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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Now at 36 million views on Youtube. Kamala's great podcast, "blah blah Your Daddy" is at a hearty 600,000.
  2. None of the above. Plus Kamala doesn't qualify- she has no kids. I would take Kristi Noem or Tulsi Gabbard over these two. Tulsi if the 'no kids' rule can be bent.
  3. If clutching at one straw isn't working, clutch at another... Seems like a strange strategy for a political campaign to focus so much energy on the other candidate, and not on their own. Sign of desperation perhaps?
  4. I'll take a shot. First, they don't have the sealift capacity to move enough troops or weapons across the Taiwan Strait. Also not enough airfields within flying distance to ensure aerial superiority in the event of a seaborne invasion from the mainland. Also, the time it would take to build up enough force across the Strait would be a huge giveaway to the West, and give the forces of good a chance to counter. What China COULD do is wreck Taiwan economically with missiles and bombing. But an invasion would be very difficult.
  5. ...and welcome to the world of Tired Talking Points, Volume 37. We can talk about the success of the Biden/Harris economy. So successful that it chased the sitting president from office. So successful that Americans trust the previous administration more than the current one on the economy. So successful that mre than 2/3 of Americans think the country is on the wrong track. How can anyone vote against Kamala, given all that success?
  6. Sure. And I am sure the 94 year old Holocaust survivor attended because he was nostalgic for those glorious days. Come on, man! Not too many pro-Nazi events would have Israeli flags flying proudly at them.
  7. And thus became....embittered? Given that the polls were off somewhere in the 3% range, that speaks to Trump actually winning rather easily this time. On this date in 2020, Biden was up by more than 7%, in 2016 Hillary was up by 5.5%. Today's result is Trump up by 0.1%.
  8. You think ol' Slugger Doug might let her have one across the chops if she loses? It might explain why she sounds so wooden all the time.
  9. Purely for reference, now up to 27 million views on YouTube.
  10. As usual, nothing to say except "b-b-but Trump!" Straight from the lefty playbook. In any case, it sounds like she admires Chairman Mao more than anyone.
  11. Yes, there is wealth out there. But a wealth tax is a killer for the economy. As for making the rich pay "their fair share"... well, the top 1% of income earners already pay 45% of federal income taxes. The top 50% paid 97%. So there isn't much left to squeeze out of people. A better idea would be to decrease government spending. At the moment, the federal government spends nearly 40% more than it brings in. THIS is the problem. They are mortgaging the future of their children and grandchildren to pay for today's excesses.
  12. The interview also nicely puts paid to the current Democratic claim that Trump is tired, out of energy, and all that. He did 3 HOURS with Rogan- no out takes, no breaks, no editing of the answers. Three hours. And the reason he could do it is that he is himself. He is comfortable in his own skin. I struggle to think of a time when I saw Harris and thought "yeah, that's her authentic self". She is always play acting her role, which is why she can't (and won't) do anything resembling a spontaneous conversation. It's all a masquerade with her.
  13. The Syndrome is strong in you tonight, my friend. Your talking points are tired and not having any effect. Americans will vote on the economy and immigration, not cheap fearmongering. The latest RCP polling average shows Trump actually AHEAD in the overall popular vote, and still leading in all seven swing states. Not to mention that in several cases, Democratic candidates are actively trying to distance themselves from Harris in order to win. It is starting to slip away, which is why she is getting ever more desperate and strident. What happened to the joy, Kamala?
  14. Your girl Kamala barely passed the bar- on her second try. 80% of her classmates passed on their first try, as did more than 50% of applicants overall. Puts her in the bottom 20% of her class. What does that say about her legal acumen? As for her legal career, I would LOVE to hear about some of the significant cases she prosecuted. But again, radio silence. As for packing the stadium in Texas, you can thank Beyonce for that. And if you have time, listen to the booing in the crowd when they heard that Beyonce was not performing. Kinda tells you who they REALLY wanted to hear, doesn't it? But if you DO want to talk numbers, here is one for you- 13 million. That is the number of views the Rogan podcast has generated in 14 hours on Youtube. I do agree that change is coming. Changing out the tired Biden/Harris administration. The panic is evident in Harris' camp.
  15. Hey, that's no way to talk about Biden voters! I am sure at least a few are reasonably sentient.
  16. Nah, they only beclown General Kelly and raise uncomfortable questions for HIM. For example, why did he keep working for Trump after hearing such remarks? Why did he stay silent until 12 days before the election?
  17. Good for you. It would be great if all voters had such drive.
  18. Nope. I am offering a choice. See the entire 3 hour conversation, or see parts that may be of interest to particular people. Up to the viewer. Interestingly, it is also a choice that Harris normally does not give.
  19. Not dumb, but not good at unrehearsed public speaking. As a senator, she was far different and a lot more confident, and was able to make logical arguments. Her problems started when she went national. Her disastrous 2020 primary campaign was the start. Now, she is trying so hard to not say anything of substance (to avoid controversy) it winds up being borderline incomprehensible. Seems like the Peter Principle in action.
  20. Trump is a fascist, Trump loves Hitler, Trump disparages veterans, Trump is an existential threat to 'our democracy',blah blah blah. Repeated ad nauseum. If Harris loses, it is not because of misogyny. It is because she is a poor candidate and ran a terrible campaign. Americans have no trouble voting for a POC or for a woman, that has been proven. But this particular woman POC.....
  21. What a charming misogynistic smear. Tusli was a Democratic member of congress until 2021 and also vice chair of the DNC. She was also a candidate for leadership of the party- did far better than Kamala, by the way. Also a military veteran and strong advocate for veterans' causes. Grow up.
  22. Yeah, just like Hitler.... except Trump likes Jewish people, is not interested in military expansion, etc. Not to mention that at his age, serving the entire 4 years might be difficult. That is why it is such a relief that he picked a great VP nominee.
  23. Wow, are you really that deep in the hysteria? Kinda sad. Every inaccurate talking point from the trash left wing media ecosphere has made it into your post. Maybe time to step away from the computer for a while and touch some nature. The US will survive a Trump presidency. It did before. It will also survive a Harris administration.
  24. I quite liked the southern part of Hua Hin, Kao Takiab. South of the big hill on the coast that divides the city. Access to a great beach, nice walkable sand all the way south for about 5km. Quiet area but some decent little resaurants on the beach.
  25. What is also interesting is that many senatorial candidates are trying to distance themselves from the Democratic party in general, and Harris in particular. Look at people like Bob Casey in Pa, who runs ads touting his ability to work across the aisle with Trump. So much for the BS about Trump being a fascist, I guess. What self respecting senator would work with a fascist? Just shows the hollow nature of how desperate Kamala is getting.
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