.

    Of course he would, he call the snitch line and store the memory in the wank bank for later.

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  7. 10 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

    It does not give me pleasure but as long time many time visited tourist who was planning on semi retiring to Thailand, when guys like him get away with this, it makes more trouble for the rest of law abiding expats, that do all the paperwork, pay all the fees, etc

    It’s makes no difference to you or anyone else. Thailand doesn’t want you, something you haven’t woken up to ... something the Russian understood.




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