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Posts posted by JayBird

  1. I'm with 3bb 50 vdslwith international package.

    iConsistently get 25mbps to Singapore and usa.

    I stream hd Netflix with no problem.

    I would prefer 200 fibre, to stream 4k. But I do not have that option.

    Service is pretty good, but the line outside keeps getting torn down by busses and trucks.

  2. I do agree that vigilantism is not a good strategy and my suggestion was not to break rules to prove a point but to get the developer to get their act together.
    I.e. a developer that does not do any bookkeeping, budgeting, nor holds any AGMs, should not expect co-owners to just pay whatever invoice is sent to them.
    By law you are required to pay for your share of the common expenses, but it is only fair that the developer provides some sort of documentation to prove these expenses are legit, and it is perfectly fine to question an invoice, asking for these documents, which by law, the developer should provide.
    It is of course important that you make it clear that you are not paying an invoice because you are awaiting these documents.
    And of course you should also file a complaint with the Land Office.
    Does filing a complaint with land office do anything effectual?
  3. You want an easy life ? You have a partner / housekeeper who prepares your weekly menu -I personally find it extraordinary that many members of TV treat their wives ( because of the alpha male concept- and they give them money ) as nothing more than a servant. 
    There is this wonderful thing called a kitchen - the Internet provides every possible recipe. 
    OP - what is this obsession about getting married- unless you are Catholic perhaps. Don’t do it. 
    And treat your partner as an equal 
    My gf physically pushes me out of the kitchen if i TRY to do the dishes or cook something that she can do.

    She leaves me alone in there if I'm making something she doesn't know how to. But often stands by with a spoon to start sampling it [emoji14]
  4. The biggest joke has been an unmitigated disaster for Thailand. Everything he touches, turns to crap. He is the polar opposite of a crime fighter or a guy who fights corruption. And he has turned the immigration department into a far more xenophobic entity than it was before. They were already arrogant and surly. Now?
    Get him out. Remove him now. And Prayuth, get out now too. Neither of you fabulously incompetent men are wanted, needed, liked or helping anyone but the elites, the super rich and those in power. 
    A note to those in power. You are mistaken. We are not the enemy. Alot of us bring an awful lot to the table here. 
    For every 99 good guys there is 1 bad guy abusing the system.

    They make rules to stop the bad guy, not caring if it hurts the 99 good guys.

    They are also in no obligation to make life easier for foreigners. They care more about stopping the bad guyS.

    Also, Thailand Elite. They probably figure if you can't afford that, you are too insignificant for them to care.

    All things said, easier to retire here than Singapore. Or I'd be there [emoji14]
    • Thanks 1
  5. Depending on what you are securing.

    Might you be better served by a safety deposit box at a bank?

    I have not read much about B&Eing in Pattaya. Might a better approach be a more secured entry.

    That being said, as mentioned, the shop opposite Foodland have multiple safes available, and the staff speak great English and seemed knowledgeable.

    • Thanks 1
  6. It's possible he was using the pension method. Did not keep up with the news. Went to the embassy to get an income confirmation letter.

    Found out he can not get. Found out there is no alternative that can be met as he now has less than 30 days till his visa expires.

    A problem can arise if you need to switch from income to savings method, as you need to get 800k very fast, so it can session for 3 months.

  7. Do you have any Thai friends who may have police friends.

    A donation from friend to the police will encourage them to show results.

    Usually 2 to 5k for something like this

  8. Prices on lazada went up as demand increased. Ignore all those -20% or whatever sale they suggest. They simply bump up the base price.

    If you need one, refresh Lazada frequently, and jump. I saw a store get in stock and sell out 15 mins later.

    The levels it shows matches my Sndway monitor.

    One on full power can really clean up two rooms in 30 minutes.

    I leave it on full power. Auto allows the level to go up to 30%.

    You need the android app to set power level.


    I'm wondering if there is some medicine in powder or liquid form that can be given to cats and dogs to help them survive the pollution?


    There are some social cats and dogs who live in the streets, and I was hoping there was something I can slip into their food to give them a better chance with survival.


    Thank you.

  10. . CAM fees are payable by Chanote holders


    . Juristic Person Manager's office is supposed to hold all accounting details onsite by law, but is often not when a 'rogue' management is in charge.


    there are many, many more potential snags to watch out for, feel free to ask.

    Do you know where I can find the rules regarding this?


    The condo act seems to refer only after the first meeting. It contains little information on when the first meeting must be held nor if fees are to be collected before the first meeting.


    Section 42 states:

    ... registration of the condominium corporate.


    Where can i find out if this has been done?



    Thank you.


  11. I've found information on what are the rules for condos after the first meeting.
    What is unclear is what are the rules before the first meeting.
    In a situation where transfer of all the condos from developers to owners is not completed (some people do not have chanotes yet).
    Anyone know where I can find the rules and laws that apply in this situation.
    Are maintenance fees supposed to be paid by those who have chanotes?
    Is the juristic office or developer required to keep books on the collection of fees, the spending of fees, and how much remains in the bank (sinking fund, etc).
    Thank you.

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