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Everything posted by Salerno

  1. Kind of, he can arrive visa exempt (visa on arrival is a different beast and not relevant to an Irishman) and get stamped in for 30 days. Then entitled to 1 x 30 day extension. By then who knows if the 60 day Covid extension will still be available. Unless flying in the next 12 days likely to just have 1 day max "quarantine".
  2. I was hoping they'd leave it until things where "back to normal" and given there was no announcement it was looking good but sadly they did away with it as scheduled.
  3. There are enough, just have to do your due diligence before signing up to a policy. You can even get a "free" policy by flying Emirates: https://www.emirates.com/au/english/before-you-fly/multi-risk-travel-insurance/ As to testing positive in Thailand, from their FAQ: 28. Am I covered for the costs of quarantine? Subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, you are covered if you are unexpectedly placed into an individual mandatory quarantine outside your country of residence by an order of a governmental body for one of the following two reasons: you test positive for a communicable disease the outbreak of which is declared an epidemic or pandemic; or such governmental body identifies you or any travelling companion, specifically, as having been exposed to a communicable disease the outbreak of which is declared an epidemic or pandemic
  4. If you pass out drunk/get knocked out by a burglar which would you prefer; a laptop without finger print scanner (and yes some have them) or a phone with? Possibly extreme scenarios but I don't see fingerprint scanners as the be all and end all for security.
  5. It's a bit of a pain but not a dealbreaker; been with them for about 5 years with no problems and good coverage. Used to be with Dtac for a decade or so before but screwed up and let it die while I was out of the country; when I got back asked a friend in a bar to pop out and get me new SIM and she came back with AIS. Oh ... the other minor downside is their falling out with 7/11; again not a deal breaker IMO for those deciding what service to go with.
  6. I would forget about it until the official requirements are announced (it was recently dropped, can't see them bringing it back).
  7. Strange. Perhaps try a true and tested tech support strategy ... reboot your router/modem.
  8. Try clearing cache/relevant cookies or another browser. That error is definitely not global.
  9. Every topup (regardless of amount) gives another month.
  10. Yes and yes (although the CoE will be rebranded by then). Or if you don't mind paperwork, could grab a Non O before coming back.
  11. No, you'll need to renew your extension before you leave.
  12. It tells me Wise doesn't believe Thailand has a big enough market to warrant getting a licence yet or hasn't finished the licensing process yet. What does it tell you?
  13. They already do - 10 days quarantine.
  14. https://wise.com/gb/borderless/card Still can't get it in Thailand as far as I'm aware, so if already in LOS you'd need a workaround.
  15. It shouldn't be that much of a problem but certainly seems to get harder every year according to reports. Just a case of pounding the pavement to find an accommodating branch. Kbank and Bangkok Bank do seem to get better reviews depending on where in Thailand you are.
  16. Personally I've always had insurance on my trips via my Credit Cards. Looking at relocating back in the next few months and will be looking for a decent long-term insurance policy (my home country policy is useless for overseas). If I was comfortably in the position to self insure I might think differently, but seeing a friend hit with a hefty bill when he fell ill on a cruise (just the repat flight component to get him back to a hospital cost him $75,000) led me to the conclusion that given my bank balance better to "waste" a grand or three a year than possibly end up retired and destitute.
  17. No worries. I take it you've already checked Lazada and Shoppee for cheap knock offs. Or maybe pop into a gym (if open?) see if they can point you in the direction of a decent supplier.
  18. That doesn't bode well from a customer service perspective. Just had a look and they avoid even giving you an estimate at checkout. No idea how accurate but: From https://www.simplyduty.com/import-calculator/.
  19. Legit company. I think the main issue is the costs within Thailand (import duties when applicable) negating any perceived savings based on list price. If they are the only source of the product go for it.
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