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Everything posted by Salerno

  1. Are they actually thinking of sending some? Last I saw was they where getting pressured as Poland and Finland wanted to supply them (can't be done without Germany giving the green light).
  2. They where wrong, always pays to double check. No written limit for entry by air. There may well come a time where the IO thinks you are extracting the urine and using them to basically live in Thailand (just before covid hit a few people hit that problem with some being refused entry at Swampy and DMK) but I doubt that will kick in again for a while given the past three years and the dearth of "tourists".
  3. Come now, didn't you read the article? It's there in black and white, it clearly states "The undeniable increase in frequency and intensity of one or the other or both of these extreme meteorological extremes..." Given the article includes 21 links in the text, it's obvious it was simply an oversight that there is no link attached to "undeniable"
  4. Not sure if it sets the record for speed of back flips but must be close.
  5. One of the most chilling videos I have ever seen was a young Thai guy walking into an office, walks up to the front of a desk, pulls a gun, empties the magazine into the young woman that was sitting at the desk and then calmly just walks out again. Her "crime"? They where boyfriend-girlfriend and she ditched him because he was screwing around on her - his excuse, women don't ditch him!
  6. Tests have been scrapped too. Only thing remaining is the insurance: "You're no longer required to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination or negative pre-departure test when entering Thailand. Passengers travelling to Thailand whose departure may be prevented due to COVID-19 (for example, when leaving Thailand your destination country will require a negative pre-departure test) must also have a travel insurance policy that covers at least US$10,000 of COVID-19 treatment for the duration of your time in Thailand plus 7 days. Passengers holding a Thai passport, or passengers transiting/transferring through Thailand onto another international flight, are exempted from this requirement." https://www.qantas.com/au/en/coronavirus/international-travel/thailand-flights.html?tabId=th#applying-for-clearance-to-travel
  7. Yes, people have been refused boarding and some countries have called it force majeure meaning any travel insurance they have is worthless. https://www.thaiexaminer.com/thai-news-foreigners/2023/01/08/covid-chaos-descends-anew-on-foreign-tourism/
  8. You mean something like this? "You may have to do unpaid work in your local community, like removing graffiti. This is called Community Payback. Community sentences can be given for crimes such as: * damaging property * theft * assault" https://www.gov.uk/community-sentences
  9. I hear you, but personally leaning towards another angle - dumb kneejerk reaction to avoid a slap on the wrist from China and pretend they are thinking about the health of citizens rather than just Yen, eventually dawns on them they screwed up and actually locked out a cohort of travellers, flip-flop to let them in with a test on arrival, eventually it dawns on them this will still put people off given no details/thought of what actions will be taken if positive test, another flip-flop to say it will be "spot checks" not all non vaxed arrivals = no need to do any tests (who's going to complain they didn't get tested?), face saved and can still claim "Looking out for the health of Thais". Awaiting the next flip-flop when it dawns on them no tests = no figures to publish re positive tests on arrival = no credibility given the figures already published by other countries.
  10. The Brit programs are better for the money issue, dogs picking them up in the departure area. Most of the Aussie ones seem to get caught at baggage checks on arrival.
  11. Used to it by now then ???? This latest flip-flop was due to them suddenly twigging they had locked out all unvaccinated, so they come up with "They can come now, but will require testing on arrival" With no details re a positive test. Which then changed to "spot checks on arrival" which means they have a good chance of getting away with no checks whatsoever.
  12. Oooops, does that mean I should apologise to the hotel I put on the TM6 for years even though I wasn't staying there ????‍♂️
  13. Looks like it's supposed to be an ATK. The traveller will - although it's allegedly going to be spot checks and none reported to date (allows them not to do any IMO). N/A given above. Nobody knows as the powers that be haven't clarified actions on a positive result. Insurance was reduced before restrictions where initially dropped. Likely due to data on positive results being false positives or mild cases therefore, actual costs falling well within $10K.
  14. When Putin decided to invade and sanctions kicked in smart Russians quickly converted their money into the dominant reserve currency before the Ruble tanked - get it? Are you suggesting nobody turns up in Thailand with a wad of Euros, or Pounds or Dollars and if they do they immediately convert to Baht?
  15. No doubt there will be a few hissy fits thrown in the next couple of days and the poor buggers behind the check-in desk copping the brunt of it. But, individual airlines should have the current info as they are contacted direct. IATA is an excellent resource but it is an association therefore it can be expected to be a few hours slower than an actual airline. The main problem is getting the info out to the punters in good time - not something that is possible with the speed of the flip flopping IMO.
  16. Because they are running behind. Even yesterday they had "No restrictions" (have to say I was surprised at how slow they where at updating) while airlines had already updated, no doubt they will amend it soon.
  17. Actually, it's not a new thing. If you trawl through historic threads on various websites you'll find similar reports - only the magnitude is different. The theory being, cleaner/staff/wife for the night at accommodation knows how to open safe, you have a big night, while out of the room/asleep, perp opens safe, sees a stack of cash, grabs a few notes on the premise you won't be sure about the total you had as opposed to grabbing the whole lot in which case you are likely to be sure 100% you've been robbed.
  18. No, they're already in-country, why do you think restrictions on new arrivals affect them?
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