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Posts posted by Mangostin

  1. I have adopted a couple of these semi-strays, the first thing i did was to neuter them so they could continue their lives without increasing the number of them around.

    That's one the first things people should do, neutering them so their number will not get out of control...................no not the dogs, some TV members, that's it, the ones whom usually just kind of use a consistent part of their life only to bitching up, without contributing the least bit into their own or other people's lives

  2. 1 hour ago, Jonathan Swift said:

    An animal with rabies has obvious symptoms. They would be unmistakeable, so I find that 50% figure dubious. Probably exaggerated for impact. And are we supposed to believe that feeding the dogs gives them rabies? They get it from being bitten by other infected animals. Now 7-11 is going to lose a lot of business from this negative publicity based on exaggeration. 

    Just follow the money......convincing the public that they are into a terrible lethal danger, will surely prompt them to open up their wallets so the necessary action can be taken, we don't really want some of the local businessmen involved into this rap, to loose the earnings they have planned to pocket from it, do we???

  3. The fact that a degree was not a compulsory requirement for many activities, it's something of common knowledge, there could however be a whole thread to discuss the absurdity of holding a title which has absolutely nothing to do with the job it will be used for....anyway, i seems to remember that there was some sorts of financial requirement for the businesses hiring an alien, but i can't confirm 100%, if that was the case, it would deter many businesses from hiring, as the classic "holes in the wall" which notoriously don't have great resources at hand....

    Can anyone more up to date than me either confirm or deny this?

  4. 4 hours ago, Lamkyong said:

    do you have a degree in cooking consultancy ??

    It doesn't seem that the architects working as "consultants" had a degree in "consultancy", this is not regarding my particular situation, but as i wrote, just a curiosity, also, for some jobs doesn't seems that holding a degree for that specific field it's really required, sometime a degree it's not even required for that matter.

  5. 15 minutes ago, Lex Talionis said:

    Bump. It's been a week. Any further developments?




    Let me explain, a friend of a friend of an acquaintance told me that apparently, the man  swapped the mosquito repellent body's lotion with some magnetic paint, that attracted a nearby knife that got stuck on his body, while at the same time a metallic rope tied him up to the banister to which he felt on because of the nails used to build it.... 


  6. 21 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    The police will only be interested in doing the report. They will not check to see if a person is on an overstay.

    That's rather strange, i mean, i haven't been stopped much, but i remember the BiB going to look at my stamps while checking my passport, and they were not from the immigration, just traffic police or local coppers, even the receptionist of some condos go through the stamps these days when you want to stay even for a night, one day in Bangkok i had to argue with one of these ladies because she thought(wrongly) i was on overstay, honestly!..... :D

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  7. Please correct me if i am wrong, but my understanding on these kind of circumstances, was that once you show up to report your lost passport at the BiB, they would obviously do some cross checks and once the overstay would inevitably come up, an arrest will automatically take place?

    Maybe something changed since i last check?

    Not really following much these topics but might always be worth to knows....

  8. This thread keep bumping into my e-mail, so i am going to give a suggestion to the OP.

    Why don't you take the time to explain to your kid, that the real reason why the school has left him/her out, it's because she's way better than the average, and instead to waste her time into useless games, he/she can use that time to do something way more productive, understanding how the real environment around us work and what we could do to improve things up, otherways, when she/he will get old, will not have anything better to do than stay on a forum full of other dumbed down elderly people to chat about nonsense.

    The school cannot compete with intelligence, so has got to resort to some time wasting activities 

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