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Posts posted by Caps

  1. 1 hour ago, micmichd said:

    Yeah. Try to colonialize other ASEAN countries again, Farangs have already lost this fight. 

    Colonise, you write some rubbish.  Since when does wanting to live in a different country and support yourself, bring up a family, bring your own hard earned money in to a country equate to that? 

    I suppose you have facts to back up your short sightedness?  Or are you just been a troll? 

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  2. 2 minutes ago, jaidam said:

     If only there was a land these people could go to. A land of unimaginably vast size, encompassing many climate zones. A land rich in minerals, seas rich with fish, with limitless farming and agricultural opportunities. A land with many workers eager to graft in return for financial remuneration. Somewhere they could be proud to call home, with a religion and culture reflective of their moral code. If only there was such a place we could call it Africa and send them all back home to live happily ever after.


    Seriously, throwing free money at economic migrants is not going to stop them coming. No ifs and no buts.

    Agreed, its probably going to make more of them come...what a marvellous idea...not

  3. Watched the new Lethal Weapon and MacGyver...they were ok, not brilliant but something to watch.


    The new seasons of NCIS, NCIS NO, Hawaii 5 O, Blacklist, Agents of SHIELD and Blindspot are back, loads to watch 


    I couldn't get into the first episode of Quarry 


    Still got the first episodes of The Exorcist, Startup and Berlin Station, hope they are good!

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  4. 5 minutes ago, Rorri said:

    Really, well I'm  glad you would, but I suggest very few, if any, actually do check, in fact every one I've seen, doesn't,  too much of a rush to get back for the next fare. I put it to the readers, has anyone seen a cabby check the back seat/floor?


    Also they are not that that trustworthy, when my wallet dropped out in the back of a cab with 10.000 baht in it, credit cards, driving licence etc in it, i didn't get that back.  Even though we were on the phone to the taxi companies and police with in 15 mins max


  5. 19 minutes ago, danielbkk82 said:

    Sad to see these racist bikies are on our shores, get them out asap

    Go on then give us your wisdom on why they are racist Bikers.  Being a biker does not make you racist.  But biker gangs tend to look after themselves.

    I wonder if you would be bumping your lips about racist Thais if there had only been one foreigner and he would have got beaten as we see often  (which is what the Thai youths were looking for) but they bit of more than they could chew.  I don't condone it but if you go looking for trouble there is always someone bigger than you!

    May be they got a shock when there was more than one foreigner and they were not old people....no sympathy 


    • Like 2
  6. 21 minutes ago, kingalfred said:

    Undisciplined selfish bunch on the roads in LOS but not really a surprise

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    Yes and its not just the Thais a lot of Westerners do the same (speaking about the BKK area)  Some of them think that because they live/work/visit here then they have to adopt the same principles...then probably come on TV and moan about Thais :coffee1:

  7. 3 hours ago, Agent Sumo said:


    Yeah cos they're all radical Islamists, aren't they?


    Are you paying taxes here? Do you make a contribution to the refuse collection, highway maintenance and fire services? Not if you're a retiree here, you're not

    Do you maintain medical cover so that in the event of an illness or accident, you won't be a burden on the  health care system struggling to cope with the needs of its own?

    Do you come here and support a sex industry that is prepared to go to any lengths to satisfy the cravings of dirty, depraved old Westerners who can't think with anything but their choppers?


    Sorry bud but you are contributing to Thai issues and while you may not be "sponging" off the state, you're definitely deriving benefit from it indirectly.


    I'll expect the obligatory "But I pay tax in the form of VAT on my half a lager each lunchtime" rebuttal



    Yes I have medical and no i am not here for the sex industry but its got naff all to do with you to be honest.  The topic is about the Germans not about how I contribute to Thailand.  


    I am not saying they are all radical if you think that what they do, want, don't do etc is fine then thats up to you.  I don't like it, never have never will.  I don't mind them coming over as families and working, I do mind thousands of single men of fighting age coming over and causing problems.  Those are my opinions and you are of course entitled to yours:thumbsup:





  8. 2 hours ago, Agent Sumo said:


    No justification for violence.


    What would you say if the Thais decided they'd had enough of concentrations of farangs in Pattaya, Chiang Mai and BKK and began wandering around in mobs looking to kick the shit out 'em chanting "Falang kee nok, go home"?

    I don't sponge off the state and cause issues in Thailand,  I also don't think the whole world owes me a favour or try to bring/force my believes on people 

  9. Just now, Tech Doctor said:

    @balo - Great news.


    @Caps - Yes this is where invision are now looking through 500MB of slow log queries as they and amazon have ruled out our IOPS and RDS tuning.


    They have asked me to patch still the streams as I made the choice to limit the search upto a maximum of 360 days at the moment, hence why it is working.



    Thanks for the reply TD :thumbsup:

    But its not any particular thing for me, it just seems to be the whole forum for me, whether I am searching, trying to look at a page, replying, clicking like etc.  Even loading the forum from the start seems to take forever. 

    It was fine before 

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