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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Isn't that like that 'special' coffee that some rats eat and then crap out? Sell it for a fortune. There's always some idiot willing to pay a premium for a special product.
  2. Joe's problem is that there is no real enthusiasm FOR him. Voters are enthusiastic for Trump. They are also enthusiastic AGAINST Trump. But very few are enthusiastic for Biden. Trump is driving the narrative on both sides, and that is not good for Biden. He is in a tough spot because this is that most rare of elections where BOTH candidates have a track record as President to run on. Usually the incumbent has his record and can disparage the opponent as being inexperienced. This time, voters can compare the respective records of Trump and Biden, and they are choosing the Trump presidency by a substantial margin.
  3. Seems that Joe thinks that it is OK to put out 80% of a fire. Amazing to hear what his position was not so many years ago on the same issue. He was adamant that Israel should wipe out Hamas AND Hezbollah. Also it is very sad to hear how he used to speak and answer questions. He was rarely right, but he was at least lucid and had some control over his voice.
  4. Such a serious story, was actually the "news event of the year" in Canada in 2021. Yet then.... crickets. It is quite sad really. Serious allegations like these need to be taken seriously, and investigated thoroughly by experts. Yet as with so many issues surrounding native people, that does not happen. "Cultural sensitivity" takes precedence over evidenced based investigation and research. The possible arson on the churches was not possible. It was a fact. Upwards of 80 churches, many of them historical buildings and also many of them in native communities, were torched. Now imagine if this were to happen to 80 synagogues or 80 mosques... the uproar would be deafening. I guess because they were churches, it was seen as a kind of justified revenge or understandable product of native frustration over the as yet to be found graves. And it should not take away from the very real abuse that did happen in the schools. Of course any allegations, as above, need to be taken seriously and investigated thoroughly, and punishment given. But the two issues get conflated and mixed to the point where they cannot be taken individually. There is genuine debate to be had over the whole residential school system and the lasting effects. Oh, and the same band, the Kamlooops, were given more than 12 million dollars last year for a "healing center". Talk about putting the cart before the horse! Building a healing center before there is any actual evidence of graves.
  5. It is actually not that simple. Did native kids get sent to residential schools? Of course. Usually for two reasons. One, there was no school in their community (usually due to isolation) and two, the parents requested/approved. Most native children were in the first case. In the second, attendance was not compulsory until well into the 1920s. Even then, a lot of kids simply didn't attend school at all. So these lurid images of evil priests canoeing through the Canadian wilderness, hunting down screaming native children, are utterly ridiculous. As for the schools themselves, did abuse occur? Of course, and should be revealed and reviled. Was assimilation the goal? Again of course. At the time, it was thought to be the best technique to bring the natives out of savagery and integrate them into Canadian society. Today we know better. But a century ago, no.
  6. Of course. "Mass graves" implies large numbers of bodies being buried together in one huge hole, reminiscent of what happened during the Black Death in medieval Europe, or the Nazi murders of Jews in WW2. Hence I used it in the title about the scandal aspect. I even remember some media reports referring to the graves of "murdered children", something never before mentioned. The sensationalism spun out of control until even asking polite questions was met with shrill cries of "denialist!!" And yes, some children did indeed die at the schools. Kids died all the time a hundred years ago. They got sick, injured, drowned, even diseases that are treatible today were not at that time. But that is not relevant to the story. The implication from the natives is that there was an element of secrecy and nefariousness to the situation. That evil priests and other staff members were trying to hide what they were doing, trying to hide their victims. And that has not proven to be the case.
  7. I guess you didnt see the link to a CBC article I posted. The one where the claim of unmarked graves in Manitoba was debunked. Miss that one? This whole controversy was a case of too many politicians rushing in front of too many cameras trying to stay ahead of the news. And they are going to get burned for it. I mean, just think about it for a minute. Imagine there was a news story that 200 children were possibly buried under a football field at a regular Canadian school. What do you think would happen? The RCMP and local police would be ALL OVER it. Scores of officers, forensic experts, digging to verify the presence of human remains... yet in this case we are just expected to take the word of local natives. Oh, and fork over millions of dollars, of course.
  8. No, he got 5 deferments for being a student (similar to the bad orange man) and his final deferment was for asthma he apparently suffered as a child, in spite of being a lifeguard and star athlete. A similar dodge to Trump, many guys at the time did the same.
  9. The CBC as usual, covering up for the government. I am waiting breathlessly for them to publish the results of this 3 year, 8 milllion dollar investigation. Oh, and interestingly the same thing happened last year. A church in Manitoba was accused of having secret graves beneath it. There was an investigation and, shock of shocks, no graves found. No human remains at all. Even the CBC couldnt hide this story; https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/pine-creek-residential-school-no-evidence-human-remains-1.6941441
  10. The shock being- no bodies were discovered. Briefly, nearly $8 million was spent at the epicentre of the scandal in Kamloops BC. And exactly zero human remains were found. Now I am curious how the government's investigation into the 80 churches that were burned/vandalized in the wake of this hoax is going.... https://www.westernstandard.news/news/no-bodies-found-after-spending-8-million-searching-for-bodies-at-kamloops-residential-school/54429
  11. If Hamas had not attacked peaceful people in southern Israel, those 'murdered kids' would still be alive today. So I guess you could say they were murdered by Hamas. I am frankly amazed at how restrained Israel has been in prosecuting this war. Imagine if a group of terrorists from Mexico entered the US and killed 35,000 Americans in a day. Mexico would be a parking lot within 48 hours.
  12. Yeah, that will work. Just like all the other Jews living in Arab countries. Oh, wait. Nevermind...
  13. No, it is an observation. One that you apparently cannot respond to. So, do you have an explanation?
  14. And it WILL stop. As soon as Hamas surrenders and releases their hostages, it will stop. Then, a freer and more prosperous Gaza can be built, free of terrorists and their medieval philosophy.
  15. Don't presume to tell me what I do and do not support. That is gaslighting of a rather juvenile kind. It is a general fact that refugees and displaced people do not return to their original homes. After WW2, there were millions of displaced people- Germans leaving East Prussia, huge population shifts in India/Pakistan when they separated, even in recent history in North\South Sudan. The idea that you can somehow return to the actual land/house where your great grandfather once lived is utter madness. My point is that it is easy for the UN to flap its collective gums, harder to actually pay for their bloviating.
  16. Well then, those 143 countries can get together and pony up a bit of land for the Palestinians to live on. Or they can pull the coins from under their sofa cushions and pay for Gaza to be rebuilt once Hamas is gone. It is easy to preen and pose until you actually have to pay the bill.
  17. That's possible, and I wouldn't blame him for trying if he did. But digging into the why of the payment is quite tricky. TBH I am not following it terribly closely, but I can see a rich businessman paying to shut a woman up for a variety of reasons.
  18. What makes you think he didnt? You are quite into mind reading it seems.
  19. The threat of her blabbing? When you are being more or less blackmailed (legally) it is best to get it taken care of. Plus, do you think she would have agreed to an NDA and also agreed to not get paid immediately? That defies logic.
  20. She was paid before the election because that is when she demanded to be paid. As for 2006, she was hoping to get some career favors from Trump for sleeping with him. Plus he was probably just another rich guy she had banged, no big deal. But when he became a presidential candidate she realized that she could make money from telling her story.
  21. People hell bent on committing genocide usually do not allow food aid to be delivered to the people they want to kill. Nor do they encourage them to leave areas where fighting and violence will occur.
  22. It is also plausible that Trump wanted to keep the strumpet away from his family, his business, and his reputation. The payment could have been for any of these very realistic situations as well, and just happened to occur during the election cycle. Stormy chose to come forward and put her hand out because she thought she could get max dollars due to the election.
  23. Hamas terrorists. They filmed themselves ' at work '. The Israelis released a video called "Hamas Massacre" last year that should serve to feed your purient curiosity.
  24. True. I guess the photos of the shot, burned, and mutilated ones aren't enough for you. Or the photos of the gang raped teenaged girls being taken back to Gaza. Jezus. You remind me of the Holocaust deniers... "but the concentration camp survivors said the walls in the showers were white, not beige... so I guess it didn't happen...."
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