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Everything posted by Salerno

  1. He was told the organisation was to remain neutral, although he tried to downplay the directive: Troy Miller, the group’s chief executive, responded in what Mr. Darling perceived to be a casual way, writing that “from here out N.R.B. stays neutral.” He ignored that directive: On Aug. 18, Mr. Darling appeared on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” to discuss the column. He was offered another position but declined and now claims to have been fired. I don't know of any organisations that don't have ramifications for ignoring a directive from a CEO.
  2. Have you had any problems with it? Seen numerous reports saying it keeps crashing on launch for some people.
  3. Upload the results to the MorChana App as instructed (they obviously didn't think it through fully as supposed to show the results to "staff at the hotel or accommodation" as well ... guessing they forgot people will be off and running after the first negative!)
  4. Read the requirements here https://www.tatnews.org/2021/10/quarantine-free-thailand-reopening-for-vaccinated-tourists-from-1-november-2021/ (in particular the bullet under point 8).
  5. I find rational, non-emotive, evidence based posts are more likely to change a persons thoughts than overly emotive and arguable posts - I'm not angry with people who haven't got round to getting vaxxed yet nor do I know anyone that is. I just think those that haven't due to conspiracy theories and BS are dumb as dog faeces and I won't be losing sleep over them if they are unlucky to be counted in the small percentage that die or have long-term complications.
  6. Although I, somewhat, applaud your "fight" against the BS and misinformation posted I personally think you should dial the rhetoric down a few notches. Posts such as the above contribute to the problem not the solution.
  7. No doubt he does; do you know what he meant by EEC given we are on a Thai centric forum?
  8. It will depend on how they treat the "21 days" clause. If you do a stopover then technically your flight to Thailand originates in Qatar and your Thailand Pass will have to be obtained there. It could be a "possible" if they decide the 21 days can be cumulative, but I doubt it e.g. how would the Embassy/Consulate verify a person hasn't been in a country not on the list? Personally, if my responsibility, I wouldn't take someones word on it nor spend the time trying to verify even if the various privacy legislation around the world let me.
  9. It has always been 72 hours from initial flight for Thailand. When they first allowed people back a PCR test could take 2 or even 3 days for results, then add flights that can take 24 hours. Within 72 hours of arrival would have cut a huge chunk out of the market. That said, I believe there was a report from a BM who got tested on arrival due to timing of CPR (not sure what the deal was and he at least had no issues getting on the flight) perhaps he'll see this thread.
  10. Can get one visa exempt (obviously down to the foibles of the staff at whatever office). What you can't get on short-term entry is a 5 year licence.
  11. You book a 1 night package that includes all of the things you ask. https://asq.in.th/?durationSelectedItem=1+Day https://thaiest.com/blog/aq-hotel-1-night-packages
  12. No worries, good luck with getting your ducks in a row.
  13. You're missing the type of entry - there's 3 now. If you qualify for "quarantine free" you can do so in Phuket.
  14. What makes you think you need a "fit to fly"? Start here for what you need to do (different requirements for different countries) https://www.gov.uk/uk-border-control
  15. Depends how you intend entering; if "quarantine free" anywhere in Thailand.
  16. There's a distinction you may be missing. The IDP is valid for 1 year (depending on which version obviously) but that does not mean you are necessarily able to drive on it for 1 year in any given country. All it means is you can drive in any country that is a signatory in the 12 months it's valid for. Countries have their own rules on length of time when you are deemed to be a resident at which point you need a local licence to be "legal". An analogy for you, you apply for a tourist visa (TR), when granted it is valid for 3 months from the date of issuance; you only get 60 days on entry.
  17. Shouldn't be a problem. For returning Thais and foreign residents, it is not necessary to be in an approved country for 21 days or more, as long as they are travelling from Thailand to the approved country/s and return within the last 21 days. 2nd bullet, point 1: https://www.tatnews.org/2021/10/quarantine-free-thailand-reopening-for-vaccinated-tourists-from-1-november-2021/
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