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Posts posted by timber

  1. From a practical point in the immediate English is a tool to expand your horizons in learning and international trade.

    In the future learning either Chinese or Japanese will be important to focus opportunities in a business.

    There is an almost unlimited market in China and Japan, and although I am a North American, I can't

    see the rational with the time and money being spent on North America and Europe. There is a better return and

    a more stable market focusing on China and Japan.

  2. I think this has to put into the same pot as the access of China to the Andaman Sea. Seems a bit silly to do two as

    separate projects. The scope of the plan is such that the significant amount of money that is available, if the two are

    considered together, make a lot of possibilities available. I think more returns than a high speed train from the NE;

  3. I don't think copying other's homework has anything to do with not having enough time. Part of learning is to practice, what you have been taught. So the less homework they do at home the more practice they have to do in class which means, less being taught in class. Administration seems to think tablet time, TV time and facebook time are more important than homework time. If everyone agrees with this, so be it, but don't complain about students cheating, because they don't learn from not doing homework.

  4. They keep talking about reducing or changing class hours. One of the keys to learning or teaching is receptivity. The students should be treated as customers and you will not sell anything if the delivery is boring. Playing a video you don't understand in class is boring. Sitting in the back of the room while the smart kids talk about something you don't under stand is boring. A kid in grade 2, who listens to the teacher talk for ten minutes is bored. Bored students don't learn.

    Teachers have been taught to be boring. Spice up the teaching. There is loads of information and skilled people out there for ideas. Get a buy in by the teachers to make things less boring. In a class of 60 students in grade 2, have the smarter students teach groups of poorer students colours for ten or fifteen minutes. Change is a stimulant. Do something. Doesn't cost, isn't hard, just need some ideas, not tablets.

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  5. Industry and business needs to be monitored. The United States is a good example of private enterprises getting out of control. The monitoring has to be monitored from a practical sense and not an arrogant corrupt bureaucracy. Practical people independent of politicians that represent the best interests of the people and private enterprise. Not easy.

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  6. Replanting doesn't have to be that expensive. Can use prisoners, regulations having cut timber replaced with seedlings, better taxation on non forested lands, use it or lose it. Schools can have planting days to have better environmental awareness. There is a lot of money spent on unnecessary items that rank forestry as a less prioritized commitment. Have to make replanting as a budgeted item. In Thailand you see a lot of unused land that could be put into forests. Provides jobs, return on investment, etc.
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