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Everything posted by Salerno

  1. If you want to be pedantic, you should take it up with the so called "journalists" at Pattaya Mail. But before doing so perhaps rethink your numbers. You called it "pure loss", but is it? There's a massive difference between actual loss and billed loss, particularly when you're talking about dual pricing in hospitals for foreigners.
  2. Yes, definitely not cheap. I know a guy that fell sick on a cruise a fair while back. Cost him AU$75,000 just for the flight back after docking in the Philippines ... not insured (luckily he's worth a few bob!).
  3. Exactly, it's the excuse some are using and the figures given don't stack up. "... the Thai health minister in 2019 said it was annually around 450 million baht or about US$15 million. This may seem a lot, but it’s chicken-feed compared with the 2 trillion plus baht spent by international tourists prior to the current lockdown." https://www.pattayamail.com/latestnews/news/destitute-foreigners-in-thailand-and-unpaid-hospital-bills-360259 The figures above actually decreased from those used in 2013. "Thailand is considering slapping a 500-baht ($16.60) entry fee on tourists to help cover foreigners' unpaid medical bills, officials say...The unpaid hospital bills of foreign tourists cost the state about 700 million baht a year, the ministry said...The new policy might help prevent "trash" tourists from entering the country, Mr Pradit was quoted as saying." https://www.smh.com.au/world/thailand-considers-charging-all-tourists-to-cover-unpaid-hospital-bills-20131022-2vzl0.html So, now it looks like they're getting round to adding an extra 500 Bht entry tax, they're looking at around an extra 20 billion Bht revenue when tourism gets back to pre-covid numbers, pretty sure they could easily cover, on 2019 figures, a 450 million Bht loss to the hospitals from that.
  4. Based on previous one would hope so, but the question is, has the addition of insurance to Non O-A based retirement extensions set a precedent?
  5. Have a look through various FB groups, there has been reports of payouts (one I remember paid out when the persons "real insurance" wouldn't).
  6. That's a furphy. Personally I agree with insurance being mandatory or as an option (for the "I self insure" mob) a deposit into a government controlled fund.
  7. Hell of a lot cheaper than the 2K they where charging for quarantine. If they want the same now, why not use the 3990 Bht "airport" hotel and grab a taxi in the morning for around 1200 Bht?
  8. Very new and claiming to have more than 30 years in the industry ... but virtually no information about them to be found. Hmmm
  9. Not worth an extra grand IMO for their cover. I'd use them on a 30 day throwaway policy in case of a "positive" test and get a "real" insurance for health cover if that way inclined (policies I've been looking at a fair bit more but at least coverage is there).
  10. AXA (not sure if discount for being hit with the ugly stick) https://direct.axa.co.th/TA-Inbound/CoverageOptionPlan:
  11. Which is why due diligence is required - get a policy that does cover it. Weasel words to try to keep you as a customer. If happy with their general cover I'd be looking at grabbing an extra cheap policy that covers it. They're available such as flying with Emirates (free insurance - buy ticket before end of the month), AXA or Tune.
  12. All you need is money in the bank. In the scenario discussed (killing an extension based on a Non O-A to remove the insurance requirement) the person already has everything in place. For a "brand new" person, as you've already stated the process is already explained in multiple threads. In a nutshell: Arrive visa exempt/TR/ Non O > open bank account and deposit 800K (or 400K if married) > apply for Non O if required > after money in bank for 2 months apply for extension based on retirement/marriage.
  13. Agreed, but when a single party is sent ... it begs the question what are Pattaya hotels thinking and is another thing to add to the "due diligence" list if heading there.
  14. Not a bad price in that case, fingers crossed no one is turning up same time and staying at the same hotel.
  15. How much are they charging? During quarantine it was an extra 2K for airport pickup, if still the case I'd be insisting on lone occupant for that price and using the guy in quarantine now as the justification.
  16. Maybe he turned up with a QR for quarantine because the the TP wasn't working when he tried test and go hoping they'd see sense ???? Edit: Richard stole the fun!
  17. Cooler as in "that's cool" or as in "brrrrrrr"? Your statement surprised me so just had a look, and the latest crystal ball says: Scotland will experience warmer, wetter winters, with more intense rainfall events. By 2050 under a low emissions scenario, average winters are projected to be around 8% wetter and 1 degree warmer. By 2080 under a high emissions scenario average winters are projected to be around 19% wetter and 2.7 degrees warmer. Scotland will experience hotter, drier summers, with greater extremes. By 2050 under a low emissions scenario, average summers are projected to be around 1.2 degrees warmer and 7% drier. By 2080 under a high emissions scenario average summers are projected to be around 3 degrees warmer and 18% drier. https://www.historicenvironment.scot/about-us/news/new-climate-projections-summary-for-scotland/
  18. Only read one report of similar situation (during quarantine), kid off to hospital, mother accompanied kid, husband's quarantine at the hotel restarted from the day the of the kids positive test (the second test from memory).
  19. I believe you, but it doesn't negate the fact the OP has shown a desire to learn about a subject and I and others are offering resources to help him do so. Would be a pretty useless site if every time someone asked a question the only replies where "throw money at someone to get it done". Personally I did a painter and decorator course many moons ago (real, hands-on course, not online), have I physically done much of it? No, I prefer to throw money at someone to get it done and use my time otherwise. I did it because I was interested and now have a better appreciation of the simple things that some might not, such as preparing surfaces properly prior to painting, that mitigates potential problems or disputes.
  20. Who pays for free courses? Some people, and the OP appears to be one, enjoy learning something new. Doesn't mean they do everything themselves but it can put them in a better position when overseeing a project and helps being ripped off.
  21. Do some free online courses; can give you some ideas and teach the basics e.g. https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/learn-interior-design-8-free-online-courses/ To play with some ideas, use online designers such as Ikea's (doesn't mean buy from them, just get a good idea of how things could look): https://www.ikea.com/th/th/planners/
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