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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Not debating whether or not that is true, because it is irrelevant. The voters ain't feeling it, and the polls reflect that. Could be the messaging, could be the feeling at the kitchen table, could be anything, but it is not resonating with the general public.
  2. Doesn't have to be a majority, or even close, to hurt Biden's chances. Fifteen or 20 percent is enough, and he is close to that already. Plus more than 30% support among Hispanics. The vaunted Democratic coalition is in trouble.
  3. Because MAGA rolls off the tongue better. Obviously Trump had a better PR staff. Biden is now hopelessly being dragged over 'Bidenomics', a tired rehash (dare we say form of plagiarism?) from Reagan. Current polling shows Trump up 20 points on Biden over the ecomony, among other issues.
  4. If that is true, then why are growing numbers of black and Hispanic voters supporting Trump?
  5. AFAIK, the US and Russia are not at war. So, simply put Tucker cannot be a traitor for interviewing Putin. Mike Wallace spoke to Ayatollah Khomeni in 1979 DURING the Iranian hostage crisis. Was HE a traitor for doing so?
  6. Yeah. Kinda like how the current VP was selected, right? Or Sec. Transportation....
  7. Does nobody else find it ironic that the so-called International Court of "Justice" includes judges from China, Russia, Somalia, and Uganda? Countries that have no justice within their own borders have no business trying to deal justice to others.
  8. This is the ironic truth. The people want NEITHER of these dinosaurs to be shuffling around the White House. Yet due to the grip that the two political parties have on money and power, they are left with these options only. It will be important to see who Trump picks for his VP nominee because chances are pretty high that neither of Trump or Biden will live long enough to see their term to completion. The VP could very well be thrust into power, and so far only Harris is the one nominated. And God help America if she ever gets to the Oval Office.
  9. Stand alone bills simply make sense, especially when dealing with vastly different topics and large amounts of money. Border security needs its own bill as well, why tie it to something as unrelated as Ukraine? Obviously a political stunt by the President and the Democrats to try and score cheap points, rather than any serious attempt to get something done.
  10. Palestinians aren't a race. They are just a subset of Arabs. And their behavior is what causes hesitation among their fellow Arabs to grant them status. A third generation Lebanese born Palestinian is still a refugee, not a Lebanese citizen. Why?
  11. If you go direct to immigration in Phnom Penh it is cheaper I think about 175 bucks. Also no reporting and it is a multiple re-entry visa as well. Quite a good deal.
  12. I've been to Okinawa quite a few times, it is just a 2 hour and 50 dollar flight from where I live. The beaches are nice in areas, interesting culture to be sure. Chill people. Relatively poor compared to the rest of Japan. No homeless camps or anything like that, but noticeably less wealth. Little or no public transportation to speak of- you need your own wheels to get around. Also fairly crowded, at least the popular part of the main island. But far from the rest of the country, I could see spending a couple of weeks max before getting bored.
  13. Jesus Christ. And people actually SUPPORT these creatures? All the more reason to eliminate them from the world ASAP. There can be no negotiation if even one of them is still alive.
  14. Hatred? From who exactly? I'm generally farther to the right than Attila the Hun, and I have yet to hear any of my fellow card-carrying members of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy ever express hatred of the 2SLGBTQQIA+ community.
  15. Some women do, especially the ones that are attracted to rich and powerful men. They feed off each other.
  16. Not to mention the settlement amount is laughable. The average wrongful death settlement in the US is in the $1,000,000 range. So the jury is saying that the bruised ego of a scatterbrained woman is worth 83 lives. This will not survive appeal.
  17. To be pedantic, he did not get convicted. This was not a criminal case. If this case ever went across a DA's desk, it would be laughed out of the office. A victim from decades past, can't remember even the month or year the alleged crime happened, no physical evidence, no witnesses....get real. A defendant who cannot mount a credible defense for the same reasons? Would never see a courtroom. Also, the Bad Orange Man never said that he DID grab women by the baby cat. He merely said that rich and powerful men can get away with stuff like that, and that women let them do it. Which is true. Power is an aphrodesiac.
  18. Cool. So the 100,000 Jews who were expelled from Egypt, and their descendants, would be free to return to Egypt and get their homes back, right? Along with the 120,000 from Iraq, the 250,000 from Morocco, 100,000 each from Algeria and TUnisia, etc. For the original owners to be alive, assuming they were 20 when they left in 1948, they would be 95 years old. Not many 95 year olds in Gaza I imagine.
  19. So, the great grandchildren of refugees can return to the country of their great grandparents' birth, and claim the property that their great grandparents left behind. Am I reading this correctly? And would this apply to ALL refugees, or only Palestinians? The problem is that groups like UNRWA do not actually help Palestinian people. They try to help the Palestinian cause, but not helping the people actually resettle. If the interests of the Palestinian people were truly at the top of their agenda, they could advocate for many things. For example, that Palestinians born in countries like Lebanon and Jordan and Egypt be given citizenship and all the rights applicable. Rich Arab countries could grant visas to guest workers from Palestine and give them a chance to be successful. Do these things and the Palestinian people would be MUCH better off.
  20. Back on topic, any answer to my questions about the "right to return" and who it applies to and where they can return to? This would make UNRWA irrelevant.
  21. No,but I do remember seeing a kidnapped teen girl being bundled onto a truck, then abducted to Gaza. Dark red stains visible around the crotch of her clothing, a look of utter terror on her face.
  22. Would love to know the legitimate reasons that Jews were expelled from Muslim countries. Also, I notice you never answered about specifically what homes the Palestinians should be allowed to return to, and who has that right. Your apology for the terrorists is indeed foul. Evidence of sexual violence abound, the media has been shown repeated videos shot by the terrorists themselves. From one eye witness; "Some women were raped before they were dead, some raped while injured, and some were already dead when the terrorists raped their lifeless bodies," his statement says. "I desperately wanted to help, but there was nothing I could do." https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67629181
  23. Thank you for admitting that the PA brainwashes children in their territory. The willing consent of UNRWA staff is part of the problem too. When you say that Palestinians should be able to return to their homes, what do you mean exactly? Which homes? And who exactly gets to return- the original refugees, their descendants (if so, how many generations)? And what if the homes no longer exist, or the land is occupied by OTHER refugees, like the ones kicked out of Muslim countries? It is a sticky and pointless discussion. And the Palestinians DO have a country- it is called Jordan. The UN partition in 1948 was never agreed upon and instead the Arabs attacked. Got their butts whipped for what would be the first of many times and the seeds of today's strife were born. Thank you for admitting that the PA brainwashes children in their territory. The willing consent of UNRWA staff is part of the problem too. "Resisting occupation" does not include invading the sovereign territory of a nation, and committing acts of sexual violence on teenage girls. Which, getting back to the topic, UNRWA staff were part of.
  24. UNRWA should not even exist in the first place. The UN already has an agency to deal with refugees, the UNHCR. There is no reason for a separate body just to serve one community. Especially for 75 years. Other refugee crises have come and gone, yet for some reason this one lingers. When India and Pakistan separated, some 15 million refugees were created. Yet they did not get a special organization, and all settled in their new home territories. Not to mention that the perfidious influence of UNRWA spreads beyond those who directly should be on trial for terrorism. They control education, medical care etc in Gaza. They are responsible for brainwashing generations of Palestinian children to hate Jews and dream of revenge. They allow terrorists to use their resources, they hide terrorists and their weapons in their buildings. They are evil and need to go.
  25. Not worth watching. The two most interesting teams both lost. So now it will be all about Taylor Swift.
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