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Everything posted by Salerno

  1. Nope, it was only mentioned as it's a type of connection for hard drives - inside the machine looks pretty empty on the video so unless missed a connection somewhere in the video an external upgrade is off the cards. It doesn't impact using an external drive.
  2. No, external is not an issue, you have multiple USB3 ports (allegedly at least, never heard of this brand and hard to find out anything about it). From the looks of it, unlikely to be able to install an internal drive.
  3. No, NextG was talking about for an internal drive, you'd be using one of the USB3 ports for an external.
  4. I wonder if they paid out? "The Russian occupiers claim to have destroyed an American M1 Abrams tank near the city of Soledar. The Center for Countering Disinformation of the National Security and Defense Council refutes the propagandists' statements." https://news.yahoo.com/russian-propagandists-claim-already-destroyed-163000432.html
  5. Your external disk will be mounted as a new drive letter, you can, if you want, add shortcuts on your desktop to whatever directories/files you wish.
  6. Yes, no, maybe - it depends if you need it. If you are getting a virtual memory error as mentioned in your initial post it is likely due to you running out of space, with space freed up it is likely you will not hit by the error anymore. Virtual memory is not a fix for not enough RAM (it can actually slow your computer down depending on what you are doing) but if push comes to shove it can be increased.
  7. Meant to say, you can obviously change how much is set, see https://www.windowscentral.com/how-change-virtual-memory-size-windows-10 (assuming you're running Win10).
  8. No, but you can transfer all non system/application files. Not really, you will have a set amount of virtual memory, which is likely unable to be utilised currently due to running out of space. As @Mickeymaus suggested, perhaps look into swapping out the harddrive and possibly adding more physical RAM. If you can't add physical RAM, perhaps bump the size of your virtual memory using the extra space (as a result of an external or replacement harddrive) if it still causes problems.
  9. I think you missed her reply (4 posts prior to yours).
  10. In that case, I'd be selling up and using the money to set yourself up elsewhere. It's not like you would be taking a personal monetary loss; renting it out and then having to find a place to live is just delaying the inevitable and adding stress to your life IMO.
  11. Just taking the mickey, it's not in a location specific forum so your info may be useful for others.
  12. Bit of a commute for someone in Bangkok ???? (yes, perhaps jspill should have mentioned Bkk again in the post).
  13. As has she, kudos for her on calling them out, I have no doubt she was ripped off but is a damn shame she had to embellish/omit from her account - some of which can be put down to translation issues but not all of them.
  14. My mind had gone blank at the time of my original post but was actually James Corden I was thinking of, he did a couple of "specials" from London.
  15. Did they also plant it when she was filmed at her hotel vaping, or at the club prior to the shakedown and at the market after?
  16. Indeed it is, nonetheless they are banned in Thailand therefore if using/carrying you leave yourself open to extortion. That said, Thailand is a country where the endemic corruption allows you to negate the legal ramifications of doing so and therefore some are happy to test their luck. On the other hand, other countries that have also banned them with less accommodating Police Forces are off the visit list, such as ... Taiwan NB The law in Taiwan hadn't been finalised at the time of her trip.
  17. Which is exactly the case: "The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has said Russian and Belarusian athletes could compete as neutrals at the Olympics."
  18. Check fees via Dee Money against your bank transfer fees, sorry, not sure if there are other options.
  19. You're trying to send money from Thailand from a Thai bank? If so, you can't (using Wise): https://wise.com/help/articles/2571907/what-currencies-can-i-send-to-and-from?origin=search-send+money+from+thailand Dee Money was getting touted as the best option a while ago, but never having to do so can't say I've looked into it https://www.deemoney.com/
  20. In the case a TM30 is required the official requirement is it needs to be done within 24 hours (Section 38 of the Immigration Act). If you have been told 72 hours by an IO then it is a local "interpretation" only, if you heard it from another place it's BS.
  21. Three years now. Alcohol and explosives not a good mix ... especially the size he messed with poor sod.
  22. Indeed, also embellishing and leaving out relevant information - along with the usual issue of poor translations. IMO, she got hit with a not that uncommon shakedown for vaping, admittedly on the high side (10-15K more common) but still not unique, and decided to post her story online and it's gotten out of hand.
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