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Posts posted by AlexRich

  1. All Vern needed to say was that Musk’s plan would have failed, and explained why. I don’t believe Musk did it as a publicity stunt, I think it was a genuine attempt to help. He did not need to insult the guy.


    Musk’s comments were childish and stupid ... Vern could have dealt with this better than he did. Going into a court in a defamation case is much the same as a casino, and not recommended.




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  2. 35 minutes ago, LivinLOS said:

    Not being at the whims of next years rule changes. Being able to slide into senility or incapacity in old age safe from annual immigration hassle. 



    The problem with that idea is that all rules can change, even PR? So as a foreigner I don't think anyone can be uber confident about their position in Thailand. 


    To be on the safe side you really need a substantial wealth so that you can move on if the goalposts change on PR.





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  3. 32 minutes ago, wasabi said:


    If you get a 20 year visa that's 1,000,000 THB for 20 years which breaks down to 50,000 THB a year. It's a big upfront commitment but on a yearly basis it's a reasonable cost IMO.


    It's pretty small in the scheme of things, and the remaining 9,000,000 Baht may be successfully invested elsewhere ... where it's not subject to withholding tax, income tax and capital gains tax ... so might actually work out better?


    I don't think there is an obvious right or wrong answer to this question.





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  4. 16 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    With PR, you can get citizenship.

    A good reason not to want it ... lol.


    Thank you to the people who answered my query. Next question:


    For PR rules what constitutes and investment? Does it have to be an established business or would shares in listed companies on the Thai stock market count? And if the answer to the latter question is "yes", then can you buy and sell as long as you maintain 10,000,000 in investible funds. And finally how easy is it to move funds out of Thailand?


    I'd be interested to hear from someone actually doing this.





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