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Everything posted by Salerno

  1. Certainly worth getting in touch before buying it. Personally I was looking at a "real" policy via April so wasn't looking at AXA but curious now so might drop them an email later if I get a chance.
  2. @Etaoin Shrdlu Do you know what it said previously? Somewhat ambiguous, so worth checking, but I think it covers it: IMO you are "quarantined" due to "medical necessity" as in they don't want you spreading it. If the wording has changed from before it would be nice to know what the changes are.
  3. Where's he flying out from? If Sydney or Melb he can get the PCR test at the airport for $150, given the above thinking he was exempt, maybe also best to remind him if going via Singapore the test has to be 48 hrs before flight not 72 hrs that Thailand wants.
  4. No worries, not too bad a cost to get back in and AXA have paid out for people testing positive on arrival so worth a few K to cover your backside I reckon.
  5. I have an issue with the fact it doesn't help stop crimes being committed in the first place. Get more cops on the beat (actually on the beat and not just driving around) instead of cost cutting and hoping to get a lead after the fact.
  6. Which is what I said in my first post. No way I'd have any of them switched on if the landlord has access to the video.
  7. No need to go that far, I think that'd be for actually buying it. How old is he roughly? I'll do a quick dummy run.
  8. Excellent, you're the second person I've seen recently. Good to know.
  9. Not needed, sure it was the right page? https://direct.axa.co.th/TA-Inbound/CoverageOptionPlan
  10. We don't know that. it could be a standalone monitoring system or the cameras could by part of an integrated security system. Either way, they are there for security.
  11. @Boomer6969 Are you confused about the fact the insurance doesn't have to be through a Thai company or about how to delete your misinformed rant? If the latter happy to walk you through it but I think the editing time has finished.
  12. You're still within the editing time therefore can delete the above, insurance does not have to be through a Thai company.
  13. Don't forget to tell him you can now make free phonecalls ... without a phone but only on the 5G network ... and you're looking forward to picking up Triple J to listen to the hottest 100 next year,
  14. From a couple of days ago, note the girls adhering to the mask policy ???? 555
  15. Nope, was thinking more along the lines of automation (scan and recognise) but if they are doing that with images don't see why they couldn't with a PDF (and if they couldn't with a PDF, easy enough to insert a script after upload to auto convert - possibly leaves the issue of multiple files generated but not insurmountable; from my perspective it's part of a devs job to make things as easy as possible for users). I think they're getting feedback (no idea how to contact them) as they've already fixed the J&J issue.
  16. The policy is cancelled as soon as you leave so my understanding is "single trip" = fly in, wander around Thailand as long as you want but don't leave the country or your insurance is dead. There's a report of someone coming back recently with a throwaway ticket to cut the insurance to 2 weeks (I think it was) and he got away with it. Bit risky IMO as I've also read reports of people on O-A only getting stamped in for as long as their insurance lasted (not sure how that works though ... who checked the insurance and when?).
  17. FB is ridiculous for that. Agents really need to up their game IMO, their listings leave a hell of a lot to be desired. Re "agent scam" wouldn't surprise me if they're told to list them like that, same with not naming the property and location (last two I was told that is actually a tactic they use to help stop other agents poaching but can't confirm).
  18. At least that one isn't that realistic enough to suck me into thinking I'm looking at a photograph. Some of the ones that are being pumped out now are amazing and take a while to register it's not real. BTW pretty sure I looked at an ad for that place, using that graphic, in a FB rent/sale group a couple of weeks ago.
  19. Dumb not accepting PDFs IMO, I have a theory why they've gone that way so not sure if they will tweak the system but the way it is now certainly causes way more hassle than necessary.
  20. No doubt, there's a report from a BM here that had his COE refused because his policy coverage stated "unlimited". You have to laugh sometimes. Can't remember how it ended up but you might stumble over the post, pretty sure it was in the past couple of weeks.
  21. Ever since the graphics got realistic it's a pain, was looking at a place the other day and thinking it's worth the slightly high asking price ... then I had the facepalm moment when it dawned on me exactly what I was looking at 555 The pic at the top is a nice Photoshop job but can't for the life of me figure out why they'd leave part of the wires in like they did.
  22. One flight in, starts when you land at Swampy. Why extend, just looking to comply to get in aren't you?
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