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Everything posted by Salerno

  1. How so? It's a method used extensively around the world. Oooops forget it, just noticed what thread this is, not the thread for this discussion.
  2. 30 days as that's all you will be stamped in for on entry. Edit: <deleted>, I can't count 555 Postpone your flight for a couple of days ????
  3. What is, testing the sewage or that the Thais are actually testing the sewage?
  4. The people mostly using the extensions are the same people that where playing the system previously. They can spin it as much as they like, "real tourists" don't tend to have annual leases, cars/bikes, stay in the one place etc. There are options for everyone to stay long-term regardless of age (costly for under 50s certainly) so can't say I was losing sleep over the pre-covid crackdown and I certainly won't if they do it again.
  5. Agreed, and getting tired of the constant "insurance scam" posts but never seem to get a reply when I call someone out on it, even posted a list of countries that have had insurance requirements since before Covid and the silence is deafening ... then "insurance scam!" again 555
  6. It's certainly not reality, but I'm not sure the people floating those ideas in Government see that clearly 555
  7. As do a lot of others on here, but what they can't explain is how does that work when you can buy a policy anyplace in the world? Pretty poor scam when you can't get your hands on the money IMO.
  8. No chance IMO, they where denying entry to people for playing the system prior to Covid. The Covid extensions where a really nice gesture at the start ... that ensured at least some money stayed in the country. Why would they keep them going when they're trying to attract millionaires. They've already cut the visa exempt back to normal. I'd say definite extend again until January then if all has gone well with the opening up and they can reduce the entry requirements even more, the Covid extension will be history.
  9. Good question, until recently odds on you'd be grandfathered as per previous immigration changes. The O-A 40/400K killed that and possibly a precedent has been set.
  10. But what you missed is the US$100K insurance that only Non O-A require. Was 40K/400K Bht (outpatient/inpatient) just bumped up as above. People are being confused by the insurance required due to Covid.
  11. That thread is a bit of a mess, if you are trying to collate the data, could be worth starting a new thread with specific data mentioned and no discussion e.g. Topic not for discussion. If you have received your pass and willing to share, please supply the following information: Country flying from: Vaccination certificate from: Insurance company: How long entering for: Submitted details on: Received QR on: etc. etc. whatever data your looking for
  12. As we all know, Embassy websites aren't exactly the most reliable. Pretty sure someone in the bigger thread reported he'd already received QR code and used SS.
  13. Test and go: For returning Thais and foreign residents, it is not necessary to be in an approved country/territory for 21 days or more, as long as they are travelling from Thailand to the approved country/territory and return within the last 21 days.
  14. They have been asking, ask them for their bank details and do a transfer via Wise or similar.
  15. Not with SS he doesn't, the OP is correct: "Expats living and working in Thailand under a valid visa or residential permit are required to provide proof of insurance coverage in Thailand with a minimum coverage of 50,000 USD or a valid social security card or certified letter from their employer." Point 1 under Documentation https://www.mfa.go.th/en/content/thailand-pass-faqs
  16. Because it hasn't changed your visa. You have an extension to stay for reason of marriage (previously retirement) based on your Non O-A visa. An extension doesn't change your original visa.
  17. I posted some actual reports a while back and just checked, still have the screenshots. Should give a rough idea:
  18. Yes, stamped in for a year each time. Elite say it can't be done (as they would given they sell them) but reports on here and other places confirm (same deal with the one year O-A visa that people stretch to 2 years). No guarantee though, could that loophole be closed in the future, who knows.
  19. Nice try but no; 1 Jan 2022 = expires 1 Jan 2027 (although if you return December 2026 you'll get stamped in for another year).
  20. "Travellers entering or transiting through Singapore, including Singapore citizens and permanent residents, are required to take a pre-departure Covid-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test within 48 hours before the scheduled departure date of their flight (i.e. passengers departing on 3 September can take the test any time from 1 September onwards)." https://www.singaporeair.com/en_UK/us/travel-info/covid-19/
  21. Nope because 1 I haven't looked that deeply into it, 2 I don't know if the wording has changed recently. My comment was based on that was it's selling point and reports from people that actually had positive tests and AXA covered all costs. I have dropped a message to an AXA rep, hopefully he'll get back to me.
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