You-tubers are really start getting on my nerves it seems like you can't walk any where without some muppet walking around with a go-pro and uploading images of you to the internet that you gave them no permission to do anyways.
This topic was raised because for some reason his video popped up on my you tube algorithm possibly because I used to live in the Philippines but have no affiliation to the you tube guy he is an idiot.
He is trying to get likes, subscriptions and therefore money by doing stupid things with homeless people.
The video below is a guy from the UK he is homeless in the Philippines used to have money usual story now sleeping on the streets.
So this you tuber has decided to get people to donate to him and give him money how is that ever likely to help him? It is more than likely a plot to increase his own subs.
If you do watch this video you will see the best thing for this guy would be to be back in the UK where the state would take care of his health rather than him begging or the you tuber begging for subs.
The guy is not well motorbike crash, pneumonia, sleeping on the streets, x/current addict the best thing for him is to be back in the UK where he can get proper treatment, not some idiot with a go pro giving him temporary things that he will either spend on drugs, alcohol or stolen from his bed on the street.
Rant over 🙂