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Posts posted by AlexRich

  1. 3 hours ago, Aussiepeter said:

    It is nine months since I was in LOS and that is obviously too long, as the first thing I did when I saw this story was to blow up the page to view the "female" foreign shoplifter - has anyone else done this ? She looks like an 18 gallon beer keg sitting on two tree stumps ! Thank goodness for Thai ladies, including the missus who at 48 is still a thousand times more attractive than this petty thief. Even with alcohol being included, I doubt her chances of scoring a date in LOS any time soon. Reminds me of the time a girl in a pub in London, when I rejected her advances said "you are drunk"  - to which I replied, "yes and you are ugly, but tomorrow I'll be sober." Happy New Year all on TV.

    Expect requests to post a pic of the no doubt lovely Mrs Aussiepeter!


    Tip: don’t!

    • Haha 2
  2. 19 hours ago, Scot123 said:

    Have you read the transcript? Obviously not! Have you followed the Kangaroo House investigation/show trial? Again obviously not. You all better be careful because this is an inpeachment of hearsay and gossip with not on single bit of evidence. Do you even know what the charges are? Not one even if true with evidence would remove a sitting president. Onlt the sheeple believe the smoke and mirrors. This is all to do with 2020 thinking it would weaken Trump and its back fired, even a democrat has switched sides and become a republican and he will not be the last. 


    You lost me at “sheeple”, a term used by right wing tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists ... you obviously haven’t witnessed the sworn testimonies ... Tin Foil Hat Weekly obviously didn’t cover them?

    • Like 2
  3. 9 hours ago, Tippaporn said:

    BS.  The Dems purposely and then insistently twisted the facts to make it appear as a crime.  And then displayed the double standard of insisting Biden did nothing wrong even though proof is there for all to see.


    As Trump states in his letter, it was the Dems objective to impeach Trump from Day 1, before Trump could possibly have done anything "wrong."  Proof positive that for the past 3 years they have been searching for something, anything, to remove him.


    The voters will not forget.


    Even his own appointees testify against him ... are they in on the conspiracy?

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  4. Firstly, cancel the US application. Secondly, contact her and tell her you are sorry that it didn’t work out, but you want to make things right for her in Thailand by officially divorcing. So she can move on with her life if she meets someone “better”. In other words sell it to her, make out your doing it for her. Get over there and get the divorce over with officially. Once you are shot of her party like a Rockstar ... celebrate a lucky escape.

  5. I don’t like the term “disrespected” either, and the US expat really means that he wasn’t treated fairly or well. Which may indeed be true.


    If his wife was German, Swedish, Japanese ... it probably wouldn’t have been an issue ... as these are considered developed countries were citizens are less likely to stay illegally. That seems to be the thinking.

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