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Posts posted by Caps

  1. 7 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


    She leads the main party of independence so she would be failing in her remit if she did not pursue all opportunities to achieve that. She, like her predescesor, has also been given an overwhelming mandate to lead our country. Our country has shown its desire to remain in the EU. Why should we wait and see what might happen from something we clearly don't want? We get enough of that from repeated tory governments.

    There is no point getting all Braveheart on us with your country this and that, you are still part of the UK till you leave, if you leave.  As I have said go for it, I hope the EU does not take you for every penny you have

    Besides, home, work, jobs etc can't be that great otherwise you wouldn't be in Manila:thumbsup:

  2. 2 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


    Then you don't understand how the Scottish budget allocation is calculated.


    Free prescriptions are entirely possible in England too - you just don't elect governments that see it as important. I wish you had them also, least of all because it would do away with all this nonsense that somehow England is paying for Scottish prescriptions. 

    I aint really interested to be honest, but if Scotland wants to leave then crack on.  I never said England pays, I said it costs the UK tax payer...that includes Scotland at the moment!

    I don't think it will be as rosie as people are trying to say it will be because you will be deeper in the EU then you ever were as part of the UK, I think it will be part of the deal.  But hey if it works it works.

    What I do find strange is that NS is not even willing to see what will happen in the future as Brexit happens, I hope she aint cutting of her nose to spite her face (or that of the Scots)

  3. Just now, RuamRudy said:


    Instead of complaining about how our government decides to spend our cash allocation, why not complain about how Westminster spends yours? Or even better, stop electing tory governments!


    Quarter of the national deficit? Based upon what, exactly? 

    You have been spending it all these years just the same as everyone else, so therefore you should pay before you leave, or was you expecting a free pass? 

  4. When me and my partner went at the end of July I went to the counter with her and we said that we were together.  They were not happy as they said her name was quite popular so she was taken in a room for about 15 mins.  Asked questions and finger prints taken.  We did have travel insurance for her and we had our Airbnb address handy.  Once done they were happy. 

  5. Get them packed in to trucks and take them back to the country in which they entered Europe.  I doubt very much it will be France?  Then blow the camp up.  Animals the lot of them.  You would have thought they would be happy being safe and secure from so called War and Persecution.  Not a chance, they will always want want want.  Give them an inch and they want the mile, ungrateful vermin.   Get the Military in and get rid

    Also stop using Calais to cross the Channel, plenty of other ports to use 


  6. 25 minutes ago, Scott said:

    Turkey, by the way, does have a very large military and they are not a country whose military might should be taken lightly.   They also now have a leader whose strength rivals that of a dictator.   Those that wish to tangle with Turkey need to be aware of not only their military strength but their geographical position and their ability to wreak havoc in the region as well as Europe.


    There are all together way too many enemies and way too few friends in that part of the world.   I have lived and worked in Turkey, Syria and over 3 years in Iraq.   I am not starting to get confused as to who is for and who is against who.  


    Nearly everyone seems to have their sights set on ISIS, but ISIS is just a battle.   The war is on terrorism and the obliteration of ISIS will only see it reconstituted under a new acronym.   A few years ago it was AQ.   Now it is ISIS.   In a few years it will be a different one.  


    I think we have a long way to go before the war is won.   In the meantime, it would be best if we could avoid fighting with friendly forces.  

    They have a large military, yes, but that does not make you a good military (as shown in other countries). 

    I think the leader would sacrifice his own mother to get his own way so I can see the Turkish Military in for the long haul and its only a matter of time before the body bags start getting sent back to Turkey

    Have done 3 year in Iraq myself as a civi, 2 at Taji and 1 near Basra and military tours before that, I still get confused as to what is going on in some of these parts. 

  7. 12 minutes ago, JAFO said:


    Yes, I think that has taken me some time to get used to. In the west I seldom experienced that kind of care or attention. Being I was single for 5 years prior to remarrying I was fully self sufficient. Its been strange letting go of some of that but I sure like it.





    Yes I hear you....very different to Western Women.

    Even though my partner works if I say my back, legs etc ache then she offers to massage me and make me comfortable no matter how tired she is...I found it a bit strange at first..just the little things like wanting to get up and fill my glass/mug up as soon as its empty, washing the dishes as soon as we have finished etc.  

    But I am a great believer in a 50/50 relationship and that what we have, from cleaning to cooking to money, very happy

  8. 7 hours ago, Rc2702 said:

    Nice positive one. Very odd the lack of response thus far.


    1. Mrs thinks she's a doctor whenever I get bit by mosquitos. Applies ointments.

    2. Mrs insists on clipping my nails twice a month.

    3. Mrs will stand in freezing cold shower and wash me when I would rather get in and get out ASAP. Need to fix shower asap!

    4. Mrs will always check a food bill before we pay ( awkward sometimes)

    5. Mrs is overly prudent where monies concerned. 

    6. Mrs is just downright bloody good at most thing she turns her hand to and is continually solving everyday problems one at a time.






    Yes I can agree with the Doctor, clipping my nails, checking the food bill and likes watching the Baht.

    Even though I was not used to these qualities, it nice. 

    My partner always like to make sure I am comfortable and relaxed on an evening.


  9. French authorities plan to dismantle the so-called Calais Jungle camp – home to thousands of migrants fleeing war or poverty in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. :cheesy::cheesy:

    Yeah some of it might be.....most of them will be good for nothing lazy @ss40les who are wanting to come and sponge from the state and maybe find the odd street paved with gold (fat chance), or indeed preach hatred and cause trouble.  Not many women there...Ummmmm. wonder why!


    The UK needs to ensure its gets sorted soon and ensure the law is used...they register at the first country they come to and are kept there, if not take them back to where ever they come from.  I hear water canons and CS are good for this:thumbsup:


    Acting like animals and injuring truck drivers in the Calais area is not really the way to behave if you want to get in a country, and then they wonder and get upset when we say we don't <deleted> want you


  10. 54 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

    Don't hold your breath on that one. They think they are coming to the land of milk and honey and free money. Halala food is not an option but a must. They also want to avail themselves of the fair maidens of the country not surprising when you consider their jaded outlook on the female sex. They must be customers of the Grumpy Traveller travel book or The Lonely Planet. Not many females in the crowd. Most of these males seem to think they died and went to heaven? and their virgins await. A scarce commodity to be sure.  Like taking coals to Newcastle. 

    Not in the way it was meant :thumbsup:

  11. 28 minutes ago, daveAustin said:


    Just blankets provided by the rescuers by the looks. I agree, though, it's mostly opportunists looking for an easy life. The real question is, would these countries, if they were sound, be prepared to take in millions of Christian/Catholic/whatever refugees from Europe if the shoe were on the other foot?


    Not a cat in hells chance

  12. 1 hour ago, BaldPlumber said:

    If they couldn't be bothered to rebuild their own country, what makes you think they would have the slightest interest in helping others rebuild theirs?

    Not exactly their MO it would appear.

    I don't think you quite got what my sarcasm meant :thumbsup:

  13. 1 hour ago, Pdaz said:

    None of them have a 'right' to come to UK. Repatriate them all to the land of their birth. Let them apply from there in writing or online. Anyone who tries to circumvent the correct immigration procedures should be banned for life from entering or gaining residency in the UK


    Why do honest and hard working people have to have passports and visas while these riff raff are able to just arrive and live rough. Are they too stupid to understand that nobody wants them ?

    Yep, clearly they are too stupid 

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