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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. I like the concept though.. " Just ask! "

    I'm struggling with payments for insurance and my kids education at the moment, and I really need a car stereo, doesn't matter how old as long as it works.. This purchase gets deferred by the purchasing department (the Mrs.) for every single month since Songkran now.. :) I keep telling her "what good is car insurance if you can't even listen to music" but she will not listen to reason and thinks insurance is a must-have.

    So if anyone is thinking of buying a new car audio thingy, I'm game for the old one!

    Have a pretty good stereo removed over a year ago, got a spare computer box lying around to trade?

  2. Predicting currency direction has always been pretty easy for me

    For a while there I earned AUD, and the AUD went south against the USD.

    Then I earned THB for a few years, and the THB went south against the AUD

    Now I earn USD and the USD is pretty crappy against the AUD.

    I get paid towards the end of the month. Inevitably the USD/AUD rate is the worst around then.

    I'm looking towards getting a THB salary in the next 6 months. Can safely say the THB will tank the second I sign that contract.....

    Thanks for the headsup samran. Keep us informed as to contract signing.

  3. Gold reversal imminent.

    Logic as per my "symmetrical triangle" post earlier in this thread - although the breakout can go either way from such a triangle, I am sticking to my orignal assessment that this is a major rend reversal for years to come.

    Price currently doing a throw-over = overshoot of the triangle topline border on both Daily and Weekly.

    If I am correct in this anal-ysis, bulls will be caught off guard like so many times in history when a $60 drop takes place in a lightening flash.

    If I'm wrong and anybody is Long, good for you. Enjoy and congrats.


    All my trades are as-is - still Short.

    You may appreciate this Cap (or maybe not), but today is 2 x 1618 calendar days from the XAU's 2000 low of 41.61, the starting point of the rally in Gold stocks.

  4. just like i thought... pretty bad situation i am in... i am not a teacher - nor in leisure, but not much prospect either due to lack of a formal education diploma... it seems like there are no legal options to secure one's own future currently available...

    at least i got around thinking about it, who knows maybe i will find something... :)

    Why don't you attempt an online degree from overseas while you continue to work. It might take you 4 years, but in 4 years you'll be 37 without a degree. Better to be 37 with a degree.

  5. China to buy up to $50 billion of first-ever IMF bonds

    This should be read in conjunction with the issue by the IMF of 250,000,000,000 USD's worth of SDR's (we will need a new alphabet soon with all these acronyms).


    Now, you might ask, where did the IMF get its hands on 250 Billion Dollars worth of SDR's? Well, you've guessed it, they printed them at the stroke of a key. Wish I had a keyboard like that 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 <ENTER> WOW! Hey presto! Another huge chunk of banker created money hits the economy.

    And where did they all go to, you might ask, well, the are dished out free of charge and even interest free unless SDRs are sold/bought over/above their allotment, (jeeze, you have to give it to the IMF, they are really generous with this stuff) to a whole bunch of countries according to their quota.


    Note that the US takes by far the lions share, a whopping 17%, so Geithner has a windfall of 35 Billion Dollars.

    So what exactly is an SDR?

    Well "It is not a currency, nor a claim on the IMF, but is potentially a claim on freely usable currencies of IMF members"


    So where does the IMF stand on funding?

    This year they are creating 280 Billion Dollars of SDR's bringing the total up to 318,000,000,000 of USD equivalent SDR's.

    The is an unprecedented ramping up of the operation of the IMF, and possibly deserves some keen analysis to find out exactly what is going on. With "normal" currencies there is an element of solidness :) because the respective governments can tax the sheeple in that currency. But I don't quite understand why the IMF, since it can simply shunt out shed loads of SDR's,

    1. needs to make borrowing agreements with the UK, Norway, Japan and Canada.

    2. why the SDR indeed has any value whatsoever. The issuing of this great chunk of "money" has simply debased everybody else currencies and, through this process, transferred to the SDR that same amount of lost value.

    3. I hope that China, by being the first country to actually "buy" into this for 50,000,000,000 USD, instead of just being given the SDR, is not being taken for a ride. This is a fairly big commitment, basically giving the IMF 50 Billion in return for well, not much really. What happens when the IMF dishes out this cash to bail out say the UK, and then China wants a few USDs back in exchange for it's SDR's?

    Oh! DONG! Forget that last sentence. It has just struck me, the Chinese can exchange the SDR's for USD's, GBP's JPY's and EUR's indeed, possibly any other currency, provided, of course, that all the G20 Central Bankers agree to hold up the system. So what, in effect has taken place? Surely it means that the IMF has just created another wad of SDR's out thin air and received a bunch of Chinese owned greenbacks in exchange and through this further debasing the value of every other currency by that very same 50 Billion USDs. Looks very much like Quantitative Easing at the World level.

    This all looks suspiciously like a New World Currency is being born before our eyes, or rather, behind our backs. And who is in charge? Yes, is those Masters of Disaster, the Central Bankers. And who do they have to answer to? I guess nobody at the World level.

    Is this all under control?

    Nothing to worry about. If anything goes amiss the Intergalactic Monetary Fund will issue some new bonds to bail them out.

  6. Tick Tick Tick TICK.......................

    "It Could Get Ugly Very Fast": Banking Crisis Grows, FDIC's Funds Shrink"


    personal message to your congressman might be a better route :)

    I think the governments thinking is to spread risks out as much as possible. They are very fearful of concentrated risks. As far as markets are concerned, there's technical analysis, fundamental analysis and a much overlooked third analytical method known as "thinking like a criminal". A year ago with markets plunging and major banks failing the government steps up FDIC insurance limits to $250,000 on October 5. If not extended that extra amount of deposit insurance is set to expire at the new year.

    Speaking for myself I maxed out 2 such accounts with brokerage withdrawls. I locked in for a year then at 4.1% and I'm looking at a rollover of half that. Probably millions in the exact same position. They're looking at 2% or putting it in the market or bonds or real estate.

    A pullback here for a few weeks would be just the thing for those who felt the may have missed the train. Higher highs near yearend and then down for the retest. Just musing.

  7. Is gold trying to break out to the upside? NOOOOO.....$974.80 now.....Tele sniffs for a bulltrap...HAhaha.

    Who the &lt;deleted&gt; knows. ALL markets are now manipulated. All analytics are now officially bullshit. Toss a coin. Try your luck.

    I've got small denomination gold, which I'll keep and put any losses down to insurance. If I pick up a few bakeries on the way, at least I'll have decent toast for breakfast. :)


    If you think gold is in a long term bull trap rally then you are clueless.

    I get f*cked no matter what I do, that is why I am not a day trader. I am really bearsh on the Dollar long term but I figured because so many foolhardy investors will pile into the dollar short term that I would buy 1000 dollars to convert to BHT in 2 weeks for my trip. That was yesterday, now I turn on the TV and it seems like gold is decoupling from the dollar less then 12 hours after my $ purchase. Gold is up $20 and the dollar is down.

    I'm clueless? &lt;deleted&gt; A man. We are all numbnuts. Manipulated markets have that tendency.

    GS and JPM are both short gold now. Who is manipulating the markets right now? 'And you call me clueless for doubting a little tickle to the upside?

    You're right, I'm clueless.


    ok, I get your post now, at first I thought you where just an anti gold guy but now I get what your saying. We are all clueless.

    GS and JPM are advised by the plunge protection team to be short gold. One thing I do know is that if all the fools in the Gold and Silver ETF's had the brains to take physical delivery then that would crash the USD.

    That is the best outcome, destroy the current system and build a new one from the ground up.

    Not only is that not likely, it isn't even possible.

  8. Here's my conumdrum Harm Capt'n. Both Gold and the Euro are usually the other side of the $USD trade. Presently both have formed symmetrical triangles (Gold a little one and Euro larger) on their weekly charts. Gold's while in an uptrend and the Euro while in a downtrend. The symmetrical triangle is usually a fairly high reliability pattern denoting continuation of trend. So what's it gonna be?

    See what I mean Cap?

  9. I just can't accept the notion that increasing crude oil prices can lead a recovery. I accept that some funds and sovereign ministries of the treasury needed crude to be trading higher, at least for awhile. but that's an altogether different thing.

    I read market breifing notes claiming markets are trading lower based on crude weakness, as if that's a bad thing. Well that's just bullshit.

  10. Well, having checked out some of the dogtag websites and products, I decided to make my own medic ID tags, featuring a lanyard version (to hang around your neck or around your car rear-view mirror), a keyring version (for your car or motorbike), and a version that can be slipped into a wallet or handbag. All professionally manufactured and laminated, with all neccessary ID/insurance details etc.

    I showed some of these tags to my colleagues and they all wanted them! (So that piece of serious market research seemed to work ok..)

    Anyway, I am just designing the product website, where you will be able to enter your specific ID and insurance details, pay online, and have your 3 types of tag manufactured within 24 hours and shipped via EMS to your front door :)

    Since I'm sure that ThaiVisa doesn't appreciate unpaid advertising, I will not give the website address, but hope to sort out some banner ads etc in the next week or so.


    Will you be offering both Thai and English language script Simon? Something like a luggage tag?

    Anyhow, best of luck with your endeavour.

  11. What has this all to do with this thread of a possible Euro crash?

    By the way Austrian Economics.......LOL........this will surely change the world......but only the world of laughter.

    I am sure you don't even know &lt;deleted&gt; it is right ? Makes me feel bad, running into all these hopeless cases.

    oh your probably Swedish. Like I said, don't take it personally

    No, i am not swedish but i am a studied economist. So i know Milton Keynes and i am sure there will be austrian economics as there are so many but i doubt that they are relevant to any economical happenings in the world.

    Milton Keynes theory is well known but very very old. So it developed. Or do you think you could sell a Ford T Model today in profit making numbers?

    Isn't Milton Keynes a city in England? Perhaps you're thinking of Milton Friedman or John Maynard Keynes? :)

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