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Posts posted by JayBird

  1. didn't try to cover it all, too bored with the whole thing. 
    I think the fact that before you went you were already having the conclusion and negative sentiment meant anything short of OMG!!!! Would have yielded a negative experience.

    It's not the mall that's bad, you just don't care for malls [emoji14]
    • Like 2
  2. Shoes are Mrs P's weakness, but she will not buy anything over 500 Bhat and then wonders why they fall to bits in two weeks.  Still, she is cheapish to run. 
    If the shoes last 2 weeks, that's 25 pairs a year.

    500x25 = 12,500 a year in shoes.

    Better off buying a really good pair for 6k that lasts two years.
    • Like 1
  3. Have they finished? I've been keeping an eye on this place for years, but it doesn't look like anyone has moved in yet.

    Haven't checked for about 3 months tho, so not sure if there's been progress.

    Location wise, there's not much near by to reach by foot, so hopefully you have transport. Baht bus is rare, and closest shopping may be T21 down the end on second.

  4. It can't be fixed.  All it takes is a drive anywhere in Thailand and you'll see the most idiotic driving time after time.  It won't change no matter what the government says, no matter what they show on TV.
    That's the problem. The people seem to be happy driving to their deaths, and refuse any law that would make it safer.

    Only an extremely unpopular draconian approach would work: infraction, seizure of vehicle. Corrupt cop, mandatory 3 years jail.

    Do this for two generations, and it may sink in.

    Although, I still say, only foreigners should be allowed to drive here.
    • Like 1
  5. Wow, have my English skills failed?

    Let's try this :

    I open bank account in Thailand in USD currency.

    I wire money in USD from USA to this account.

    I then get on plane and go to Las Vegas.

    I walk up to Bank Of America ATM and want withdraw USD greenbacks from my USD account in Thailand.

    I do not want bank in Thailand to go:
    Convert USD to thb. Then convert thb to usd for withdraw.

    The 100USD was an example number.

  6. Out of curiosity:

    What medicine do you need a prescription for, that you can not get outside the hospital without a prescription?

    I'm not talking about controlled medicines that are hospital only.

    To me, it seems, if a pharmacy has it, they sell it, and never ask about prescription.

    Maybe this is grey area in dispensing and so highly prevalent it's hard to tell it isn't supposed to be done?

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