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Posts posted by AlexRich

  1. 5 hours ago, Skallywag said:

    You post insinuated that women of certain professions are unworthy or incapable of "true love"   

    So am just asking where you found your "true love" ?  


    Mai pen rai


    "True love" is bull for the most part, as can be seen by the 50% plus of Americans who claim to have met their "true love", only to acrimoniously divorce them several years down the road. Call me a cynic, but you are unlikely to find women of good character by trawling Thai massage parlours ... and anyone who does this is a fool.





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  2. 8 hours ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

    Not about my happiness.  Its about your lack of respect. I actually like Bernard Trink's term: "Denizens of the Demi monde"...But I do hope you know the Thai word for prostitute and use it to girls faces and see what happens!


    The OP's post is a "dream" about meeting a 42 year old in a massage parlour, marrying her and whisking her off to the USA. It's either a troll post or it's real ... but if it is real then he needs to get a reality check. What he doesn't need is encouragement.




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  3. 4 hours ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

    I have found consistently that men who use the term prostitute are usually sexually repressed moralists who choose the term knowingly or unconsciously to label sex workers as negatively as possible. It is not polite and not useful for understanding  girls in this line of work. It is as mean minded and uncharitable as the men who use this out dated biblical term.


    Again, classifying someone you've never met as sexually repressed or a moralist is borderline insane, and says a great deal more about you than it ever will about me.


    I couldn't care less what someone does for a living but "massage parlours" in Thailand are, in many cases, a front for sexual services and prostitution ... I don't have an issue with prostitution but I wouldn't go down the local red light area looking for a long term relationship ... caveat emptor. I could call them Customer Service Specialists if that makes you happy?





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  4. 8 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    I’m not sure where you get that claim from.


    The text book example of Keynsian economics in action is Roosevelt’s response to the Great Depression, massive investment in infrastructure followed by even bigger expenditure in war manufacturing, all funded by government borrowing, including loans extended to the British to buy American arms and supplies.



    No pre saving, the Great Depression smashed and the expansion of the American middle class established.


    Borrow cheap and spend on investment, or slash public spending.


    The Tories/Lib-Dems chose the latter, the poor and those made poor can take the pain.



    You'll find it in his "General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money" ... it wasn't written by Roosevelt.



    • Haha 1
  5. 36 minutes ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

    The OP should be aware that on this forum his inquiry will generate response from the most sexually inexperienced men, emotionally immature  guys, Thai haters, bitter men trapped in marriage, men with little or no knowledge of the P4P scene, bigoted Christian zealots, sexually repressed inadequates who still live with mum  run of the mill misogynist, racist bigots etc. Use your own judgement and common sense. But from my 30 years of mongering I can tell you many girls in the game are good people  often with few vices. Compared to western girls, the slags and slappers who drink, smoke, swear and fight before morphing into fat grey blobs after trapping a fool into marriage,  unwanted kids then divorce...Thai working girls  especially massage girls are much nicer,decent and more respectable than most western women especially American   British and Australian women but they havent had a lot of chances in life. God bless them I say. In general Thai girls are great fun. Dont even bother with good,  straight girls..They are usually a real night mare. The best way to benefit from this forum is to ignore the women haters, Thai bashers and misanthropes but concentrate on the positive people who enjoy life here and all it has to offer including good fun girls.


    I was wondering when Captain Save A Ho would show up.

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  6. 52 minutes ago, sunnyboy2018 said:

    The use of the label prostitute is a slur used by inadequate men as a form of virtue signalling. Usually men with mummy issues.

    Prostitute is not a label, it’s the oldest profession in the world. And in Thailand most, but not all, massage parlours are fronts for prostitution and sexual services. So if that’s your hunting ground for true love, good luck to you. 


    No idea why any of that constitutes virtue signalling or mummy issues, you might want to take that up with a psychiatrist.


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  7. 2 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    The idea of the UK putting money aside for a financial crisis is fanciful nonsense.


    Austerity was an option, borrowing to invest on infrastructure and development was another.


    The Tories/Lib Dem chose Austerity and ignored the warnings of the damage it would do to UK society.


    (Borrowing to bail out banks has never been a problem, though prosecuting bankers who wrecked the economy is apparently problematic - never mind the poor and those made poor can take the pain)


    It's nothing of the sort, it's exactly what Lord Keynes recommended ... build up resources in the good times that can be applied during economic downturns. The problem is that Labour so-called Keynesians like Gordon Brown forgot that part ... they just focused on the part where Keynes suggested spending money.




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  8. 1 hour ago, Huckenfell said:

    But i am getting stupid answers from people who obviously did not read my post, but just fly at their keyboard.  It is frustrating.



    Your mate sounds a bit self-centred, most people would be too busy with their unwell partner rather than thinking about their own needs.

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  9. On 11/19/2019 at 6:20 AM, JESSVANPELT said:

    Most likely a scam!

    I have been around these Russian tourists now for almost 7 years and Never have I seen any wear gold around there necks.

    Also the ones in Russia who can afford gold would never wear it around there necks in Public as they know very well it would get stolen, so why would they do so here?

    The picture on here phone? who takes a selfie and dent show there face? and if it was her, then I';d suspect the gold was the fake gold you can find at the markets for 100 to 200 baht.

    Ghnis same thing went on about two years ago.


    I was thinking along similar lines, but it is reported that local people came to their aid? If that is true then probably not a scam.


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