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Posts posted by timber

  1. Interesting that Thailand has cleaner coal than in most places. I have been looking for some time to find a credible person

    to support clean coal. Clean coal tends to be a political ploy, rather than fact. Wind energy last time I looked, was expensive,

    I think they need to get someone, who is knowledgeable in these things to give them some alternatives. Politicians making these decisions will prove costly and misdirected.

    • Like 1
  2. Every year the Thai Educational system goes down in the world's ranking of education. You talk about kids not going to

    school. Schools in our area often close the schools for many reasons. Seminars, protests, etc. Weeks are lost every year.

    Thailand realizes they have a problem with their education program. They often don't have classes so that the teachers can

    learn better ways of teaching. In rural schools they often have videos in class and homework is based on the videos, and the

    kids will pass the class whether they do the homework or not. So what's the worry about going to class. Home schooling as

    practiced in Canada and Australia is a better system of leaning, ignoring the social benefits of going to school. When I taught

    in Bangkok normally the kids that did best in my classes were the ones that had parents that really cared about their information, and reacted to the many letters and notices I sent home with the students. There are many problems with the Thai educational system. What is needed is obvious, but if no one cares, (political, administration, parents, students,) then much of what is being done is meaningless. The first rule of teaching is receptivity of those concerned.

  3. Yeah, I wrote a report on GT-Rider at xmas ..

    Are you talking about Khao Sok National park or Ratchapa Dam ( Cheiw Larn Lake ) ?

    Khao Sok, is just a farang ghetto and Cheiw Larn kitted out for local tourists.

    I left a name and telephone number of a good boatman on the GT report, book a government resort for 600B, he will stay on the pontoon with you, and head off on your mission just before sunrise. Another thing, canoes are free, just set your alarm early and get physical.

    Cheiw Larn is Expensive, from what you have already seen, but it doesnt have to be if you screw your head on .. PM me if you have any questions.

    Cheiw Larn Lake Thanks for the info. Bringing the wives no can't have too low of profile, have to have more of a plan

  4. Does anyone know of a good tour of the lake behind the dam, (Khao Sok) Would like to spend

    a day on the lake touring and doing photography. I looked up some tours and they are talking about

    picking you up at 8:30 am and having breakfast and going to lake and coming home at 9:30 am for lunch.

    I would like a serious tour starting early and traveling. Would appreciate recommendations. Our maybe

    you can recommend a guide that can set things up.

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