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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Glad to see you are taking the time to enjoy the Speaker's skills in dealing with the biased legacy media!
  2. Jesus no. The Sikh are causing enough trouble as it is back home. Enough stress between Canada and India now as it is.
  3. Let's go back to talking about Israel, where we can agree!
  4. I feel like I am from the future...as I typed my question I had the strange feeling that this would be your answer. Thanks for being predictable!
  5. Sure. And calling someone the "tool of an anti democratic oligarch" is what, exactly?
  6. This is one of those cheap political tricks that are sadly becoming more and more common. I understand that attendees should be security checked and screened before going in the room with a candidate, but the idea of staging it as a theatrical production is embarrassing.
  7. Possibly. But it won't be me. If Harris wins, I think it's bad for the US and bad for the world, but I won't be 'bitterly disappointed'. Life goes on. Plus, by that time Canada will have elected a good Conservative Prime Minister, so ya take the good with the bad.
  8. Sheer jealousy. Just because you're not packing the gear to interest a giant like Peter Thiel.
  9. There ya go! The two sides can come together. Right now. Over beer.
  10. You seem to forget that people already figure he is a conman and a tax cheat. And it just doesn't matter to most voters. If you worry about dementia, compare Trump's schedule this campaign to his opponents. He is out, talking every day, being very entertaining, and is a very funny guy.
  11. You forgot the /s after your last sentence. When ABC doesn't have a problem, it is game over. They are not Trump fans.
  12. You sound bitter and jealous. He is the best of the 4 left in the running, no question. Unlike his opponents, he at least had a career outside of politics.
  13. This was a townhall, a much smaller audience and a more intimate setting. Anyway, take it up with the legacy media. You don't have to believe me.
  14. Been there, done that. Nobody cares but desperate Democrats. Voters care about the issues- especially the economy, immigration, and inflation. Not the president's cholesterol.
  15. The trend is what is important, not the raw numbers. THe Democrats are terrified that African Americans are wandering off the plantation and discovering that GOP policies, especially economics and immigration, are good for them. Plus they hate the shallow pandering that they are now getting from Harris and Obama.
  16. Trump debated twice, on hostile networks both times. Would do 60 Minutes if they apologized for the sleaze job done on him the previous campaign- they refused. The rest is all fluff that the public doesn't care about. They DO care about the economy and inflation and immigration. All issues the GOP has a clear lead. Plus wanting a change, which the standard bearer of the current Administration admittedly does not provide.
  17. JD would be a great president. IMHO probably more effective than Trump, and better at dealing with a hostile or very closely split Congress. Lifting himself out of poverty to serve in the Marine Corps, graduate of Yale Law School, successful in business, bestselling author, Senator, devoted husband and father of three. No wonder the Democrats are so scared of him.
  18. Debunked already, by ABC news of all people. THere were 2 medical emergencies at the townhall. Trump's team wanted to just end, but Trump wanted to end on a happier note. So they played a bit of music for a while and he interected with the crowd, finally going out to sign autographs and pose for photos with the attendees. Nothing nefarious or strange. As ABC said, "kind of endearing".
  19. Well, you certainly have a chance to do so, if you wish.
  20. That is quite laughable. Harris has had her nose stuck in the government trough for her entire adult life. She has never so much as run a lemonade stand. Trump was CEO of an international company with more than 20,000 employees for decades. Oh, and he was also President. So who really has a better grasp of economics and policy...
  21. It was a good interview. Mickelthwait pressed Trump on some issues, held his feet to the fire, and asked good follow up questions. Trump parried and stuck to his guns. It was a good, spirited back-and-forth. Nothing wrong with that. A President should be able to handle it. A pity that Harris declined the same invitation. We shall see how she does with Bret Baier.
  22. Hey, at least he showed up. Kamala refused.
  23. You COULD believe ABC news if you like...
  24. ...and then realilty reasserts itself. The truth is, this happened about 30 minutes into a townhall style event in Philadelphia. There were 2 separate medical emergencies among the attendees which interrupted the event. So, Trump decided that instead of continuing, they would just play a positive and upbeat song, then head for home. But many people stayed, so he kept asking for more music. Finally ended by walking down to the crowd and shaking hands, signing autographs, etc. You can see on normal media the coverage was actually rather positive, calling it endearing and typical Trump trying to turn a negative into a positive. Nice try though.
  25. In that case, Israel will get control of Alexandria, Cairo, the headwaters of the Nile River, and the Suez Canal, as well as the pyramids of Egypt. And give current Israel to the Palis. Sounds like a pretty good deal. Let's take it to the UN.
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