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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. No kidding. The rape capital of Europe, courtesy of 'newcomers' and their enlightened ideas about consent and gender equality.
  2. The current 'leadership' in the Pentagon is more concerned about meeting DEI targets than in war fighting. They have huge recruitment and morale issues because they simply aren't behaving like soldiers anymore. And there better be a damn good reason for not giving them everything they want, other than "hmmmm election year..." If there is one, I haven't heard it yet.
  3. You know, perhaps the ISRAELIS know better what they need to successfully defeat Hamas than Biden. The sum total of his military experience consists of avoiding service in Vietnam.
  4. Yeah those stupid Abraham Accords. Caused nothing but war and strife during the Trump presidency....
  5. And of course, your hysteria is incorrect. Genocide doesn't mean killing only 150 people a day, when your military is capable of doing 100 times that much damage. Back to the topic, Biden is just catering to his party base during an election cycle. There is no other reason to stop helping America's only ally in the area. The only democratic and free country. The only country with rights for women and minorities and LGBT people. Obviously a craven political move.
  6. Place, you don't know my standards, stop trying to put words in my mouth. the IDF has an obligation to prosecute the war in a way to try and minimize civilian casualties while still achieving the final goal of eliminating Hamas. They are doing that largely. Not perfectly but doing their best. Now, their opponent...what standards do you have for Hamas and how they conduct themselves? Or do they get carte blanche. Because I never hear anyone talk about how HAMAS conducts themselves. How they hide in hospitals and UN schools. How they deliberately TRY to murder civilians as often and as brutally as possible. Why the double standard?
  7. No, it started in BC63, when the Romans invaded Judea. Come on, we can play history tag all day long and never come up with an answer. But tell me, would the IDF be in Gaza now if the October 7 attack had not happened? Would all those Palestinians be dead or alive? That tells you the story of the current situation.
  8. Hamas raped, murdered, and kidnapped more than a thousand completely innocent people. And started a war. During the war that Hamas started, sadly many thousands of Palestinians have been killed. How many is not known, since Hamas a/ refuses to say how many were combatants and b/ does not have accurate information on thousands of the supposed victims. In any case, all the casualties are 100% the fault of Hamas, who started the war.
  9. Exactly! Just like in Germany and Japan after WW2. We murdered millions of civilians in both of those countries, and now they are hotbeds of Naziism and imperialism.... oh, wait. Nevermind.
  10. Another thing the 'Biden team' failed to take into account is how this undermines Israel's negotiating position for any potential end to the war. Hamas can sit tight and wait things out. If anything, now is the time to provide MORE aid, especially intelligence and reconnaisance, as well as precision munitions as needed. Get this conflict finished, get Hamas to room temperature, and then Gaza can begin to rebuild as a peaceful and democratic territory.
  11. Nice work Joe. Denying weapons to an ally of many decades, the only democratic country in the region, the only country with rights for women and LGBT people, lovely. All for what? To appease a small segment of the Democratic electorate in an election year? Unbelievable.
  12. That is just old Joe trying to appease the loony left of his party. Completely unconscionable, given that there are still American hostages being held by Hamas. Craven political pandering at its worst.
  13. Yeah, it is a specific example. Because Trump is a world class BS artist, and it makes the story sound better. Guys talk like that, the more details the better the story (true or not).
  14. Nah, he is simply a rich Alpha Male who acts like one. Rich guys get away with stuff because they are rich. Women in turn LET rich guys get a way with stuff that poor guys couldn't dream of getting away with. All because they want to have access to the rich guy's money/power/connections. That was the thrust (sorry) of the whole "grab them by the..." conversation. A frank discussion of what rich/powerful men can do. Not a specific discussion of what happened in a specific situation.
  15. You didnt see the wreckage and trash left behind by the spoiled little darlings? Get a grip. These kids were LARPing as actual protesters, egged on by malign outside influences who took advantage of their naivete. Most probably couldnt find Palestine on a map.
  16. I quoted Ben Sasse a couple of days ago. He was right then and is right now. This is not a free speech issue. Students can protest, shout, hold up signs, say hateful and stupid things. All OK. BUT... when they start infringing on OTHER peoples' rights by disrupting classes/campus life, trespassing, destroying/defacing property etc, THEN the line is crossed.f Encampments? No. Get rid of them. Suspend the students involved. Fire the faculty. Imprison outside agitators.
  17. Possibly true. But from my limited understanding, the standard for the charge is that the money was paid EXCLUSIVELY for that purpose. Proving that might be tough. Just as easy for Trump to say he paid so that his wife didn't find out, his business didn't suffer, etc. There are many plausible reasons to keep an affair quiet.
  18. Completely irrelevant to Gaza. There have been no Jews in Gaza since, what , 2005? They were forced to leave by the IDF as part of a deal. Left behind lots of valuable agricultural goods etc., which were promptly either seized or used to make weapons by Hamas.
  19. In case you have forgotten why this war is being fought: here is a reminder. This teenage girl was gang raped by Hamas, then kidnapped. Note the bloodstains on the back of her trousers, which indicate the violence of her assault.
  20. Yeah, the 'generous' deal that would see 33 Israeli hostages, either DEAD OR ALIVE, returned. And Hamas gets 30 live prisoners freed for EACH hostage/body returned. Generous.
  21. Don't be so sure. Secretly, the Saudis probably LOVE seeing Hamas get its butt kicked. It makes Iran look bad. But they have to make the correct noises in public, so they put out statements like this. Sound and fury, meaning nothing.
  22. He said it for sure. But your implication that he goes around DOING it is wrong, deliberately so. He was discussing the positives of being a rich celebrity. And one of them is access to women. And it's true. There are always women, usually younger, hanging around where rich powerful men congregate. And yes, they will let men do almost anything, just to gain access to their money or connections. Now a perv like Harvey Weinstein actually did it. Trump was just vocalizing the reality of the situation.
  23. Why would a dictatorial fascist worry about getting re-elected? I mean, he's a fascist, right? Hitler never worried about being re-elected. One and done. Instant dictatorship. Unless of course, you may be a bit hysterical about the situation...
  24. Sure. And how did he pursue those ideas in his FIRST four years in office? He had his chance, and did not do anything like that at all.
  25. Hahaha! Very nice. Note that he said "ILLEGAL immigrants" and not all immigrants. I think that is the point. He is highlighting the fact that the southern border is wide open, and any scum can cross as long as they pay the Cartels in Mexico their fee. It shows the utter failure that the Biden policy has been. Plus, he deliberately uses language like that just to make people jump up and get their collective panties in a twist. Seems to work. More free publicity
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