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Posts posted by Caps

  1. 28 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


    The UK joined the EEC (a trading club) following a referendum. The EEC has mutated into the EU, which is trying to become a Europe-wide superstate. Nobody voted for that, but a majority voted against it in the recent referendum :thumbsup:.

    Hit the nail on the head for me, the EEC and EFTA were a lot better and worked 

  2. 40 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    Sadly, a lot of this is about politicians and their selfishness being put in front of the interests of the people and the country - how usual that is.

    Yes, I can agree on that.  I also think thats why the pound keeps taking a nose dive.  It was understandable that it was going to drop when and if Brexit happened but every time someone from the Government or a Lawyer comes out of the wood work to argue the to55 and try and fight it (Brexit) the pound drops even more. More uncertainty.  Thats what it seems like, I could be wrong! Its happened, for better or worse, so instead of people arguing and trying to fight it maybe they should try and find out how we as a country can do this with minimal damage to the Pound and the Country  

  3. 3 hours ago, DM07 said:

    Reading all of your comments, I get less and less surprised, about a baboon like D. Trump, still in the race for US- president!

    "Using brain" seems a bit out of fashion lately!

    @#$% the information, we could have gotten out of that guy!

    Another "muzzy" dead- let's celebrate!

    Amazing stuff!:bah:


    Yep, I really won't loose any sleep, pity there were not more of them with him 

  4. Now you are being so silly ....your avatar is a Yorkshire (pony) then you say USA lost 8 times "on the Trot" ...suggest you get back in and muck the stables ....Welcome to 2016. The Ryder cup is Europe's  LOSS .....It's a USA Win :laugh:

    Why is that being silly? The Us did loose 8 times on the trot, so yep it was about time the yanks won.
    What has a Yorkshire avatar got to do with it? More drivel. If you can't do banter go annoy someone else

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. 1 hour ago, impulse said:


    Unlike our own governments who will know a Thai's underwear size before they're even allowed on the plane.


    Yes that is possible true...but at least it only happens once and you don't have to repeat yourself every 90 days, you don't get the BiB or immigration coming round to check on you just to see if you are still there.  You don't get to become a social outcast just because you are a foreigner.   You don't get a whiff of someone wanting a backhander just to make things smoother for you.  Oh and guess what, once you get there generally you can work and have access to the health care system but most of all you do get treated like a human being with rights and left alone to live your life which is more that can be said of been here.  

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, samsensam said:


    sim cards in the uk are already traceable by the authorities, should they choose to,  so don't see why the same shouldn't be possible in thailand.


    Clearly you are not reading the thread properly.....the same is possible in Thailand...that is the point, why do they need to develop a 'special sim card' and why do you need to get one so you can be tracked.  Because it can already be done 

  7. Just now, chiang mai said:


    Getting money from people is not a sign of a first world nation, having processes, infrastructure, trained personnel and technology in place to manage that money is.


    So your telling me that immigration can not record our details? Also the BiB can not get in touch with said immigration to get those details?  I never mentioned technology, just processing it.  I would say incompetence is key rather than anything else.

    The majority of people come in via a airport, land crossing where details are taken and even if the are kept local then the first time you go to your local immigration you do it again.  Then they keep it/file it, whatever, how hard is it, you could train a monkey to do that.  There is no excuse to have to do it every time you go, non whatsoever.   Or have the BiB come round to get information, how hard is it to get in touch with other agencies to get this information? 

    You can defend it/excuse it as much as you like but there is no need for it even in a developing country, i am sure even developing countries can put pieces of paper together to make a file and put it in a filing cabinet 

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, chiang mai said:


    Which part of, "Thailand is a developing country", is not clear to you!

    They are developed enough to get money from you every way they can.  Its not an excuse 


    So your telling me that immigration can not record our details? Also the BiB can not get in touch with said immigration to get those details?  

    • Like 1
  9. 17 hours ago, chiang mai said:


    Great, bring it on! I wonder how many of you would be so upset at all of this if this were your country and your police force that were doing these things, my best guess is that you'd be quite pleased, I would,

    There is no problem doing it...once. You have to do it for other countries already.   But because they are that Sh*te, they can not process the information correctly in the first place, therefore stopping the BiB coming round your house, or you having to do it every 90 days.  I am pretty sure Thais (and other foreigners) don't do the same crap we go through to live in the UK, US etc?   Do it once and thats it.  But no we can not do that here, that far too easy and would involve using a brain and Loosing money

    • Like 1
  10. Designated Survivor has got me  a little hooked, not very action packed but I want to know how the series progresses 


    Watched Aftermath also, new series, the jury is out on it....I will watch a few more before I decide.


    Season 2 of Quantico is out, much on the same lines of the first 


    Latest Season of NCIS LA has also started


    The jury is also out on The Exorcist Series and Van Helsing Series, I will need to see a few more before I decide 

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