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Everything posted by Salerno

  1. Thailand Plus was a failed app that nobody used.
  2. If their Government lets them, Australia still not on the CCPs Christmas Card list 555
  3. Which was a fairly large mountain out of a molehill (although The Thai Government didn't require them a lot of airlines did and highly likely most Thais coming back have been vaccinated), but still present i.e. non-vaxed Thais heading back to do quarantine still do not require (by the Government) a pre-flight test.
  4. How many foreign students (particularly Chinese and from other countries that have extensively used Sinovac) does the UK host and how much do they contribute to the economy? Call me a cynic, but the OP has little to do with Australian expats and everything to do with the pre-covid AU$40 billion education sector that is tipped to fall to AU$20 billion next year IMO.
  5. Personally I don't see what smartphones have to do with anything nor did I imply there was an issue with the online side of things, was merely correcting a misconception that somehow has grown legs on here.
  6. I was talking about a full listing advertising packages rather than just a list of those accredited. Not sure if it's due to location, but the SHA site for me is extremely slow and somewhat buggy, trawling through it and then having to check with individual hotels direct to just find out the cost and inclusions is not optimal (bearing in mind most people are asking due to returning to LOS and needing to meet entry requirements, not just out of interest for domestic travel).
  7. You mean one list is here, it's not the definitive list they are running a business remember. For example, another list https://thaiest.com/blog/aq-hotel-1-night-packages (again not definitive and yet another business). What would be nice from a responsible government department would be a definitive list giving they have to be accredited to operate.
  8. From the FAQs put out by Department of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs: https://www.facebook.com/thailandprd/photos/pcb.4764406356916074/4764405376916172
  9. You only need it for 30 days. BTW, you will get 30 day extension on visa exempt.
  10. You do realise this type of overly hysteric language fuels the other side to your position don't you?
  11. The travel pass is the same as COE - no computer program can check the diverse paperwork that will be uploaded.
  12. The only one I remember seeing is near the start (with the German lady caught up i it). Originally said whole plane but that was proven to be false. There where 13 in the party with the person infected (so they where supposed to be quarantined but spat the dummy and left allegedly) and the German women ended up in quarantine and in the news. Not sure if any others caught up but certainly wasn't the whole flight.
  13. Yes, asymptomatic. Reports of "normal" insurance refusing but luckily they flew Emirates and that covered it - just one potential "gotcha" from memory, you have to notify them within 24 hours of getting tested positive I believe.
  14. Does for COE, should for TP ... as no one has been issued a TP yet not verified. Item 25: https://c.ekstatic.net/ecl/documents/before-you-fly/multi-risk-travel-insurance-faqs.pdf
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